Just a quick question to those who play MoF.. Rimefire.. Ive noticed on Lostmauth that I can stack rimefire up to 3.. when I use multiple encounters to add chill it seems to stack.. I cant get it higher then 3 but havnt tested different rotation encounters... Does anyone know... if there are 3 stacks of rimefire.. does it do 3x the amount of ticks? and.. with swath of destruction.. does it add 45% dmg now instead of 15%??
no. those other stacks are from chilling effects from other cws turning your smolder into rimefire. those cws have additional rimefire damage thanks to you. so their dps increase by it. and no their swath of destruction passive dont stack. so if u see 4 stacks, 1 is yours and other 3 are form 3 different cws.
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
no. those other stacks are from chilling effects from other cws turning your smolder into rimefire. those cws have additional rimefire damage thanks to you. so their dps increase by it. and no their swath of destruction passive dont stack. so if u see 4 stacks, 1 is yours and other 3 are form 3 different cws.
+1/10 char
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