I have my TR currently built with Epic companions that provide stat bonuses (Power, AP, Recovery, etc).
This has allowed me to reach the caps and pump power. (8000+ Power, 3000 Crit, AP Cap, and like 2000 Recovery), also have around 42% deflect). My GS is 17.4, fwiw. I also have P. Vorp.
I am wondering if going the % bonus route is better for PvE DPS than the stat bonus route.
Companions such as:
Erineyes (+10% Crit Sev)
Dancing Blade (5% Crit Sev)
Blink Dog (5% Combat Adv)
Galeb Duhr (up to 10% more damage based on how much life I dont have)
I did some testings with ACT yesterday while fighting about 25 dragons, and noticed a couple things:
- HR's can, what seems easy, out single target me (at least against dragon). I think this comes from them not having to worry about anyone attacking them and not moving. Still, it sucks that they get range AND damage). Even HRs with above average GS's could beat me (I think 15k).
-CWs and GWFs built right could also out single target damage me against the dragon. It was very, very rare, but still did happen once or twice.
So does anyone have any tests they have done with companions: Stat bonuses vs. % bonus?