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As a pround cockatrice owner...



  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    If you bought a ferrari and its brakes locked up every time you tried to go.You'd take it back and demand it be fixed.So now you've got a fixed ferrari and are crying about it.To funny

    just saying

    Yeah, but it's not your brakes locking up, it's me putting glue on your wheels. Your dealership would just turn round and say "gee, maybe you wanna stay away from that guy with the glue mate." My ferrari on the other hand got sabotaged by the makers. Small difference, but critical.

    Good try though, metaphorically speaking. ;)
    No idea what my toon is now.
  • midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    jonkoca wrote: »
    "gee, maybe you wanna stay away from that guy with the glue mate."

    So, your solution is just to leave the moment you see they have a cockatrice?
  • s3ven0fmines3ven0fmine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Cockatrice has killed OWPVP. I used to roam thru there with my buddy's a ton but ever since cockatrice release we all have stopped. Im not going to go on about how its OP (clearly it is), but come at this from another angle. The cockatrice takes no skill and removes all fun from pvp. The only one who enjoys it is the child who bought one to be OP and simply wants to kill people more skilled then they. I tend to notice that these same cockatrice abusing people do not do domination pvp due to the fact that they cant fight without that companion. So OP or not i dont really care, what i care about is how this companion has made a significant portion of the community simply refuse to do OWPVP. Area was dead b4 its release, graveyard after.
  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    So, your solution is just to leave the moment you see they have a cockatrice?

    Stick in a vorpal, use your big hitter encounters and go with friends. Bingo, dead cockatrice owner. Tank up, you should be tanky anyway if you pvp a lot. Crit is your friend.

    And yes, I do dominion everyday.
    No idea what my toon is now.
  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Cockatrice has killed OWPVP. I used to roam thru there with my buddy's a ton but ever since cockatrice release we all have stopped. Im not going to go on about how its OP (clearly it is), but come at this from another angle. The cockatrice takes no skill and removes all fun from pvp. The only one who enjoys it is the child who bought one to be OP and simply wants to kill people more skilled then they. I tend to notice that these same cockatrice abusing people do not do domination pvp due to the fact that they cant fight without that companion. So OP or not i dont really care, what i care about is how this companion has made a significant portion of the community simply refuse to do OWPVP. Area was dead b4 its release, graveyard after.

    God, if a 1% chance of meeting a guy with a bird scares you away, then you and your friends can't have been like all wow motivated to go there anyway.
    No idea what my toon is now.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Well, the cockatrice was obviously OP and everyone and their mom knew it would be fixed/nerfed. I don't see why is it such a surprise.
    People who payed to get it did it knowing that it wouldn't last forever. And that's what happened.
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    jonkoca wrote: »
    Stick in a vorpal, use your big hitter encounters and go with friends. Bingo, dead cockatrice owner. Tank up, you should be tanky anyway if you pvp a lot. Crit is your friend.

    And yes, I do dominion everyday.

    Why does everyone with a cockatrice come up with pointless ways to fight against it ?

    First off no one should have do get rid of the enchant that suits them best just because of people abusing a companion.

    Also why should people have to go round with many friends just to fight 1 guy who uses it ? also what if the guy has friends then what ?
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    Well, the cockatrice was obviously OP and everyone and their mom knew it would be fixed/nerfed. I don't see why is it such a surprise.
    People who payed to get it did it knowing that it wouldn't last forever. And that's what happened.

    Because people with a cc escape can kill them now so it's not an instant win button. People without any skill get upset when their i-win buttons get taken away. It's still incredibly overpowered and needs more nerfing though.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    One game two worlds, I do play PVP and OPVP. At last half of the guys I met in OPVP and recognized as active PVP players have a cockatrice. If you do 1v1 in OPVP it is usual to ask, if the other party wants to exclude it.

    In OPVP I use it. I play with a friend in the leftover part of a guild of former LOTRO players, now with two aktive members. So I do OPVP solo or duo most of the time. If some ppl 'roamed OPVP with some friends' and crushed the solo players runing around there and stoped doing this bc they got their fair share of hurt, when trying to gank someone with a cockatrice, I would say, no problem there.

    BTW I switch to vorpal for OPVP and make my damage reflecting companions idle in OPVP. You would not run PVE and PVP with the same gear and expect to get good results. Why should it be different with OPVP. Bc of the shorter CD on icewinddale healingpotions I do even use different gear for OPVP and PVP.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • s3ven0fmines3ven0fmine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    jonkoca wrote: »
    God, if a 1% chance of meeting a guy with a bird scares you away, then you and your friends can't have been like all wow motivated to go there anyway.

    You have no clue what you are talking about. As one of the cockatrice abusers your opinion is pretty invalid considering your experience will differ from everyone not abusing this pet. Its not a 1 percent chance its become more common lately since a ton of people without that pet simply stopped doing OWPVP. I find at least 1 out of 5 people i run into are abusing that pet. Many of then are grouping together in 3 or 5 all abusing the best at once. There is no effective counter to this other than simply buying one myself. Seeing as how this companion dumbs down pvp and makes it much less fun there is 0 reason for me to do so. Basicaly you want to make excuses about the cockatrice and play it of as a non game-changer because you are currently abusing it. I cannot wait until they drop the proper nerf and then you and your unskilled companion abusing friends will return to the cannon fodder you are.
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    asterotg wrote: »
    One game two worlds, I do play PVP and OPVP. At last half of the guys I met in OPVP and recognized as active PVP players have a cockatrice. If you do 1v1 in OPVP it is usual to ask, if the other party wants to exclude it.

    In OPVP I use it. I play with a friend in the leftover part of a guild of former LOTRO players, now with two aktive members. So I do OPVP solo or duo most of the time. If some ppl 'roamed OPVP with some friends' and crushed the solo players runing around there and stoped doing this bc they got their fair share of hurt, when trying to gank someone with a cockatrice, I would say, no problem there.

    BTW I switch to vorpal for OPVP and make my damage reflecting companions idle in OPVP. You would not run PVE and PVP with the same gear and expect to get good results. Why should it be different with OPVP. Bc of the shorter CD on icewinddale healingpotions I do even use different gear for OPVP and PVP.

    No player should be able to win a 2v1 just because the guy has a cockatrice that proves its OP.

    Also I use the same gear for both pve and pvp and get great results in both...
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Lol. Love people's assumptioms:

    The 'abuse' call. Uh, it's in the game. I use it, it is conceptually impossible to abuse it. To do so I would have to use it in what the cockatrice itself would regard as a degrading manner - as a loobrush or something. Same with roar. Yes it makes it easy for a pair of gwfs to steamroller people, no they aren't abusing it. Misusing it, maybe, overusing it, certainly, but abusing it, no.

    The 'you obviously suck' premise. Here you assume a cockatrice is a crutch, rather than an augumentation. Why..? The same logic applies to every piece of gear you use. Hmm. Next. I can happily kill you without a cockatrice, but with it, I can kill you quicker. Which means more time for me to get on with other stuff. The fallacy you are embracing is that you believe I should take your feelings into account while I'm killing your toon. "Ooh, am I killing this guy in a pleasant, non-offensive manner..?" "Oh dear, I'm not am I, hmm, better slot my affectionate hug encounter..."

    Please, it's war, everything goes. You are the bad guy. And that's it.
    No idea what my toon is now.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    But a game is not war, a war can be (and most times is) very unfair. A MMO aims to be fair to all its players. So game breaking items are usually fixed/nerfed and there is constant class rebalance.
  • yuccapalmyuccapalm Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    jonkoca wrote: »
    So our poor cockatrices are getting beaten upside the head with the nerf-hammer. Sad days, I was just getting used to dropping rains of arrows on people's heads in icewind dale. Cost a small fortune too.

    Anyway, how useless are they going to be..? It's great, every toon I have is getting nerfed in mod 4, and now my companions too.

    If I bought a ferrari, then overnight the dealership came round to my house and replaced the engine with one from a mini, I'd take them to court.

    Just sayin'

    Ps. My utter despondency has effected my spelling.

    Nice, exploiter idiots like you deserve it =)
  • s3ven0fmines3ven0fmine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    You defend it so heavily you clearly are going to have issues once its fixed. A lot of these people you are killing you cannot kill without that pet. Every time i read what you write it makes it clear to me you are either dumb, trolling, or trying feebly to defend this broken companion.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    i would like a pet to oneshot people... if it ever will exist it will sure be WAI
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    jonkoca wrote: »
    Lol. Love people's assumptioms:

    The 'abuse' call. Uh, it's in the game. I use it, it is conceptually impossible to abuse it. To do so I would have to use it in what the cockatrice itself would regard as a degrading manner - as a loobrush or something. Same with roar. Yes it makes it easy for a pair of gwfs to steamroller people, no they aren't abusing it. Misusing it, maybe, overusing it, certainly, but abusing it, no.

    The 'you obviously suck' premise. Here you assume a cockatrice is a crutch, rather than an augumentation. Why..? The same logic applies to every piece of gear you use. Hmm. Next. I can happily kill you without a cockatrice, but with it, I can kill you quicker. Which means more time for me to get on with other stuff. The fallacy you are embracing is that you believe I should take your feelings into account while I'm killing your toon. "Ooh, am I killing this guy in a pleasant, non-offensive manner..?" "Oh dear, I'm not am I, hmm, better slot my affectionate hug encounter..."

    Please, it's war, everything goes. You are the bad guy. And that's it.
    Right, war....... You know when you say things like that you just look incredibly bad right. PvP is an esport. Basics of sports is that the competitors should be roughly equal. The fact that you can't comprehend this is mind boggling.
  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Dumb..? Debatable. Trolling, a little. Feebly..? And there's me thinking I was doing well in the face of overwhelming odds.

    Still, defend that node huh. Back to the spawncamp for me.

    No idea what my toon is now.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Some of you seem to miss the fact, that I said multiple times, that I make my cockatrice idle in 1v1, if the other guy does not have one.

    To the one guy calling me and other guys using cockatrice 'bug abusing idiots', I bow to your superior arguments. Everyone who degrades ppl is always right. BTW cockatrice got 'fixed' so can I use it now or do we have to ask YOUR opinion, if cryptic did right before we use it again.

    Last but ot least, in theory ppl should be roughly equal, but fact is, that a PVP spec has a huge advantage against a PVE spec in PVP. Add perf. enchants, R8+ enchants, BIS gear, practice, and the fact, that some classes are better equiped for PVP, thanks to cryptics problem with balancing, and you will have to admit, that there is no equality, cockatrice or not.

    To the other guy who said, that no one should be able to win 1v2. Really, any decent PvP toon can kill 90% of the PvE toons in a 2v1, cockatrice or not. There are things like gear, GS, setup, spec and skill making a difference between players. A PVE player with bad gear is dead before I see a dent in my HPs.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    asterotg wrote: »
    Some of you seem to miss the fact, that I said multiple times, that I make my cockatrice idle in 1v1, if the other guy does not have one.

    To the one guy calling me and other guys using cockatrice 'bug abusing idiots', I bow to your superior arguments. Everyone who degrades ppl is always right. BTW cockatrice got 'fixed' so can I use it now or do we have to ask YOUR opinion, if cryptic did right before we use it again.

    Last but ot least, in theory ppl should be roughly equal, but fact is, that a PVP spec has a huge advantage against a PVE spec in PVP. Add perf. enchants, R8+ enchants, BIS gear, practice, and the fact, that some classes are better equiped for PVP, thanks to cryptics problem with balancing, and you will have to admit, that there is no equality, cockatrice or not.

    To the other guy who said, that no one should be able to win 1v2. Really, any decent PvP toon can kill 90% of the PvE toons in a 2v1, cockatrice or not. There are things like gear, GS, setup, spec and skill making a difference between players. A PVE player with bad gear is dead before I see a dent in my HPs.

    A spec is a spec everyone can change spec easy but not everyone can get a cockatrice easy so you cant really compare them like that.
    Also people shouldn't spec for just one game play or style so if they do restrict themselves it is there fault.

    As for the 2v1 thing if 1 guy beats 2 players they are just not that skilled no matter what spec they have but a good player could beat 2 very good players if he had a cockatrice. Gear, enchants whatever all players have and gear is free to get and a cockatrice isn't and it cant be compared with enchants or gear or a spec that just makes no sense, a cockatrice is a companion that allows a player to basically beat 99% of people in a 1v1.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • gomok72gomok72 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    Except everyone I know does participate in domination but refuses to do opvp because of this pet. It is literally driving people away from a game feature. It's a bad design.

    I play a CW main and I wish I had a 3-6 second CC like this companion. Hell, I would give up all my current control powers for just one similar control power like the cockartice's.
    I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.

  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    crixus8000 wrote: »
    A spec is a spec everyone can change spec easy but not everyone can get a cockatrice easy so you cant really compare them like that.
    Also people shouldn't spec for just one game play or style so if they do restrict themselves it is there fault.

    As for the 2v1 thing if 1 guy beats 2 players they are just not that skilled no matter what spec they have but a good player could beat 2 very good players if he had a cockatrice. Gear, enchants whatever all players have and gear is free to get and a cockatrice isn't and it cant be compared with enchants or gear or a spec that just makes no sense, a cockatrice is a companion that allows a player to basically beat 99% of people in a 1v1.

    It is not a fault, but a choice to spec for PVP or PVE.

    Why should a cockatrice not be compareable to the other gear. A legendary artefact takes ca. 6 million refinement points, marks of potency...(at the current price for refinement points thats ca, 10 mio AD), a radiant R9 sells for 1,5 mio AD, perf vorp, bark, bile go for more than 10 mio AD, but the 1,3 mio AD cockatrice is restricted to a few players, why?

    And for the fourth time. In 1v1 most ppl ask, if they should make the cockatrice idle. Two days ago I unequipped ALL of my companions, bc a TR asked me for a 1v1 without companions. No problem there.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    asterotg wrote: »
    It is not a fault, but a choice to spec for PVP or PVE.

    Why should a cockatrice not be compareable to the other gear. A legendary artefact takes ca. 6 million refinement points, marks of potency...(at the current price for refinement points thats ca, 10 mio AD), a radiant R9 sells for 1,5 mio AD, perf vorp, bark, bile go for more than 10 mio AD, but the 1,3 mio AD cockatrice is restricted to a few players, why?

    And for the fourth time. In 1v1 most ppl ask, if they should make the cockatrice idle. Two days ago I unequipped ALL of my companions, bc a TR asked me for a 1v1 without companions. No problem there.

    Cockatrice is just overpowered, it is more effective than a legendary artifact and even more effective than a perfect vorpal and it shouldn't be that way since its just a companion.

    I only use lessers but i can beat players who use perfect enchants quite a lot but when i fight a good player with a cockatrice i just have to pull out the popcorn and watch myself die :P
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I did not say, that it is the same, but that they are easier to get then BIS gear. Are they OP, yes. Are they WAI, yes , they just got toned down, so cryptic should know, what cryptic wants.

    If I get asked for 1v1 and the other guy does not have one, I unequip it. If I get sneak attacked by 1 or more players, I am happy, that I have a cockatrice to even the odds or to get the advantage.

    I would be interested, how you define good in PVE/ PVP. For example my GWF has 19k+ GS, but I get out-DPSed by a PVE build GWF with worse gear. On the other hand, I crush them in PVP. I dont kow about GFs, but a GWF, CW, HR, TR or DC can either be good in PVE OR PVP. Sure the 17k PVE TR can kill most of the PUGs, but he will die without a chance against a PVP speced TR with similar gear. I can run CN, VT, DK etc. with my GWF, but to do so a fast as possible, I would use my DC or CW (DC is speced for debuff/ buff, so yes the farmruns go faster).
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    asterotg wrote: »
    I did not say, that it is the same, but that they are easier to get then BIS gear. Are they OP, yes. Are they WAI, yes , they just got toned down, so cryptic should know, what cryptic wants.

    If I get asked for 1v1 and the other guy does not have one, I unequip it. If I get sneak attacked by 1 or more players, I am happy, that I have a cockatrice to even the odds or to get the advantage.

    I would be interested, how you define good in PVE/ PVP. For example my GWF has 19k+ GS, but I get out-DPSed by a PVE build GWF with worse gear. On the other hand, I crush them in PVP. I dont kow about GFs, but a GWF, CW, HR, TR or DC can either be good in PVE OR PVP. Sure the 17k PVE TR can kill most of the PUGs, but he will die without a chance against a PVP speced TR with similar gear. I can run CN, VT, DK etc. with my GWF, but to do so a fast as possible, I would use my DC or CW (DC is speced for debuff/ buff, so yes the farmruns go faster).

    I do good in pvp and pve, i would never want to spec for 1 thing then i would have a disadvantage in the other.

    My char is a gf with 39k hp 2k regen and 20% deflect chance but also 6.8k power with 2k crit and armor pen so i do great dmg in pvp while surviving very well and in pve i can tank and kite fine and don't struggle at all in top tier dungeons. It's just finding a balanced build i guess and using the right skills.
    Crixus - PVP GF
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