The Rise of a New Leader by
Short Code:
Mission Type: Lore Focused
Average Duration: 20 minutes
Amount of Combat: Medium
Starts at: Protector's Enclave
Mission Summary: Neverwinter's scouts and spies have been bringing infos for weeks on a possible coup from the Cult of the Dragon. Lot's of kidnapping, caravans robbed and attempts of invasion in the city... but all of sudden, the Cult went silent....maybe it's time to investigate.
Author tips/hints:
1: You can avoid some encounters. Pay attention to your surroundings.
2: Mind your steps, there's traps here.
3: Lots of Lore in this quest, don't skip the dialogs.
4: This quest is meant to be player Solo (standard difficulty) or in pairs (easy).
5: This foundry is probably still under "For Review" tab...
Screenshots/attachments: (i'll make some screenshots...)
That's my first real foundry. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.