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Event Preview: Celebration of Lliira



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    flinx66flinx66 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    But it's not, so why complain.
    because we can... but no, read on...
    Either enjoy the event and play it for what it is meant to be, or don't. If you don't like it then don't play it and waste your time on it.
    Events are a part of the WHOLE... if one part is 'meh', it takes the rest down with it...
    Not every event has to have fabulous prizes, some can be just for fun.
    I agree with you here... but when the event isn't fun, then as Conan once said 'To hell with it...'
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    petrtheheadrpetrtheheadr Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2014
    Very disappointed to learn that since the Lliria event there is no way to spend the figurines or renown.

    Why is this? Why bother to have a 'timer' on the figurines and renown which states the expiry date if it is completely irrelevant. They can't be used several days before they 'expire'.

    Completely misleading and complete waste of time accumulating the rewards
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    bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Very disappointed to learn that since the Lliria event there is no way to spend the figurines or renown.

    Why is this? Why bother to have a 'timer' on the figurines and renown which states the expiry date if it is completely irrelevant. They can't be used several days before they 'expire'.

    Completely misleading and complete waste of time accumulating the rewards

    They had the vendor for the renown and figurines up for about a week after the event ended. There was even a notice on the main page about how long said contact would be available, and to redeem your items before that time: http://community.arcgames.com/en/news/neverwinter/detail/6002523-last-chance%3A-anniversary-event-rewards
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
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    mareatlanticummareatlanticum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 202 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    First, it is nice they do some times different kinds of events, but:

    1) Please start another 10 minutes event IMMEDIATELY after last one ends. I don't want to waste time waiting for event to start and when I do events, I do events, when I play PvE, I play PvE. I don't want to be forced to spend 5-10 minutes to get from other side of Icewind Pass just for event, nor can I guarantee I even see in time the event is about to start when I concentrate on some quests.

    2) Please allow us claim event prices even when on dungeons. It was just too often I had spent 50-100 fireworks on event and then hear dong for some hard to get into dungeon when there is still few minutes event time left and I had to choose the dungeon because the dungeon validation time would have run out before the event had ended and thus lost the fireworks for nothing. For this reason I didn't even get the 25 tokens for the only useful item.

    3) Please do not do chase and collect item events. They are simply as boring after first few times as Gauntlgrym PvE and similarly become "get few items and wait until pass"-events. Boring, boring, bo-ring, BORING, BOOOORING!!!

    4) Why did my Tymora-tokens disappear when this event ended? I was saving them for next year... I REALLY hope you will NOT STEAL my Wauken-tokens next. I AM saving them for next year...

    5) If you create collect thingy boxes, they should NOT be like in Gauntlgrym and need "f" press after you have already spent the time to collect the thigy. There simply aren't leg-meat-form boxes that contain leg-meat and double collecting is frustrating. I wouldn't obeject if even all te normal collectables would become run-over collectibles, especially the stacking ones and this includes stacking event collectibles.

    6) Enclave by Night was nice, but could it transform back into Enclave by Day during days, as Long Night makes me uneasy and paranoid, especially during summers when they should not occur and it has habit of waking all the sleeping ancient vampires and other creatures of night, which in Faerûn is never a good thing.

    7) Why didn't Lord Protector give a speech? I found his last quite inspirational, especially as when he is giving his speech, he isn't scheming on sending me into yet another 9-Hell-hole, where every defender sucks so bad that I must do everything by myself, repeat everything every week as they have reverted all progress during my absence and still they think they can win that fight...

    8) **** that Elminster Aumar! I did everything he asked and then he just left without even saying good bye and left some nobody-goon to keep shop. **** HIM! **** HIM TO HELL!!! (Again).

    9) I find it VERY disrespectful to demote me into some delivery boy running around to collect some **** fireworks boxes after the thousand devils I have killed for Neverwinter and the countless times I have been saving it. Can't the Lord Protector even assing one of his goons to organize all the stable-hands to collect his **** fireworks? Why must I do everything? Must I next come to wipe his rearside and put his pants on too?
    Give us 4 or more power/item bar profiles so we can change powers and items with one click that are suited for the situation.
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    mareatlanticummareatlanticum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 202 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Seriously? "D-amn" as in "D-amnation" is forbiddein word in a fantasy game? You gotta be kidding me...
    Give us 4 or more power/item bar profiles so we can change powers and items with one click that are suited for the situation.
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    sugarliessugarlies Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited July 2014
    Didn't like how it worked. With my limited time, there was a lot of waiting about and that's why I only took part in 2 light the night events.
    Also, I had to google how to get fireworks. I was in protector's enclave when I logged on, during the event, read the ingame quest info, read the clickable event button on the right, yet the information was nowhere to be found. Things related to the game should be properly explained in the game, Arc is actually not part of the game itself and shouldn't be required to be read as part of the game experience.
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    ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    I thought the priestess on the podium made it perfectly clear on what was required.
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