Some history:
I started playing Neverwinter in OBT on the euro English client with a Guardian pack. Then, when PW launched the Russian localization (
approximately the same time they introduced HR - we actually had access to it earlier then Euro:p) I supported that too, as they kindly applied the previously bought packs from Euro versions to the Russian one (for the same account). I also bought the Russian version of the Feywild pack which included the the green quality doggie. I mostly played on Russia after that.
When the latest module launched I saw the two new lovely packs on Steam.
I should say that the original packs (founder ones) for the Euro version are blocked off for Russians on Steam. Our founder versions are slightly different and a bit cheaper, also present on Steam. For example, here are the Russian and English versions of the Guardian pack - probably you will only be able to see one of them due to region block.
I got interested in both the Dragonborn and Booster packs and wanted to get them for my Russian client, where I had already amassed more paid content then on the euro English one. Unsure whether they were applicable to either Rus/Eng versions or both I
started a thread on Steam forums to clarify this before purchase.
This thread remains unattended to date. I went on and bought both packs on Steam as there wasn't any source to clarify it. As the price for the Dragonborn pack was more than 50% cheaper than on Arc and the sum was in Rubles I assumed it was for the Russian version. However after applying the codes in Arc and launching both clients I found the packs applied to the euro English version.
I would like to address PW with this issue and kindly request to apply these packs to the Russian client of my account. I hope this is not too troublesome and meets the interests of PW with regards to paying customer satisfaction.
Much appreciated.
if you haven't already, you will need to submit a support ticket. that would be the best place to start.
please PM me if you have any questions.