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Questions About Using Doors (Not Specials, just Details)

huajia2huajia2 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
So, at one point in my current quest I have a group of people that need rescued. However, with the exception of the dungeon cell door that opens and closes on command, every other door I've tried closes again right away.

I have the quest set to dialogue, so you have to enter the room and talk to the prisoner before continuing. The problem is I can't get the doors to open from the other side. Hence, my character then becomes stuck in the room.


1) Is the system just glitching on me, or can you really only use the doors once way?

2) Am I missing a set of doors that stays open? I've tried various ones, but it's possible I just keep missing the one I need.

3) Does anyone have a suggestion for working around the door issue?

I've defaulted to the dungeon cell door right now, but it wasn't quite what I wanted.
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    eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Do you need dungeon doors? One of the human interior doors opens/closes from both sides.
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    essentiessenti Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You could add a trigger in the room to swap out the door with a permanently opened / static one.
    Campaign - Trail of the Imaskarcana (NWS-DMFG77QOF)
    • A Mere Expedition! (NW-DIAAPG3S4)
    • Work In Progress on Part 2
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    huajia2huajia2 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I am using the Black Dagger small cave. (It's my first quest, so I thought it was better to figure out how to use the system before trying to conquer custom design rooms.) Pretty sure a human interior door should look fine. (Crypt doors are too big for the ceiling height anyhow, and the dungeon cell door is too small and I'll have to use walls around it. so nobody wonders why the prisoners aren't just climbing over the top. I'll go looking for that door.

    I did think about triggering a door swap, but then I'd have to make sure they looked the same, and most of the openable doors I saw didn't have permanently open versions, just permanently closed. So then I'd have to figure out how to set them up to only show half the door on each side, at which point I decided I wanted something simpler. It felt like too much work for a door I wasn't that attached to.
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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    the doors that close again are under "gate" in the assets, if you look for "human door" (I think) you'll find doors that open and stay open. (some of them stay always closed though, look in the description)
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    eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Also if you just want it to open/close when either a player or NPC is "near" it you can search for "Volume" assets - those automatically open/close, but the trigger area might be a bit large unless the room is fairly big.
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    huajia2huajia2 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The problem with volume is that I want the player to find a key to unlock the door. So if it opens when they're nearby, it defeats the purpose. Running into a whole new set of problems now because the doors will open even if I set it to fail interaction without the key. Might have figured out how to get it to work, but have to run through it again to check.

    Thank-you again, everyone.
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    klkcahboy90klkcahboy90 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    huajia2 wrote: »
    The problem with volume is that I want the player to find a key to unlock the door. So if it opens when they're nearby, it defeats the purpose. Running into a whole new set of problems now because the doors will open even if I set it to fail interaction without the key. Might have figured out how to get it to work, but have to run through it again to check.

    Thank-you again, everyone.

    1. Set a static version of the volume gate. This is gate A.

    2. Set a non-static version of the volume gate in the exact same position as gate A. This is gate B.

    3. Set gate A to appear immediately and disappear when the player finds the key (whatever action is needed to get the key).

    4. Set gate B to appear when player finds the key.

    This should be what you want.
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    bardaaronbardaaron Member Posts: 545 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    1. Set a static version of the volume gate. This is gate A.

    2. Set a non-static version of the volume gate in the exact same position as gate A. This is gate B.

    3. Set gate A to appear immediately and disappear when the player finds the key (whatever action is needed to get the key).

    4. Set gate B to appear when player finds the key.

    This should be what you want.

    Or set A to disappear when "This component complete" if you want them to actively unlock it. Then set the interact. Set B to appear when component complete (Gate A).
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    huajia2huajia2 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    bardaaron wrote: »
    Or set A to disappear when "This component complete" if you want them to actively unlock it. Then set the interact. Set B to appear when component complete (Gate A).

    That's what I was guessing would work, but I hadn't had a chance to view it in a run through to make sure. It's good to know I was on the right track, though. Thank-you again!

    Edit: I just wanted to say, that I think I officially have Door-Hate right now. I was really happy to have worked out the static-to-openable upon complete component. But now the door seems to stop working after the second use, or even after the first if too many other components are interacted with in the room. Since there's an objective in the room, I've opted to simply set it to: static closed (Disappears on component complete) - openable (disappears on objective complete) - static open.

    I still feel a little frustrated and door-hating, though. Next quest: No doors.
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