My HR character can't use party channel. Everytime i type something on Party channel, i receive "Cannot find channel "Teamid_Dragon27552023". " error. I reported this bug countless time and it's been almost 4-5 months since my first report about this issue. Why you guys aren't taking any action?!? I tried to ask GM help and they told me to use the bug report even though i explained them that i already did. I once sent a message to community moderator but i don't see any message in my "Sent" tab the ones i sent. I tried every single option available i believe yet no fixing of this bug. WHY?!?
Whenever I got it, I just changed my chat to local then back to party and that fixed it. It used to happen pretty often.
If it's been going on for 5 months... sounds like something in your game files (I don't know if server side or client side) has it cached that you are still on the pre-merged dragon shard.
The thing is, it is a bug that happens. And so they are telling you to report it. But in light of it being consistent for 5 months (if it has) the issue is likely profile based.
None of this probably helps, but I am curious as to whether you tried switching in and out of party chat when this was happening.
Also, brief disconnects will cause this.. maybe not enough of a disconnect to kick you.. but a disconnect from the chat server, which is separate from the shard.
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
"Can not find channel" errors are typically solved by either typing again or by switching back and forth between chat tabs or changing chat channels, as chaoscourtesan mentioned, so I would imagine it is a combination between being more complicated than you think to track down and resolve and being a low priority fix compared to many of the other bugs which are fixed on a weekly basis.
Your reports are appreciated but bugs are not always fixed in the order that they are received nor do the devs always follow the same priorities as players. In fact if you ask one hundred players what the most important bug to be fixed is you will likely get one hundred different answers.