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make this game top - keep players spending

gunbahahagunbahaha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 139
edited July 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
ok so you add more pve things and a new class
that is fine
i like many things about this game - mainly the combat system and graphics
also i see some balance things in mod 4 - good
you still miss the basic need of many players in here
and that is end game pvp content
simple things like arenas 2v2 - 3V3 - big open pvp same instance area
these will boost the game interest for many of us and keep us here spending money
want it or not? your choice
but keep in mind that you need very little effort to add huge things imo
pve is nice ok but wont keep the spenders here

ps. just learn from other mmorpg that made history and you can do it
nw has a lot of potential really
make it true - make it the best mmo
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    sugarliessugarlies Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited July 2014
    magenubbie, how does his request bother you? or ruin your fun?

    He is threatening with absolutely nothing, you're way too tense. But he's probably right in saying that the biggest spenders are pvp people.
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    gerbilhurdlergerbilhurdler Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 418 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    Not again...
    they gave you a leaderboard: everybody refuses to accept what it says.
    They gave you improved matchmaking: you cry there's not enough people to be properly matched with.
    They gave you Open World PvP: you complain there's nobody on it
    They gave you 3 PvP campaigns: and you claim it's too hard to kill a few NPCs.

    It's time for this game to get back on track and excel at what it really is: A PvE MMO, with some PvP elements. Mod4 is an excellent step towards that.

    You few PvP people need to stop crying and use what they give to you before crying for more. PvP is not the center of the DnD universe. And threatening to stop spending money if they don't do what you suggest comes down to attempted blackmaill. If I were mod on this forum I'd ban you for it.

    Now get back to your PvP content and do something with it. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    PS. I'm not against more PvP modes. I'm against the 5% loudmouths crying and threatening the publisher of a PvE game if they don't turn it into a PvP game. Go play CoD if you want PvP that much. /rant

    LOL @ mage telling other people they are crying.
    IDK what about a 'we need more pvp' thread bunched up your knickers, but really laughing about you of all people saying this guy is crying three times in thread.
    I can tell english isn't the speaker's native tongue...but "make this game top - keep players spending, want it or not your choice" doesn't sound like he was threatening to quit, but more like he was saying he and other PVPers would spend money if they had these things.

    Saying this guy is crying three times in a thread, then telling him to "get back to your pvp content and do something with it. If you don't like it...etc."
    "If I were a mod in this forum Id ban you for it" rofl

    Like it or not IWD open area is fail.
    The leaderboard is a joke.
    And PVPers pay real money too, and should be able to vent on forums about content...
    ...as someone put it. "If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out."
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    frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    Not again...
    they gave you a leaderboard: everybody refuses to accept what it says.
    Maybe if it wasn't possible to lose elo by winning people could take it more seriously. Otherwise it's blatnetly flawed
    magenubbie wrote: »
    They gave you improved matchmaking: you cry there's not enough people to be properly matched with.
    Somewhat, but again it's still flawed. Matching 5.2k gs people with 15k gs isn't a case of there not being enough players, it's a case of the matchmaking being rubbish.
    magenubbie wrote: »
    They gave you Open World PvP: you complain there's nobody on it
    Maybe more people would have played it if:
    1) They didn't release it completely broken that it didn't work at all despite people reporting it on preview. People would be more likely to give it a chance if it was disabled and then released when they could fix it.
    2) It wasn't incredibly broken. The use of pets being one thing and the cockatrice that was at the time ridiculously overpowered. Personally I didn't see it working well anyway.
    magenubbie wrote: »
    They gave you 3 PvP campaigns: and you claim it's too hard to kill a few NPCs.
    The release of the campaigns was actually pretty good with rewards to aim for. The 1000 NPCs are clearly an issue. The only way to get it done is to have a group of people and not cap. That is the complete opposite to what you should do and it's kind of hard to get people not to cap just so that you can kill them which in itself is pointless to the match. The campaigns were also pretty rubbish with giving you credit accurately. You can get triple kills from 1 single person proccing soulforged, you get revives without revving, not sure if it counts allies revives, if it didn't it'd be much harder to achieve. I even unlocked on 1 toon 50 revives from the icewind campaign from doing either domination or GG, can't remember which one. Overall I like the campaign system, but it wasn't done completely properly. Not that that's a surprise.
    magenubbie wrote: »
    It's time for this game to get back on track and excel at what it really is: A PvE MMO, with some PvP elements. Mod4 is an excellent step towards that.
    A lot of people still care about pvp and the top end ones spend a lot towards the game before it. Tbh I think they're releasing completely wrong content. People are still playing content since the release up until mod one. They're not replaying content that came after. The only thing left is pvp. Another map or even mode would definitely be nice for them. Personally I'd like pve content that is rewarding though instead of only doing CN or more accurately, earn via leadership and the auction house.
    magenubbie wrote: »
    You few PvP people need to stop crying and use what they give to you before crying for more. PvP is not the center of the DnD universe. And threatening to stop spending money if they don't do what you suggest comes down to attempted blackmaill. If I were mod on this forum I'd ban you for it.
    He has a right to his opinion. If he likes pvp, he has the right to voice his opinion and request for more pvp content. I'd want some sort of properly done long term content of some sort rather than the pretty short term content that no one replays and campaigns people generally don't like. Thank god you're not a mod.
    magenubbie wrote: »
    PS. I'm not against more PvP modes. I'm against the 5% loudmouths crying and threatening the publisher of a PvE game if they don't turn it into a PvP game. Go play CoD if you want PvP that much. /rant
    He wasn't making any threats or blackmailing.

    Personally I don't like PVP, it has a lot of annoying imbalances but I can understand why PVPers would want more. To me the last few modules feels more like filler content overall rather than actually providing us with decent content that is good for us and the game.
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    sexwax45sexwax45 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    Not again...
    they gave you a leaderboard: everybody refuses to accept what it says.
    They gave you improved matchmaking: you cry there's not enough people to be properly matched with.
    They gave you Open World PvP: you complain there's nobody on it
    They gave you 3 PvP campaigns: and you claim it's too hard to kill a few NPCs.

    It's time for this game to get back on track and excel at what it really is: A PvE MMO, with some PvP elements. Mod4 is an excellent step towards that.

    You few PvP people need to stop crying and use what they give to you before crying for more. PvP is not the center of the DnD universe. And threatening to stop spending money if they don't do what you suggest comes down to attempted blackmaill. If I were mod on this forum I'd ban you for it.

    Now get back to your PvP content and do something with it. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    PS. I'm not against more PvP modes. I'm against the 5% loudmouths crying and threatening the publisher of a PvE game if they don't turn it into a PvP game. Go play CoD if you want PvP that much. /rant
    +1 to that, don't waist time on useless PvP content, imho there was too much time wasted on it with IWD and we all see how good that worked out... stick to PvE, if the PvPr's have so much money they'd buy a real PvP game and not waist their time in a F2P.
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    frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    sexwax45 wrote: »
    +1 to that, don't waist time on useless PvP content, imho there was too much time wasted on it with IWD and we all see how good that worked out... stick to PvE, if the PvPr's have so much money they'd buy a real PvP game and not waist their time in a F2P.

    I think they released both pve and pvp content that wasn't done well since mod 1. They should focus more on releasing content people actually want to do and want to replay rather than just doing it because it's some form of progression (and some cases not even that) and then be done with it. Both pvp and pve could've been implemented better.
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    frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    So good you (plural) can all read properly. If you (plural) can't distinguish between you and you (plural), you (plural) need to get some education done.

    - OPvP is not broken. The fact you (plural) don't use it and lack creativity to get the most out of is is not the same as being broken.
    - The leaderboard is not broken, you (plural) don't agree with how it works. There's a huge difference.
    - Calling matchmaking broken because you (plural) are so few in numbers you (single or plural, read as you wish) can't be matched properly is not the same thing as it being broken. Most of my matches are quite fair during peak hours. During off-peak hours you (plural) PvP at your own risk. It has nothing to do with the system.

    Lastly, I clearly stated I'm not against more PvP modes. I stated it shouldn't be the game's prio no1 if clearly the few PvPers in this game don't use what they got and cry about what they refuse to understand.

    Learn to read folks. It goes a long way.

    PS. Maybe I overreacted with the blackmail thing, but hearing "add more PvP or we stop spending money" every 2 PvP QQ threads is starting to get really old and annoying.

    You quoted the OP and responded to him. It's only safe to assume that you were talking purely about him unless stating otherwise. It has nothing to do with us failing to have bad reading comprehension...

    By OPvP being broken I personally see it as a completely imbalanced mess. If others enjoy it, that's fine with me they're absolutely in their right to. I just find it pointless and skill-less myself.
    The leaderboard being broken is also me basically saying it's pointless and isn't a good representation of skill. It's functional, but not in the way a leaderboard should be. Any decent ranking system would never let you lose elo for winning.
    Saying match making is broken is also me saying it's not working as it should. Not finding the people just gives them an excuse for having the matchmaking not work at all. 3 times difference in gs is not the system not finding enough player, it's simply just not doing it's job as a matchmaker. Quite simple. No excuse justifies that extreme mismatch.

    magenubbie wrote: »
    Learn to read folks. I goes a long way.
    is both insulting and ironic. To be fair though, I can sometimes be a TERRIBLE typer sometimes ^_^.

    Still, no need to mark the OP with a black brush just because of other pvpers views. Some of them can be jerks but that's just people for you :D.
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    myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Here is the REAL bottomline in Neverwinter:

    NW is a Dungeons & Dragons game first and foremost. The content is PRIMARILY PvE due to this fact. PvP was just a side product.

    It is easy to argue through pages of threads about the PvP shortcomings of this game, but if you really like PvP, there may be a better game out there for you than this one.

    Also, there are many more PvE players than PvP playres in this game. As well as a load of bots . . . :)
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
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    imaginaerum1imaginaerum1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    frishter wrote: »
    People are still playing content since the release up until mod one. They're not replaying content that came after. The only thing left is pvp.

    No. No. 100% NO. The only thing left is NOT pvp. There is also something that should be the crowning jewel of this game, that almost no other MMOs have, and that has been completely ignored compared to the attention they give to pvp.


    Want new content? It's there. Quest after quest of it. Using the star system combined with a quick perusal of the reviews will tell you if it's one you might enjoy. If it's one you really like, you can add the author to your subscription list and play more from that person. The problem? No rewards. The system is there, but nobody uses it, because it's not making their characters more powerful.

    I'd like to see them put in a reward system comparable to the one for pvp. Emphasize playing of the foundry content. De-emphasize pvp, which has very little place in a D&D game in the first place (how many modules have you seen where the premise is "Okay, you're here, and you're over here. Now, fight!"?). This game could be an amazing pve game, if they would focus on the core strengths of the game, and make the foundry something that people want to play instead of something they ignore.
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    charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    myowmyow wrote: »
    Here is the REAL bottomline in Neverwinter:

    NW is a Dungeons & Dragons game first and foremost. The content is PRIMARILY PvE due to this fact. PvP was just a side product.

    It is easy to argue through pages of threads about the PvP shortcomings of this game, but if you really like PvP, there may be a better game out there for you than this one.

    Also, there are many more PvE players than PvP playres in this game. As well as a load of bots . . . :)
    There are enough pvp'ers out there though that it should be worked on. According to the poll on the forum what 20% pvp, 20% both, 60%pve? That means pve alone isn't enough for 40% of the population, the majority, no. But a big enough slice of the population to hurt if they don't work on both. Besides it's not like there is that great of pve in this game. No raiding, t2 dungeons from release are the only content worth running, no tactics in boss fights other than adds adds adds. Don't even get me started on the useless mess of no reward content with fanfic writting that is the foundry.
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    myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    There are enough pvp'ers out there though that it should be worked on. According to the poll on the forum what 20% pvp, 20% both, 60%pve? That means pve alone isn't enough for 40% of the population, the majority, no. But a big enough slice of the population to hurt if they don't work on both. Besides it's not like there is that great of pve in this game. No raiding, t2 dungeons from release are the only content worth running, no tactics in boss fights other than adds adds adds. Don't even get me started on the useless mess of no reward content with fanfic writting that is the foundry.

    Still, this game being based on DnD makes it more of a PvE game. And some of the PvP changes that Cryptic has made based on the whining of PvPers has really hurt the PvE part of the game. . .
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
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    pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    myowmyow wrote: »
    Here is the REAL bottomline in Neverwinter:

    NW is a Dungeons & Dragons game first and foremost. The content is PRIMARILY PvE due to this fact. PvP was just a side product.

    It is easy to argue through pages of threads about the PvP shortcomings of this game, but if you really like PvP, there may be a better game out there for you than this one.

    Also, there are many more PvE players than PvP playres in this game. As well as a load of bots . . . :)

    Amen to that.

    I do not understand why so many PVPers here want to turn this PVE-focused game into their PVP paradise, while at the same time complaining that PVP is broken here. Aren't there thousands of games out there? Why do PVPers continue to play this game which they say is a broken mess instead of finding one that suits them better?
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    crazymikeecrazymikee Member Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    2-3 new detailed maps or more vertical maps for domination would bring life back into endlessly queuing for domination to get glory and do your dailies ect
    Coach Mike - 19.1k PvP CW
    CRAZY MIKE - 14.6k PvE CW

    Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
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    vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    Amen to that.

    I do not understand why so many PVPers here want to turn this PVE-focused game into their PVP paradise, while at the same time complaining that PVP is broken here. Aren't there thousands of games out there? Why do PVPers continue to play this game which they say is a broken mess instead of finding one that suits them better?

    what do you think? becouse PVP is good in general here. but balance classes is that broken mess
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    sexwax45sexwax45 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    Amen to that.

    I do not understand why so many PVPers here want to turn this PVE-focused game into their PVP paradise, while at the same time complaining that PVP is broken here. Aren't there thousands of games out there? Why do PVPers continue to play this game which they say is a broken mess instead of finding one that suits them better?
    Lol cuz this is probably the only game they've ever been "decent" at pvp, and its mostly because they always get stacked against people who are lower GS then them, so it helps inflate their ego, if they played another pvp game they'd most likely get powned and rage quit.
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    frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    No, that's how the ELO system works. Plain and simple. We can discuss the value of an ELO ranking and it being appropriate for a random team effort whenever you wish, but the system they chose works. It's merely not the type of leaderboard you'd want.

    To keep things simple I'll just reply to this point. A ladder is meant to show someone's skill level. Higher being more skilled. If you beat someone the system finds your less likely to win against, then your elo should be raised a higher amount due to you being better than the system first thought. If you beat a team that you're expected to smash, then you're already highly rated and should gain a small amount. If you lose elo, you're losing your position on the leaderboard and it's basically saying you're worse that you actually are because you're much better against the other team which is due to the matchmaking. It is completely nonsensical to punish you for being too good. If people really cared more for their rating, they'd abuse the system and let the enemy team get free points so that they'd still go up in elo manipulating the results with ease.

    Btw, I agree the foundry is neglected and the ability to make better bosses would be nice. There's not much incentive to actually look into foundries really.
    charononus wrote: »
    There are enough pvp'ers out there though that it should be worked on. According to the poll on the forum what 20% pvp, 20% both, 60%pve? That means pve alone isn't enough for 40% of the population, the majority, no. But a big enough slice of the population to hurt if they don't work on both. Besides it's not like there is that great of pve in this game. No raiding, t2 dungeons from release are the only content worth running, no tactics in boss fights other than adds adds adds. Don't even get me started on the useless mess of no reward content with fanfic writting that is the foundry.

    A poll also voted which was the most sought after content. PVP, dungeons, skirmishes or solo content. Most people voted solo content. If they focused too much on that, that would really hurt this game, it's an MMO after all... Polls are biased and not representative of the whole nwo population but can give you an idea.
    magenubbie wrote: »
    As for the foundry.. As far as the official statements go, the only reason for low rewards in foundries is the presence of bots abusing it. I call BS on it since all the foundry does for a bot is gain gold (whoopie) and XP (wow). They don't even wear the gear they drop in there. Bots at lvl60 run around in grey/green. Never seen a blue item on a bot, and it wouldn't change anything if they wore it. But hey, that's what they say.

    Well the reason bots don't do foundries is because it isn't rewarding. If they made it rewarding, you could potentially see more bots or people making foundries to artificially make it more rewarding. However I don't think it's worth punishing players and making a whole lot of content worthless because of it. The players enjoyment for content should be top priority and sometimes it feels like it's just not the case :c

    Foundries have already been abused, people used to generate lots of xp from abuse maps until the changed it and currently there are quests you can instantly complete for free reviews and progressing through the rewards campaign with no effort. It'd be nice if they fixed the bugged achievements though...
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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is a PvE MMO. Having any PvP at all is a generous favor and that's all it should be. The sad thing about it all: The squeakiest wheel gets the grease and the PvP min-maxers are louder than a Hazard Siren at Midnight. I think PvP Complainers out-complain PvE Complainers 5-to-1. LOL

    As for threatening to stop spending money: nice try.

    Because 1) people who actually do spend money wouldn't make such silly threats. We'd just do it, not talk about it; all bark, no bite. So it actually appears to your readers that you're all bluff - that you're likely a 100% F2Per, which is perfectly okay and fine.

    2) No one, including the company Financial department would miss you. We are individually insignificant in terms of revenue income. I just spent enough to get a Armored Polar bear mount, and didn't even make a noticeable ripple and I recognize that.

    3) PvP players are a helluvalot fewer in number than they think they are, yet they get most of the attention from Devs (publicly speaking, of course). I say enough is enough because as was said by MageNubbie here (Post #2) - there just seems to be no placating you. So please go away and enjoy what you have before asking for more.
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    sexwax45sexwax45 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The PvP Grass will always be Greener add some more maps and they'll just complain about the design, balance class they will complain too much balancing, do nothing they will complain that x class is OP, blah blah blah. There is pretty much nothing that Cryptic can do to stop the QQ about PvP, they just need to come to grips with that and move on to more PvE and improving the foundry so you can get decent rewards without being able to abuse the system. PvP people will always complain about something, but if you read the forums you already knew that.
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    frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    And that complaint needs to stop. Before you PvP lot started crying about balance, every class had a job in PvE. Now it's a 2 class business because the PvP nerfed/weak classes cannot compete with the rest. Oddly enough the CW has never been on your nerf list. But Cryptic took care of that for you with all the free CC resist.

    Note: I fully understand that the gameplay can provide awesome PvP. But when people want PvP balance over PvE balance, I tend to get annoyed really quick. This is not a PvP game. If PvE has to suffer to bring balance to PvP, somebody's effing up and it bothers me -and a lot with me- to no end.

    They should just keep the balance separate. I think having the two modes is good. I hate pvp myself but still find myself playing both modes and it's good to have the pvp profession campaigns as something else to do. When things are clearly overpowered in pvp, they need to be fixed as noone likes broken skills. However they took the wrong approach to balancing and that in turn affected PvE. Though rogues were took in CN since they could skip content which was fixed so people wanted AoEs and gwfs were buffed so they were more viable in that regard. GWFs being buffed was something that needed to be done for pve so even ignoring the pvp changed, they'd probably still be preferred over TRs. DCs being unneeded is also due to artifacts increasing our gs over the minumum requirement a lot more causing us to be overgeared, it's always best to take one though, it makes things faster and easier and they only need t1 armour. GFs were pretty limited use anyway, in most cases trs replaced that role anyway. That leaves HRs which never had a place unless they were the top few that can play their class well, they'd have a little easier time if the gwf and cw wasnt so prominent though.

    Once pvp was part of the game, it's something to put focus on, otherwise that gives them the same excuse to not do anything about the foundry.
    As for threatening to stop spending money: nice try.

    Saying that he'd spend more if they give pvp more love is not threatening behaviour.
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    myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is a PvE MMO. Having any PvP at all is a generous favor and that's all it should be. The sad thing about it all: The squeakiest wheel gets the grease and the PvP min-maxers are louder than a Hazard Siren at Midnight. I think PvP Complainers out-complain PvE Complainers 5-to-1. LOL

    As for threatening to stop spending money: nice try.

    Because 1) people who actually do spend money wouldn't make such silly threats. We'd just do it, not talk about it; all bark, no bite. So it actually appears to your readers that you're all bluff - that you're likely a 100% F2Per, which is perfectly okay and fine.

    2) No one, including the company Financial department would miss you. We are individually insignificant in terms of revenue income. I just spent enough to get a Armored Polar bear mount, and didn't even make a noticeable ripple and I recognize that.

    3) PvP players are a helluvalot fewer in number than they think they are, yet they get most of the attention from Devs (publicly speaking, of course). I say enough is enough because as was said by MageNubbie here (Post #2) - there just seems to be no placating you. So please go away and enjoy what you have before asking for more.

    Yes indeed! Sigh . . .
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
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    saini50990saini50990 Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    1st of all he wasnt even threatning , u just made it he was threatning, from his sentence i deduce he would spend more if there is more PVP content and u F2P players take it wrong way.
    also all PVE content is repetitiveness of same thing , whenever a new module is launch player will be excited for 3-5 weeks but after that it becomes boring , so in that case player shift to PVP to release there boredom , dailys are not so much fun after doing it again and again . only PVP give diversity in the content , each player and party have there unique style which makes PVP more fun than PVP.

    and its all PVE players fault cause
    1> u always go to dungeon for effectiveness meaning same type of party again and again saying since there are more adds we need 3 CW , but as all know u can run every dungeon with rainbow party and bring fun but all PVE players focus on completing dungeon fast and easily and u have the nerve to call PVP player asking for more PVP content.
    2> i have seen many time PVE player asking for more PVE content but when a PVP player ask that u have problem , just cause u dont wanna do PVP u assume that this is D&D so no PVP content. but in D&D with dungeons comes rivalry between players/guild which can be only tested by PVP content .

    u count only 40% do PVP content but u so wrong in that , after all PVE players get bored from PVE content while they wait for new PVE content they switch to PVP in mean time.
    every1 are entitle to there opnion so dont belittle them because of ur own narrow mindedness.
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    mhalasmhalas Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    PVP and skill level shouldnt be used in the same sentence when you can effectively out gear the competition. There is no skill involved. If you choose to believe that then you are fooling yourself.
    Skill level in PVP could be touted if everyone had access to the same gear every match. GW2 comes to mind in that regard. I mean who doesnt love the idea of cc immunity against a class named THE CONTROL WIZARD. Pfft, in every game PVPers are the one's that usually screw everything up with their constant crying about this nerf or this imbalance. Like someone said earlier, if you want to PVP there's COD or BF or even LOL.
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    sexwax45sexwax45 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    mhalas wrote: »
    PVP and skill level shouldnt be used in the same sentence when you can effectively out gear the competition. There is no skill involved. If you choose to believe that then you are fooling yourself.
    Skill level in PVP could be touted if everyone had access to the same gear every match. GW2 comes to mind in that regard. I mean who doesnt love the idea of cc immunity against a class named THE CONTROL WIZARD. Pfft, in every game PVPers are the one's that usually screw everything up with their constant crying about this nerf or this imbalance. Like someone said earlier, if you want to PVP there's COD or BF or even LOL.
    +1, this guy gets it, i don't know why its so hard for the rest...
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    jrfbrunetjrfbrunet Member Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »

    PS. Maybe I overreacted with the blackmail thing, but hearing "add more PvP or we stop spending money" every 2 PvP QQ threads is starting to get really old and annoying.
    It sounds to me like you read these forums a little too much. Maybe you should spend more time playing the actual game, and then you just might appreciate the validity of these complaints/pleas. Blindly defending the gameplay as is, and the decisions of the devs, without acknowledging how the specific implementation of these systems negatively affect gameplay (flawed or not) portrays you as a mindless fanboy. Not that you are a mindless fanboy, it's just really easy to interpret your posts that way.
    Where'd my blinky-blinky path go?
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    hiukulimushiukulimus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 117
    edited July 2014
    Neverwinter is PVE. There was no PVP contenent at start.

    They introcuded some Pvp elements only becasue a %5 of ppl crying so loud everywhere that there was no pvp contenent.

    The tenacity was taken from wow resilience.

    The problem is that D&D gameplay has no pvp elements. If you ever play D&D , you should know.

    This game should not follow what ppl or the community want, but the roleplaying system of D&D and his gameplay.

    Like many other ppl said , if you want some true pvp, go play cod, Battlefield, or some other PVP games. For now is still, lets call it, a beta pvp.
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    psychicslugpsychicslug Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    As far as I am concerned all PVP does is screw up PVE content and has happened many times. I would not miss the PVP if it was just phased out as the main part of the game is and is meant to be PVE game. No were in D&D is PVP encouraged if nothing else the game its self is set up to be a group friendly and to work together. If you really want PVP go back to wow and play there other wise shut up and take what you get as you are in the minority any way. To be honest this might be taken as a rant and to some extent it is, I have seen many PVP people post and PVE as well. I think the poll that was taken was a far assessment of the ratio of the player base and as such be treated as a minority. This game would be so much better if they just did away with PVP or limited it to areas, as for balancing classes it the way the classes are in D&D some are better at some things than others. This is why a balance group of four is and intrical part of D&D, but I my self love to play solo but understand that if I plat a CW I have to be careful because I can not take the damage like that of a melee class. This is called knowing your class and knowing how to play it correctly, I see so many whine because there getting owned by this class or that class. Any way I have rambled too long and this is a pointless post any way due to PVP is a pert of the game and will continue to be a thorn in the side of all PVE players in the game.
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