The Deep Scar

The Deep Scar holds many secrets. Wizards and scholars have studied this area ever since the eruption of Mount Hotenow. Visit Secult Bonelord's home as he hosts various magical events including mass summonings (mob farming), Pinata Parties (A safe place to break Pinata's), and a huge zone quest that will test your exploration skills!
This is my first foundry quest! I really wanted to create something unique and fun. The quest itself can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. There are many different objectives hidden within the map, and over time, I will convert this map to host new holiday events / dungeons.
Would you like to visit The Deep Scar? I'm looking volunteers to appear as NPC guests! Check this thread for details!
The Challenge of the Gods
Return to the Deep Scar for a celebration worthy of the gods!
This quest allows players to complete the Challenge of the Gods events in ideal conditions.
Don't forget your invitations!
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
The Challenge of the Gods
The Deep Scar: A unique event farming / exploration quest line that evolves into an world of its own.
Want to be an NPC guest of the Deep Scar campaign? Click here!