I got a taste of this from two of my own teammates today. They were in the same guild as each other and one left the match and the other sat at the campfire early in. All sorts of nastiness thrown my way and when I inquired why it was said that because I wasn't a perma stealth I sucked (and other colorful metaphors). Even though I capped and killed more than they did I was some reason targeted for our teams poor overall play and yes you can guess one was a chain roaring gwf. I really got them angry when I said "I don't know, I am having a lot of fun".
I continued to play through with the remaining two who stayed even though it was hopeless. I don't care about standing as I have a rather large HAMSTER in real life (don't get to use it as often as I like -- but it is a big en).
I'm sorry , but i understand this feeling i have some love in game too when i did it good
And remember dear friends TR : Rogue Always do it from Behind
Same here
WTB Class Reroll please
let me guess, you read twice more O's than N's and B's !
For the sake of friendly argument, I quote the epic "nb nb nb" finisher.
must be some pro player when u kill him with that encounters.
Lmao was literally about to say this.
That's embarrassing.
BlackberryCheesecake CW
CheeseCake House
...being called hacker, cheater, and/or receiving consistent hate mails/PMs is like being awarded a medal for being a good player!
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Tonight I present to you the nominees in 2014 Hacker's Choice Awards. Starting off our list with...
(moment of truth arrives)
The 2014 Hacker's Choice Awards for the Best QQ Reported TR goes to _______
I continued to play through with the remaining two who stayed even though it was hopeless. I don't care about standing as I have a rather large HAMSTER in real life (don't get to use it as often as I like -- but it is a big en).