So me and my friend like to get together and play neverwinter while we drink beer usually. So I thought, the only way it would be funner is if we incorporated some kind of drinking game while playing. I tried to think of my own idea but im curious to see some others, Id imagine im not the first person to think of a drinking game for this.
So we will be playing skirmishes and foundrys (dungeons if we get lucky in the queue), whats a good idea for a drinking game? Maybe like when you kill a certain enemy or something? Idk I want some ideas, please share yours.
( Pvp drinking game ideas would be cool too but im on a toon lv40 and he lv35 so we cannot pvp together yet)
Unfortunately the forums should not be used to discuss any drugs. And yes alcohol is a drug.
I hope you guys enjoy any drinking games you come up with but the forums have to conform to rules around the world and alcohol is sometimes outright illegal in certain areas and age restricted virtually throughout the world. So unless we are talking about the in game alcohol let's keep it off the forums please.