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Suggestion for Refining Points to help the OCD'ers.

nahsinahsi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 24 Arc User
edited September 2014 in PvE Discussion
Not sure if the title is worded correctly, but basically Refining Points now have very different 'Critical Hit' amounts. For example; All 'Critical Hits' will now result in ending in a prime number (1,3,5,7,9) as opposed to the previous 0 or 5 respectively. This unannounced change by Cryptic was basically to prevent botters from ending in 0/xxxxx RP to stack gems/enchantments/ect. Which is all fine and dandy, but to someone like myself who isn't a botter, although perhaps very OCD... this change is a real pain in my neck.

For an example all of my characters stop refining Artifacts at r69. It's a well balanced stat increase before cost starts to become exponentially higher. So I'll try to get RP Critical Hits to end in a 0, and then use Pearls/Peridots from there to land on 0/37400 r69. I can no longer do that anymore. It's literally impossible. Cryptic has made it to where even if I started leveling with nothing but Peridots in the first place, there's still a 5 in there, thus all Critical Hits from that point forward trying to land on a 0 is impossible, because it's all prime numbers (1,3,5,7,9).

My suggestion is that, considering Pearls are already in place; why not design a new Refinement item that can be placed in the same NPC area as Pearls, but only have for example sake 5, 15, or 25 (preferably 5 so it's more accurate, but tedious enough to ward off botters still) refine points; just so long as it has a 5 in it. That way I can land my RP on 0 and continue with Pearl/Peridots to be able to end in cleaner numbers again.

It may sound trivial to some, but as a person who is OCD about having such clean numbers it is a total nightmare not being able to accomplish this anymore. Just makes me not even want to refine anything at all, which is a real progression wall for me. People don't choose to have these sort of problems (OCD, ect), but we have them anyway. All I'm asking is for Cryptic to have a little consideration for those that are like myself. Thanks.

~ thank you for your consideration.
Post edited by nahsi on


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    akemnosakemnos Member Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    you could still do this with peridots since they are unable to to crit (or at least i have never seen a refining stone crit)
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    nahsinahsi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    False. As stated in the original post; even if I start from Rank 1 Artifact with nothing but Peridots, it will eventually result in a 5 being in there. Due to the target amounts needed from rank to rank. This happens before it even reaches Rank 30 if memory serves me right. I had just tried this two days ago with a fresh Eye of Lathander I pulled from Arcane Coffer. I thought the same thing you did; "Well, I guess I have to use Pearls/Peridots from start to finish now instead, and ignore all Critical Hit type items". I was proven wrong really quickly. Thus my nightmare continued with no way of fixing itself. I spent a bunch of AD buying up random rank items to see if they would Critical Hit and magically land on a 0, but they never did. Tried r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, and shards. All numbers are ending in primes.
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    nahsinahsi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    No other OCD'ers out there other than me? O_o;

    I can't imagine that I'm the only person this irks.
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