I am pretty sure this has been catalogued, but I guess I just want to draw some attention to it, because it's causing me major frustration. It seems to be pretty much all the teleporters, and I can't even figure out how to work around it. Whatever the official rotation is supposed to be is irrelevant--it's not what the real rotation is. I spent about an hour last night trying to fiddle with the "cave door" teleporter. In 3d mode, it would show one way as I approached it, but in edit mode, as soon as my cursor touched the anchor point, it leaps up by like, 5 feet and spins around by somewhere between 90 & 180 degrees. And when I reload the map, it's not where I left it in 3D mode; it's back to being lowered and turned around. Trying to compensate for this is seemingly useless.
It doesn't seem to actually be in radians either, since I have tried doing this, but it's labelled degrees, and changing it by 1 certainly doesn't seem to be a whole radian.
At present, getting "kinda close to where I want it" seems to be the best I can manage. Maybe I need to stick to the speckle-field for my teleporters, and just place them over something else like a door or a cave entrance. The speckle-field looks fine from most angles.
It should be by radians (360deg = 2pi)
Although I'm not sure that's right with the cave teleporter.
What I do for that one is find a nice empty spot on my map, put the cave teleporter down and set it's rotation to 0 "degrees."
I think it should be facing due west.
Then, go back into properties and set rotation to 1.7 "degrees" (90deg=pi/2).
It should then be facing 90 degrees clockwise from previous.
And don't ever, ever, ever try "rotating" it using the 3-D editor.
Although I'm not sure that's right with the cave teleporter.
What I do for that one is find a nice empty spot on my map, put the cave teleporter down and set it's rotation to 0 "degrees."
I think it should be facing due west.
Then, go back into properties and set rotation to 1.7 "degrees" (90deg=pi/2).
It should then be facing 90 degrees clockwise from previous.
And don't ever, ever, ever try "rotating" it using the 3-D editor.
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