Ok, so I decided to post my 2 cents worth on the Temptation tree. I should start off by saying as a temptation spec SW you are a HEALER first. That being said it doesn't mean you cant have sky high DPS. Now that i have gotten that off my chest i will give you a brief and basic set up for my build. I'm currently only at 15k GS and counting, but I will do well over 20 mil dmg per instance and heal for nearly 4 mil.
Ok, so you might ask why use these feats. I have tried skills that proc upon death and i feel that they aren't equal to skills that proc upon dmg taken or given. That's how i came to Vengeful Curse over Relentless Curse from the Damnation Tree. Next, Eldritch Momentum Is awesome in so many situations. When do you want to GTFO the most? Answer, when you are taking dmg and surrounded by mobs. This feat allows you to do that. Compounded Soul is a WTF HAX skill that keeps your party with constant temp. HP, I love it. Everything else is pretty self explanatory.
Onto powers and such. I use Hand of Blight and Dark Spiral Aura for at wills. I will switch out to Hellish Rebuke, but only in situations. Encounter Powers are as followed. Warlock's Bargain (no-brainer), Dreadtheft (no-brainer), and Killing flames. Don't flip out when you read this and see that Vampiric Embrace isn't on my bar. I have found out that with this rotation i can keep my party at 100% hp while pulling every monster in the zone between bosses. I run TT and Flames for my dailies, not to much to explain there. For passive abilities I use No Pity, No Mercy and Prince of Hell. I'll sub out Prince for Flames of Empowerment or Shadow Step depending on the situation. A thing to note, I run the T2 Fury set for bonus damage. I stack Power, Crit, Recovery, and Armor Pen. Feel free to use this for whatever you want, like i said earlier it's just my 2 cents. I can say that i out dps anything in my GS range while keeping everyone at full HP non stop, so i must be doing something right.....Hope this helps at least one person.
I'm currently Grinding MC for a new armor set to try. I think the 4 set bonus has great potential to act kinda like a mini lightning/TT effect. I will post an update when proper testing has been done. I don't want to give up my T2 set, but in case they nerf it from people calling it OP then I will need a back up plan.
Ok, so I decided to post my 2 cents worth on the Temptation tree. I should start off by saying as a temptation spec SW you are a HEALER first. That being said it doesn't mean you cant have sky high DPS. Now that i have gotten that off my chest i will give you a brief and basic set up for my build. I'm currently only at 15k GS and counting, but I will do well over 20 mil dmg per instance and heal for nearly 4 mil.
Ok, so you might ask WTF why use these feats. I have tried skills that proc upon death and i feel that they aren't equal to skills that proc upon dmg taken or given. That's how i came to Vengeful Curse over Relentless Curse from the Damnation Tree. Next, Eldritch Momentum Is awesome in so many situations. When do you want to GTFO the most? Answer, when you are taking dmg and surrounded by mobs. This feat allows you to do that. Compounded Soul is a WTF HAX skill that keeps your party with constant temp. HP, I love it. Everything else is pretty self explanatory.
Onto powers and such. I use Hand of Blight and Dark Spiral Aura for at wills. I will switch out to Hellish Rebuke, but only in situations. Encounter Powers are as followed. Warlock's Bargain (no-brainer), Dreadtheft (no-brainer), and Killing flames. Don't flip out when you read this and see that Vampiric Embrace isn't on my bar. I have found out that with that rotation i can keep my party at 100% hp while pulling every monster in the zone between bosses. I run TT and Flames for my dailies, not to much to explain there. For passive abilities I use No Pity, No Mercy and Prince of Hell. I'll sub out Prince for Flames of Empowerment or Shadow Step depending on the situation. A thing to note, I run the T2 Fury set for bonus damage. I stack Power, Crit, Recovery, and Armor Pen. Feel free to use this for whatever you want, like i said earlier it's just my 2 cents. I can say that i out dps anything in my GS range while keeping everyone at full HP non stop, so i must be doing something right.....Hope this helps at least one person.
Seems like your setup is almost the same as mine abeit some differences and except im more of a fury warlock. Usually tops dps charts unless theres a fairly good control wizard around. And i stack power / critical / armor pen and life steal. My life steal hits around 2600
Tempted to try temptation tree haha, maybe next time.
IGN: Granzon
军医骑士 超过三千水平 突破极限释放开
Daily: Granworm Sword
Enounter: Vow of Enmity | Worm Smasher | 縮退砲
Class Feature: Kabbalah System
Aura: Warp Field
IGN: Faluzure 19k Tenebrous Soulbinder Scourge Warlock
(The Corrupted) (Retired)
I went from Temp to Damnation to Fury back to Temp. I liked a few aspects of fury so i worked out how to hit for a lot while still focusing my feats on healing.
I started to remove harrowstorm and blades out of my rotation and put killing flames back in. It hits like a freaking truck and too good not to use. Fiery bolt and dreadtheft provide a good amount of aoe. Since you mentioned it, I might try dark spiral aura again and just use hellish rebuke on situational. I noticed I don't proc compounded souls much but perhaps that is because I don't always run bargain in my rotation, pretty much only on bosses.
What procs my compounded souls so much is a mixture of WB and TT. I run a lot of recovery, so depending on how big the pull is i can have a TT ready all the time.
Maybe it would be far off, but u forgot to add the ", and healing" part of my post to your quotes. This build has given me the best of everything. I was fury, and yes my dmg went down by a couple mil when i went to temp. The flip side to that is, now i'm the raid healer and still top dps'er. not saying im top 100% of the time, but if i'm second its a close race( they are usually 1k GS higher than me when that happens). Total damage done has a lot to do with your debuff DC, how tight your rotation is, and mob placement.
Maybe it would be far off, but u forgot to add the ", and healing" part of my post to your quotes. This build has given me the best of everything. I was fury, and yes my dmg went down by a couple mil when i went to temp. The flip side to that is, now i'm the raid healer and still top dps'er. not saying im top 100% of the time, but if i'm second its a close race( they are usually 1k GS higher than me when that happens). Total damage done has a lot to do with your debuff DC, how tight your rotation is, and mob placement.
You're missing the point. You're not top DPS. I'm not saying Temp has bad damage. I'm fully aware that through TT, you'll probably be 1st-3rd in total damage.
My point is that Temp is not top DPS and shouldn't be considered as such. They're on the higher side, but not top. Hell... Without TT working for allies' damage, Fury SW wouldn't even be able to compete with CWs as well as they do.
I'm picking up what you're putting down. When i say top DPS i mean you can be top with it. i've mentioned before that i can be out dps'ed, but in general i will be in the lead. To be honest though even if you do come in second thats still boss for a healer IMO. I think haveing a fury background helps me with that, im used to machine gun cursing as well as stacking mobs properly.
I'm picking up what you're putting down. When i say top DPS i mean you can be top with it. i've mentioned before that i can be out dps'ed, but in general i will be in the lead. To be honest though even if you do come in second thats still boss for a healer IMO. I think haveing a fury background helps me with that, im used to machine gun cursing as well as stacking mobs properly.
So if I make an HR who focuses on using Oak Skin, I can consider myself "Top healing" just because I have the potential to get first place in healing?
So if I make an HR who focuses on using Oak Skin, I can consider myself "Top healing" just because I have the potential to get first place in healing?
thing is, temptation warlocks do get top dps very very frequently. save for a good or better geared wizard/warlock, i have never lost my spot in top dps while retaining top tanking and top heals (never checked the kill board).
thing is, temptation warlocks do get top dps very very frequently. save for a good or better geared wizard/warlock, i have never lost my spot in top dps while retaining top tanking and top heals (never checked the kill board).
You are correct sir. I know what I posted isn't as elaborate as some people guides nor am I some triple OG neverwinter player, but I was just hoping to help people out with a build that "I" think is awesome. Everything in it has good synergy including the damage output. Some people just wanna comment on something irrelevant without adding anything constructive what so ever, but thats ok it is after all the internet.
I thought about making this "guide" flashy and fancy, but im no good at all that stuff lol. The stuff you really need is all there in the post. I say show off by letting your SW shine in game.
Recently respecced into Temptation from Damnation. Interestingly, I am a LOT more squishy in solo play. Correctly feated the permanent puppet makes a Damnation lock into almost a viable off-tank.
Temptation will take some getting used to I think as the playstyle is surprisingly different to Damnation.
I used to be damnation and yes the puppet makes you a lot tankier. I had to learn how to kite mobs better and align everyone up so I could get off a good DT. With the right boons, artifacts, and gems you can adjust your stats to help with mitigation to a degree but you still have to play the game like a ranged class for the most part. I was fury for a good while so the transition wasn't difficult for me. I'm currently Debating grinding out the MC set for defense and survivability, I'm just hung up on seeing a healer with stupid high dmg numbers lol. Highest damage to date was in a VT run 31 mil dmg by the end. I thank TT for that (and the debuff DC).
I used to be damnation and yes the puppet makes you a lot tankier. I had to learn how to kite mobs better and align everyone up so I could get off a good DT. With the right boons, artifacts, and gems you can adjust your stats to help with mitigation to a degree but you still have to play the game like a ranged class for the most part. I was fury for a good while so the transition wasn't difficult for me. I'm currently Debating grinding out the MC set for defense and survivability, I'm just hung up on seeing a healer with stupid high dmg numbers lol. Highest damage to date was in a VT run 31 mil dmg by the end. I thank TT for that (and the debuff DC).
Luckily I played Fury extensively on preview so I quickly fell back to that style of play and now have no trouble at all with my Temptation 'lock. In fact I just got my first Great Success during a Rothe Valley dragon zerg and got my first ever Epic drop - the Draconic gloves.
I've basically duplicated my old Fury rotation and kiting strategy combined with liberal applications of Tyrranical Threat. Cruised through Ghost Stories with little trouble which is a good test of solo capability.
Still gearing up so my stats are far from optimal but happy with things so far.
I may be partial to temptation, but I think its the best spec all around. You bring a lot to the party in both pve and pvp. It's nice when u join a group and the DC says "are you temptation?" then rejoices when you say yes
Okay getting top healing as a SW is not hard. Your missing one important way in which healing is calculated. Let me explain...
Within the game all Lifesteal is counted as a heal. That means your self lifesteal that only gives you HP back is counted as a heal for the total. I top healing in parses as a fury due to my high DPS and high LS.
So what your seeing is not a true number. You will have to really parse your healing and look at the break down of true healing, for an accurate number. Once you do that you find you true heals fall below DC's.
There is nothing wrong with tempatation builds either, but players need to understand the game mechanics on how healing is counted.
you are correct in your statement that your own LS counts for your healing, but as a temptation SW your LS is reflected 2x on everyone in the party. Now, as a healer its just as important to keep yourself alive in a fight so that you can continue to heal your friends. Wouldn't counting your own healing done in a fight be justified since you in fact needed the heals? Even if you take away every HP healed in a dungeon, as in subtract my damage taken from total heals, I will still WAAAAAY out heal a DC. Everyone knows that the DC's role is to buff/debuff anymore so its a moot point. On a side note, with a G.PF enchant you can basically be your own debuff DC. SW best DC lol (DC's dont flame this thread, I was only kidding. We still love you.)
I understand it was a jest, but the truth of it is Temptation SWs are not the best 'DC', DC's are.
Damage must be done to heal by a Temptation SW, and the second that ends by being CC'd or combat ends the Temptations healing stops. Whereas DC's bring Buffs/Debuffs and consistent healing, to the table.
Just a small nit pick of mine as I see that said a lot, and it's inaccurate.
you are correct in your statement that your own LS counts for your healing, but as a temptation SW your LS is reflected 2x on everyone in the party. Now, as a healer its just as important to keep yourself alive in a fight so that you can continue to heal your friends. Wouldn't counting your own healing done in a fight be justified since you in fact needed the heals? Even if you take away every HP healed in a dungeon, as in subtract my damage taken from total heals, I will still WAAAAAY out heal a DC. Everyone knows that the DC's role is to buff/debuff anymore so its a moot point. On a side note, with a G.PF enchant you can basically be your own debuff DC. SW best DC lol (DC's dont flame this thread, I was only kidding. We still love you.)
This is quite right and true, tested some dungeon runs yesterday with another warlock. He's a fury and im a tempt, he does slightly higher damage but I was healing massively with over 3k life steal (goes up to 4k during fights) basically we got paired up with a dc and a cw and basically our party did not even flinch once. :cool:
SW does helps a party a lot especially if they are tempts.
Now my build is 80-90% similar to geltab even though I realised I did not follow him at all until I realised my fury warlock strayed way too far till I respec 2 days ago.
IGN: Granzon
军医骑士 超过三千水平 突破极限释放开
Daily: Granworm Sword
Enounter: Vow of Enmity | Worm Smasher | 縮退砲
Class Feature: Kabbalah System
Aura: Warp Field
IGN: Faluzure 19k Tenebrous Soulbinder Scourge Warlock
(The Corrupted) (Retired)
I understand it was a jest, but the truth of it is Temptation SWs are not the best 'DC', DC's are.
Damage must be done to heal by a Temptation SW, and the second that ends by being CC'd or combat ends the Temptations healing stops. Whereas DC's bring Buffs/Debuffs and consistent healing, to the table.
Just a small nit pick of mine as I see that said a lot, and it's inaccurate.
Keep rocking! :cool:
I know that DC's play their own very important role in the fight. I said i was only kidding.
Seems like your setup is almost the same as mine abeit some differences and except im more of a fury warlock. Usually tops dps charts unless theres a fairly good control wizard around. And i stack power / critical / armor pen and life steal. My life steal hits around 2600
Tempted to try temptation tree haha, maybe next time.
军医骑士 超过三千水平 突破极限释放开
Daily: Granworm Sword
Enounter: Vow of Enmity | Worm Smasher | 縮退砲
Class Feature: Kabbalah System
Aura: Warp Field
IGN: Faluzure 19k Tenebrous Soulbinder Scourge Warlock
(The Corrupted) (Retired)
Will have to check out your feats.
Fury is always going to beat out Temptation in DPS and kills. It's just what it's meant to do.
You're missing the point. You're not top DPS. I'm not saying Temp has bad damage. I'm fully aware that through TT, you'll probably be 1st-3rd in total damage.
My point is that Temp is not top DPS and shouldn't be considered as such. They're on the higher side, but not top. Hell... Without TT working for allies' damage, Fury SW wouldn't even be able to compete with CWs as well as they do.
So if I make an HR who focuses on using Oak Skin, I can consider myself "Top healing" just because I have the potential to get first place in healing?
thing is, temptation warlocks do get top dps very very frequently. save for a good or better geared wizard/warlock, i have never lost my spot in top dps while retaining top tanking and top heals (never checked the kill board).
You are correct sir. I know what I posted isn't as elaborate as some people guides nor am I some triple OG neverwinter player, but I was just hoping to help people out with a build that "I" think is awesome. Everything in it has good synergy including the damage output. Some people just wanna comment on something irrelevant without adding anything constructive what so ever, but thats ok it is after all the internet.
Temptation will take some getting used to I think as the playstyle is surprisingly different to Damnation.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
I've basically duplicated my old Fury rotation and kiting strategy combined with liberal applications of Tyrranical Threat. Cruised through Ghost Stories with little trouble which is a good test of solo capability.
Still gearing up so my stats are far from optimal but happy with things so far.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
军医骑士 超过三千水平 突破极限释放开
Daily: Granworm Sword
Enounter: Vow of Enmity | Worm Smasher | 縮退砲
Class Feature: Kabbalah System
Aura: Warp Field
IGN: Faluzure 19k Tenebrous Soulbinder Scourge Warlock
(The Corrupted) (Retired)
Within the game all Lifesteal is counted as a heal. That means your self lifesteal that only gives you HP back is counted as a heal for the total. I top healing in parses as a fury due to my high DPS and high LS.
So what your seeing is not a true number. You will have to really parse your healing and look at the break down of true healing, for an accurate number. Once you do that you find you true heals fall below DC's.
There is nothing wrong with tempatation builds either, but players need to understand the game mechanics on how healing is counted.
Damage must be done to heal by a Temptation SW, and the second that ends by being CC'd or combat ends the Temptations healing stops. Whereas DC's bring Buffs/Debuffs and consistent healing, to the table.
Just a small nit pick of mine as I see that said a lot, and it's inaccurate.
Keep rocking! :cool:
This is quite right and true, tested some dungeon runs yesterday with another warlock. He's a fury and im a tempt, he does slightly higher damage but I was healing massively with over 3k life steal (goes up to 4k during fights) basically we got paired up with a dc and a cw and basically our party did not even flinch once. :cool:
SW does helps a party a lot especially if they are tempts.
Now my build is 80-90% similar to geltab even though I realised I did not follow him at all until I realised my fury warlock strayed way too far till I respec 2 days ago.
军医骑士 超过三千水平 突破极限释放开
Daily: Granworm Sword
Enounter: Vow of Enmity | Worm Smasher | 縮退砲
Class Feature: Kabbalah System
Aura: Warp Field
IGN: Faluzure 19k Tenebrous Soulbinder Scourge Warlock
(The Corrupted) (Retired)
I know that DC's play their own very important role in the fight. I said i was only kidding.