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Please find your own group...

lady808lady808 Member Posts: 107 Arc User
edited August 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
GG crypt runs.

I'm the leader and I put together a group for crypt runs. This consists of anyone and everyone I can get my hands on in that short frame of time (no cleric, but not a biggy. I've done LOTs of runs without a cleric before). First door, I run up and drop an OF (I literally drop it right in the doorway. It makes a nice choke point and all the mobs have to pass through it to get at us), ranger tells me to drop an AS so that her arrows will hit everything that gets sucked into it. I wait until the end of the run to explain why I did what I did instead of doing what she wanted me to do. No biggy. We exit and re-enter. Same first door, same ranger (this time yelling at me) to drop an AS instead of dropping an OF like how I did/do/and have done since forever. I ignore her and finish the run. Then I drop group, find another group, and we finish a few more runs smoothly and easily with no one complaining and no one yelling.

1 - That was NOT your group Ms. Ranger type person. You were invited in. You did NOT do the inviting. If you're too lazy to put together your own group, then you really shouldn't be trying to tell the leader how to do things unless you know, 100%, that your method works better.

2 - I don't tell you how to play your character, you shouldn't be telling me how to play mine. I'm willing to bet that I've been playing this game and that character for longer than you have been playing this game.

3 - I explained the reasoning behind what I did. You didn't. All you did was resort to yelling at me to try to get your way. Try reasoning with people next time instead of yelling. All that does, when you do that, is to make you look like a cry-baby who's yelling/crying because she can't get what she wants.

4 - Just because rangers are OP in PvP, doesn't mean they're OP in PvE. I've done runs, I've lead, I've followed, I've observed, I've run my own "tests". My tactics work for me and the groups I've been in. Are there better ways to do it? Sure. Probably. I've yet to see them though. Most, if not all, of my groups are PUGs. My tactics have worked time and time again. How have yours been?

5 - I know a LOT of rangers have complained that dungeon groups are prejudiced against them due to their classes. I've NEVER been prejudiced against a player due to class/character. I've lead and followed under-geared and in-experienced players through dungeons countless numbers of times. With and without clerics. I adjust my tactics and methods according to what the group make-up is and what they've shown they're capable of. If I see a tactic/method that works better.. I remember it and use it when I can when it's appropriate. I'm not close minded at all. As I stated in #3, I explained my tactics and reasoning behind what I did. Your simple demand that I drop only an AS is ridiculous and made no sense other than to you from a Pain-Bringer stand-point. If you really want to make a character that is going to top the charts in over-all damage dealt... Maybe you should make/play one? I've grouped with rangers before who gave me a serious run for my money in the over-all damage dealt department and they didn't have to resort to demanding that I drop only singularities. They adapted to the group and everyone's different playstyles and they kicked butt. They didn't cry/whine/yell about how they needed everyone in the group to cater to them.


"If you're going to ride my HAMSTER... At least pull my hair"
Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time.
"Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
Post edited by lady808 on


  • dobsje25dobsje25 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Ok, most of a HR's aoe depends on the mobs staying relatively centered, which is why he probably asked for AS instead. Often times it is difficult for the mobs to stay in one small area. He should however, been using Thorn Ward instead of Rain of Arrows, which has a larger area. However, yes, that HR should have been a little more patient and less demanding with his request, but being stubborn also doesn't always help keep tempers calm either.

    Also, it might help, if you haven't already done this yet, to make a HR and see how the class works in relation to other classes and their abilities within dungeons before going on about how they ask others to cater to their playstyle. HR's are useless in mobs which are scattered around and not in one big bunch, but if the mobs are right there bunched up, HR's are extremely deadly. On the other hand, if a HR player can excel in the Melee aspect as well as the ranged, they can make some ground in dps, and other useful areas, but again, that is all relative to the situation.
  • skinlikewinterskinlikewinter Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I say just kick those type of complaining players and set them to ignore.
    I show player support, by only playing Neverwinter as F2P
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You could just preface your groups like:

    "LF4M for My Way or The Highway leadership style group, PST"

    It could save lengthy character posts on the forums.
  • blacksladdiblacksladdi Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    i think i know the ranger your talking about, I usually ignore those players after the run is over. I play to have fun, don't need that drama. however i think it should be everyone's goal is to understand every class - at least for pvp and pve to fully understand how to maximize PARTY dps/kills.

    Knowing your class and what works best for you is one thing but wouldn't dungeons go faster if you made sure everyone could do let's say 75% max capable dps instead of you doing 100% and everyone else doing 50%? Your choice of OP vs AS is most likely the better option, AS has a limited number of targets it could effect OP does not. Also even if you could use either to get all, depending on your enchant (like lightning) OP does more dps for you - meaning mobs die faster then using AS. Faster run = better run in that case. I only look at dps meters if the boss is dieing very slowly or we are taking a long time to see who is the weak link and giving tips if i know the class at all. (which is limited to rogues and mages atm)
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This really isn't something we consider to be productive or constructive discussion. Please confine your rants about others to ingame means. Thanks!!

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