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Cannot enter the game as it crashes every time on loading screen.

oficinamanoficinaman Member Posts: 7 Arc User
edited October 2014 in Bug Reports (PC)
First, forget my english...
Well, the problem began when I was on the "Ghost Stories" quest, and there were like 10 mins left until shards close due to maintainance. I picked up the Challenge of the Gods in which you must kill 5 (think so) enemies with just Encounter powers and when I was killing the last enemy, the game crashed, I couldn't get in again because servers were unavailable.
After the servers were up again, I tried to log in, entered, the game began loading on Neverdeath Graveyard (where the quest I was doing is located), but when the loading bar is about to finish, the game crashes. After that, I tried to reconnect and used the tool the game gives you to "correct" errors, but after it finished the same issue... game crashed on exact same spot of the loading bar and I'm unable to log in.
Please, help! =)
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