Quest: Rise of Ingeloakastimizilian
Shortcode: NW-DHHD2GTGJ
Author: @Eldarth
Quest Summary
Sage Ramiel of Neverwinter has detected Cult of the Dragon activity in the Icewind Dale area.
You are requested to investigate and put a stop to any activity before it's too late.
Teaser Images
Go on an epic journey to the Icewind Dale area (in about 30 minutes).
Visit Dougan's Hole, a small fishing village in the Ten Towns area. See the megalith known as the Twenty Stones of Thruun. Find the Cult of the Dragon merchant to uncover leads to the local cell of the cult.
Meet up with Sorengar of the Tribe of the Wolf - you're guide into the frosty mountains of the North Icewind Pass.
Descend into the Lair of the Wyrm where the cult cell is trying to raise a Dracolich.
Speaking of which, that conversation had a typo (the only one I found): He says "crucial informatiojn" which should be "information".
In Caer Konig, if you are going to keep the whole map open, I would suggest having some things to explore and find. They don't necessarily have to give you an advantage later on, but things to look and and interact with, maybe an optional encounter might be cool. There was nothing stopping us going past the docks, but once we did there was nothing there. So if you don't want to add in extra stuff, I'd say do something to keep us from going up there.
In Dougan's Hole a very minor issue, since it only crops up if you wander off prescribed course of action, is that there is apparently a hole in the ship (it appears solid, but when you walk over it, you fall through). With the help of a mount, I managed to jump out, but it would have been hopeless without it. Since there is never an occasion when you actually have to walk onto that ship, you may not care.
On the snowy-map (and the Caverns map) I appreciated what you did to disguise the typical rest shrine. Some less experienced players may be a bit confused, but I personally find it refreshing to see something other than a simple campfire. However, on the snowy map, you may want to block off the teleporter until you've spoken to Sorengar. I had to reload the map because I interacted with the wolf-mount before talking to him, & couldn't progress. I could not return to the camp since the teleporter was something like 15' in the air, and invisible walls kept me from finding my way back. So I would either lower the end-point teleporter so that we can return to the camp, or block off the first until the right quest objective.
After that point, there were no problems. The final fight was a challenge, but I managed not to die (can't say the same for my companion & Sorengar, though...) It was a bit of a cluster-#@&% but my control wizard managed to keep most of the ads under control most of the time.
The ship at Dougan's Hole is actually a shipwreck - since we don't have any ships that size in foundry.
I had to "patchwork quilt" it to looking sailworthy -- and of course the only shipwreck pieces were from the huge ships.
I'll throw a couple invisible walls in there.
...and something around the wolf mount too. Wish we had a 5'r invisible tube.
Final fight was meant to be kinda chaotic - I might be able to prune one more minor mob out at start.
I figured with companion, and Sorengar, and Sage Ramiel joining the fight about 10 seconds in, it should be about right.
(I tested it with a HR - definitely had to keep on the move!)
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Seriously! I don't even try. I guess you'd have to ask Mr. R.A. Salvatore for the pronunciation.
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Oh, that's another thing: I'm not certain that Ramiel actually showed up until after. It's possible he did and I never noticed in the chaos, but if so he died well before the battle ended. I guess I'm just saying to check your settings to make sure something didn't get skewed off (as in foundry being broken) so he's actually set to appear when he does. If everything is set properly, I probably just missed him.
Oh, and I had the same problem with clicking on the wolf mount before the conversation, though I found my way back by climbing around some of the invisible walls.
Yeah - I KNOW he's coming in and I still miss him. The chaos and distractions at that point are pretty focusing, and he comes in at the other cavern pathway. I think I really need to punch up his animation entrance. I need to make sure he's away from those necromatic inky clouds of darkness too. Kind of difficult to see through those!
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Thanks! Yeah - I had 4 "poison spitting imps" to start - and then if you killed all 4, another 4 would spawn, and if you killed those 4 a final four would spawn. And their Ranged AI spots were all spread out. I also spawn a bone golem and couple skele-soldiers when the Cleric is subdued. Then when Necro is subdued he respawns with 4 sidekicks. Oh - and the Necromancer "summons" the black-inky clouds to make things more chaotic - and a few of them contain Shadow Assassins.
Edit: Necromancer and a couple guards, and Cleric and her guards are also from the start.
A little heavy, but with Sorengar and companion should be able to hold out until Sage Ramiel arrives in about 10 seconds or so to help turn the tide.
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- lengthened and made less brutal/chaotic for non-aoe classes
- added an Armored Golem summoned by Sage Ramiel
- re-costumed summoned Shadow Assassins
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Also for reference Ingeloakastimilizian is In-glay-oak-ah-stim-ah-liz-ee-an
Search @Longshire for 12 Foundry Quests, all are story driven adventures
Story -- Medium/Heavy, Combat -- Light/Medium, Lore -- Medium/Heavy
Not sure where you got that, but it doesn't match the spelling:
Ingeloakastimizilian according to someone it is: In-jello-a-cast-em-i-zilian
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Back when they still do phoenetically listed names in the manuals
It might still be wrong but it was the only place I ever saw most of those names spelled out by sound in any sort of official TSR product.
same as Drizzt Do'Urden (Drit-st Doe-ur-din)
Plus I typo'd the end and put Liz instead of Zil tee hee.
Should have read In-glay-oak-ah-stim-ah-zil-ian
Search @Longshire for 12 Foundry Quests, all are story driven adventures
Story -- Medium/Heavy, Combat -- Light/Medium, Lore -- Medium/Heavy
"This quest was a story -- with chapters, and side quests, boundless attention to detail, and some very funny bits. It did have a little too much fascination with pop culture, but not terribly so. The lore fits in well with the Forgotten Realms, and… this quest was more like reading Dragons of Winter Night than playing a foundry.
Kasul and I agreed -- this one easily deserved five stars as well."
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Fixed and republished.
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Name: The Rise of Ingeloakastimizilian
Short Code: NW-DHHD2GTGJ
Author: @eldarth
Overview: Drawn to the frozen North by whispers of the Cult of the Dragon, you find yourself embroiled in a scheme to raise a long dead dracolich from Faerun's past. This quest offers multiple instances where the player is given a choice of how to proceed, with entertaining results. Players are advised to stick to the objectives, as in a couple places you can get stuck if you don't. It does require a handful of item slots (though some of the quest items are optional, and can be discarded)
Maps: A strong point of this quest; the custom maps are spectacular (and that's where all the action happens). Fantastic ice-caves and caverns, and the town of Dougan's Hole is quite charming, with good atmosphere. Eldarth has proven to be a masterful map-maker, and delivers on that reputation. We even see some dressed up respawn points that don't look like the same-old campfires we are used to.
NPCs: Another strong point of this quest, it has several NPCs with distinct personalities, nicely-written dialog, and custom costumes, which allow the player to make some choices--something we rarely see in foundry quests, given the linear nature of the story-tab. This provides a nice opportunity for roleplaying your character within the bounds of the story.
Combat: Mostly composed of lots of easily manageable encounters, but the final battle is a challenge for leveling characters, who may become overwhelmed.
Story: The story is solid, and ties into the established lore of Faerun, as well as the upcoming Mod 4 expansion. Some references seem to be thrown away, however, and might to better to be expanded or eliminated. I would like to see even more of the plot behind the evil.
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