And what is funny is those guys don't have anything in that list.
And plenty of perfectly solid roleplay as well as gameplay reasons why they might have it and you simply don't know it - kind of like how you don't want your CW to be vulnerable to attacks from GF's and GWF's in PvP. There isn't an easy button in PnP either - sure a level 60 wizard can do all sorts of really bad things to a level 60 fighter, if that fighter is an unprepared idiot. But a level 60 fighter will presumably have more than enough tricks up his or her sleeve to give that same wizard a really bad day.
You really can't have it both ways. Either you accept that role-playing is part of this (as you have when you made demands like changing the name of "life stealing" to something that suits your lawful good [nope, no alignments in the game!] CW) or you don't. If the latter, then please stop complaining that things need to be changed just because a) you don't like them, b) find them inconsistent with your vision of how the world should be, and/or c) you still haven't figured out how to deal with them in PvP.
Based on most of your complaints, c) seems to be the consistent issue for you.
The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.
So on preview the calendar has been updated with this event , you can get vanity outfits , a toy version of the mount , a doohikey and a temporary doohikey a mechanical alter and a epic mount ( the epic mount makes me think it will involve spending AD -
can someone please post the toolitips for the other items?
And plenty of perfectly solid roleplay as well as gameplay reasons why they might have it and you simply don't know it - kind of like how you don't want your CW to be vulnerable to attacks from GF's and GWF's in PvP. There isn't an easy button in PnP either - sure a level 60 wizard can do all sorts of really bad things to a level 60 fighter, if that fighter is an unprepared idiot. But a level 60 fighter will presumably have more than enough tricks up his or her sleeve to give that same wizard a really bad day.
You really can't have it both ways. Either you accept that role-playing is part of this (as you have when you made demands like changing the name of "life stealing" to something that suits your lawful good [nope, no alignments in the game!] CW) or you don't. If the latter, then please stop complaining that things need to be changed just because a) you don't like them, b) find them inconsistent with your vision of how the world should be, and/or c) you still haven't figured out how to deal with them in PvP.
Based on most of your complaints, c) seems to be the consistent issue for you.
Why do they get going-overboard abilities because of some "perfectly solid roleplaying reasons", while spell casters don't?
While I have precisely zero official confirmation of this, the gold colored and somewhat more elaborate mechanical mount most likely is the Apparatus of Gond.
I actually think so, too, especially given that this is the one who was shown in the video and therefore official. But that doesn't change anything: There are three skins for an apparatus, while we only know of two. So again, either the Kwalish one changes look even though it's current look is exactly what it should be, or we get *another* one? I don't think the "HAMSTER" skin is just leftover, they are skimping on skins all over the place, whether it's armor, weapons or companions, so randomly having one extra seems weird.
Why do they get going-overboard abilities because of some "perfectly solid roleplaying reasons", while spell casters don't?
This is a matter of perspective, and your seems to be quite skewed by not playing any other class.
My CW can lock down any other class one on one, and so can any other CW. Sure, it requires situational awareness and playing carefully, but there isn't an easy button available for you. While DC's do need some serious love, spell casters in this game are absolutely fantastic.
Please stop constantly complaining and particularly demanding nerfs to other classes and trying to take things away from other players. If you still can't handle other players in PvP, try changing your playstyle and just enjoy the game. Or find another game.
The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.
I wish to god they'd stop using that method of hiding the code, it really plays hell with my HAMSTER eyesight. I'm sorry, the first letter just isn't legible even blown up. It's frustrating as hell. :P
3 new items added to zen shop.. Astra Deva 1200 zen, Astral Deva Package - 3000 zen, and items that give 1800 refinement for wonders of gond - 110 each (i believe).
Interested to see how this event will work. Hopefully its not dissapointing but leaning towards another marketing/buy zen event. =/
rifter1969Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 516Arc User
edited July 2014
You know what... ANY information would be nice.
I've been noticing that news on this game and what is going on in game... is limited or extremely late.
Patch notes.... 30 minutes or more into the patching process????
You have an event that started today.... no announcement???? No info on what you have to get, what you have to do??? Let alone what the rewards are...
I don't like to complain like this... but it is most frustrating when the only way you get any information is either by other people being in the game or yourself going into game.
Also xp boosters for 5000 zen. Something I definitely won't bother wasting my money on. Overpriced items ftl ):
At least I think they're new, I noticed them mentioned before but not actually in store.
Went up a few minutes ago. Mainly a mount event and a chance to get an artifact. Im more interested in the fashion items, will see how hard it is to make them. Not really what I was expecting personally, so a bit . At least its doable without buying items from the zen shop.
And really in the toy apparatus. I was hoping that was more like a companion without a bonus.. just something that follows you around.
Also xp boosters for 5000 zen. Something I definitely won't bother wasting my money on. Overpriced items ftl ):
At least I think they're new, I noticed them mentioned before but not actually in store.
Yeah, IDK why they put that, anything which cost 5K Zen is worth a lotmore than 3-4 days of leveling you character to 60.
Still no info about anything in the Deva package... what about the Astral Sea items? What are the stats? I tried to check on the AH if anyone was selling them, but there's none... are they BoP or they simply don't show on the AH?
Were the people from QA even noticed about this stuff? Did anyone check anything before putting this on Live? I am dissapoint
And plenty of perfectly solid roleplay as well as gameplay reasons why they might have it and you simply don't know it - kind of like how you don't want your CW to be vulnerable to attacks from GF's and GWF's in PvP. There isn't an easy button in PnP either - sure a level 60 wizard can do all sorts of really bad things to a level 60 fighter, if that fighter is an unprepared idiot. But a level 60 fighter will presumably have more than enough tricks up his or her sleeve to give that same wizard a really bad day.
You really can't have it both ways. Either you accept that role-playing is part of this (as you have when you made demands like changing the name of "life stealing" to something that suits your lawful good [nope, no alignments in the game!] CW) or you don't. If the latter, then please stop complaining that things need to be changed just because a) you don't like them, b) find them inconsistent with your vision of how the world should be, and/or c) you still haven't figured out how to deal with them in PvP.
Based on most of your complaints, c) seems to be the consistent issue for you.
can someone please post the toolitips for the other items?
Where is the farging konniplin pin.. and the chrome-go-fasters...??
Bunch easy to please sots, the lot of ya.
Sure , needs to be over 2 posts , 4 pic limit per post -.-
This is a matter of perspective, and your seems to be quite skewed by not playing any other class.
My CW can lock down any other class one on one, and so can any other CW. Sure, it requires situational awareness and playing carefully, but there isn't an easy button available for you. While DC's do need some serious love, spell casters in this game are absolutely fantastic.
Please stop constantly complaining and particularly demanding nerfs to other classes and trying to take things away from other players. If you still can't handle other players in PvP, try changing your playstyle and just enjoy the game. Or find another game.
Chrome? Wheres Chrome? I need Chrome for my chicken mobile!!! WOOP WOOP Cluck Cluck Chicken Truck coming thru!!
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If its a perma item it'll be nice because it heals ,just plonk one down at a bossfight and it's free heals all round xD
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Edit : Nevermind...that first one letter...ugh...i had to literally kiss my monitor to be able to see it more clearly
Interested to see how this event will work. Hopefully its not dissapointing but leaning towards another marketing/buy zen event. =/
I've been noticing that news on this game and what is going on in game... is limited or extremely late.
Patch notes.... 30 minutes or more into the patching process????
You have an event that started today.... no announcement???? No info on what you have to get, what you have to do??? Let alone what the rewards are...
I don't like to complain like this... but it is most frustrating when the only way you get any information is either by other people being in the game or yourself going into game.
Sorry to rant everyone...
At least I think they're new, I noticed them mentioned before but not actually in store.
Went up a few minutes ago. Mainly a mount event and a chance to get an artifact. Im more interested in the fashion items, will see how hard it is to make them. Not really what I was expecting personally, so a bit
And really
Astral Deva - He is fancy...
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
No stats on the items when i checked though
The Silver Sword - NW-DEIPWYISA - Daily Qualified
A Relaxing Stay - NW-DEEYNZYZ9 - Daily Qualified but going to be updated
Yeah, IDK why they put that, anything which cost 5K Zen is worth a lotmore than 3-4 days of leveling you character to 60.
Its probably like the Ranger companion event.. items only usable by the astral deva
WTB Class Reroll please
Were the people from QA even noticed about this stuff? Did anyone check anything before putting this on Live? I am dissapoint