Anyone else having this issue? I don't think it's our connection since we're from Canada.. and the internet is fast here. I could be wrong though. This has been occuring since 3 days.
I used to have this problem, once i had 360 seconds server not responding. If you haven't done it already make sure to disable "on-demand patching" for it is the main reason of this problem. even if you have already disabled it the problem may still occur once in a while but I'm not able to give you a solution, try to use proxy if you don't and vice versa. It shouldn't really be a connection problem, i play on a 0.7 MB download speed so it should happen to me once every 2 seconds in that case
Have the same problem.(Location: Germany)
On Demand patching is turned off but i have hard laggs too. I consulted /netgraph 1. An high amount of datas are coming from the server. I have no idea why. If i restart the game my launche doesn't work because he receive a high amount of datas too.
Platypus wielding a giant hammer, your argument is invalild!
Yeah same here the past couple of days im lucky to be able to stay in game for more the 5 minutes the comes the stupid server not responding issue this is utter HAMSTER i have super fast internet 100mb down and 30 up with ping at 10 im in the US
On Demand patching is turned off but i have hard laggs too. I consulted /netgraph 1. An high amount of datas are coming from the server. I have no idea why. If i restart the game my launche doesn't work because he receive a high amount of datas too.
I can still see what's going on in the chat even with "Server not responding" (so the chat server is still working):
And now when I try to relog I get this forever: