Think about it, a power that you can toggle on/off, i feel as if it would have fit perfectly on the tab, especially the fact that it define the role of the class.
I feel as if when it on the encounters slot it just taking up space, and if a GF is using Into the fray, and knight valor it means they only have one more spot for another encounter, and that is a very boring way to play the class, especially due to the fact that the game is heavily based on action combat.
I have a friend GF, and coming from a DC i can always feel his pain, he uses Knight valor, and into the fray and his shield is always up in dungeons back up as he blocks, he makes runs 10x smoother but barely gets acknowledge for it, so why not atleast make the payment they get for playing the class be "Having fun with the class" rather what they have now?
Please don't.
First, I like my tabbed mark. Not interested in losing it at all.
Second, dorks already spread KV around too much and it is annoying as all get out. Especially when two GFs activate it in the same area and it starts that strobe effect. And I'd sort of like not to glow all the time, ya know?
I like my GF's ok the way they are. It is not what I would do if I was designing it myself, but I don't really have any complaints.
If you don't want your mark changed, you just gota speak up. There are folks here pushing hard to have it changed, and they believe everyone agrees with them.
Swapping out Mark for another "stance" feature as mentioned above, has been brought up and pretty much universally agreed upon by a large majority of GFs.
Obviously this is not the case. Tabbed Mark is fine as it is.
This would be good for pve but not for pvp players so no I don't like this idea. I would prefer ITF instead of KV. Also some players like the mark, the extra dmg and being able to gain threat is nice
First, I like my tabbed mark. Not interested in losing it at all.
Second, dorks already spread KV around too much and it is annoying as all get out. Especially when two GFs activate it in the same area and it starts that strobe effect. And I'd sort of like not to glow all the time, ya know?
I like my GF's ok the way they are. It is not what I would do if I was designing it myself, but I don't really have any complaints.
agreed. only when necessary
Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF
Obviously this is not the case. Tabbed Mark is fine as it is.
And yes, I know that KV would help me build better threat and draw better aggro, but I prefer not dying because some punk squishie feels invincible.
Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF