1. My character is off screen to the left. I can only see a sliver of hair when zoomed in max. Obviously
I can't see what I'm doing.
2. After exiting the interface, my character can't move, my cursor has the alteration symbol on it, and there's another alteration symbol over my head? I have to change character to free myself, which briefly shows a character model in their underwear floating on the top of my screen as my character list loads (really odd).
3. It would be nice to have a character portrait preview in the interface to see the end portrait result, which often looks very different from the thumbnail previews in the interface.
I've used /gfxsetdefaultfov before. I switched it back to default hoping it would help. It didn't work.
UI scale is very buggy indeed, and has been since beta. You need to set your UI scale to 1.0 before using this (and many other) features. It's in interface options, under "general". If this applies to you, it's at least an easy workaround, if not ideal.
Thanks Cat Face
*Edit* Well...it worked that one time. Now no amount of UI scale fiddling fixes the problem.
*Edit 2* It works if I change the UI scale, change it back to 1, then re-log.