As super as this game is, i think for the truly elite PVP'er, more risk is necessary in order for them to be revealed. leaderboards ? Na....thats for PVP prep schoolers.
Why? The truly Elite and i mean truly elite PVP'er does stand apart from us PVE and run of the mill PVP players but only....when the rules, structure and environment of the game support that. What do i mean by support? It means that the structural setup of the game reveals the Elite PVP'er to one and all in action, not leaderboard stats. It means that when someone chooses to sign into and enter the game environment and do so with the flag of elite PVP, S/He would be doing so with far more at risk than a mere spanking back to a firepit in full gear.
In the focused PVP muds of old, PVP losses meant that your character DIED and all your gear went to the town dump; in some muds it was claimable by the winner. Their character's spirit teleported back to some abode like a temple and they had to pay a NPC necromancer to regain the ability to interact with the world and obtain"starter gear", unless they as most of them did, had several copies of elite gear in their storage facility.
Those PVP's also had the option of remorting at for example in this game, at level 60 and starting over at level 1 but with +1 core stats. They could repeat many times. This was a form of immortality, and yeah, they become very powerful and rightly so, they were not the run of the mill mudder, PVP losses came with risk and loss but with long term power as well as only the PVP PC could remort.
In a game like this, you would ID these PCs kinda like you do now with the faction icon illuminated; but since all PVPs have this, an additional icon would be required to reveal those that are in this structure and class; perhaps with a red skull and bones icon or something.
In the open PVP environment, it would also mean that if you watched an elite PVP battle you would would feel the risk both of them are taking...the gravity much different. How many of you would risk losing your lovely vorpal enchant etc and appearing back at the local firepit in peasants garb? Only the elite PVP has the psychological maturity and de-identification from his character to open to that. The GF after a few remorts would be quite the powerhouse...The GF remort would in time ....claim the true power that you wanted to express.
The PVP as it is now, is really a prep school but one that few will graduate from. The elite PVP'er's focus isn't on the nerfing of the other classes, for in doing so would only nerf's their ability to gain from the loss and grow.
I recommend you find yourself in Tera. - Cryptic Studios Review