So I see all the warcries arround the forums about the upcoming doom (nerfbat) and how the world is coming to an end. Before we all jump from our roofs let's take a nice deep breath and give it some unbiased thought.
This game had me addicted for a while, mainly because of it's combat system but the general aesthetics were also very appealing to me. In addition to being a DnD fan for years, those sealed the deal for me. Now, I hate to admit it, but I'm one of those people that can lose my cool very easily sometimes and... let's just say it's not so cool when that happens
I was mostly pessimistic about the future of this game, as much as i love it, mainly because of the general clues that balance or bug fixes weren't a high priority. But the changes in mod 3 and the upcoming changes in mod 4, if not anything else, give a hint that priorities have changed and work is being put where it needs to.
Think about it. What do you enjoy more, a game where you play an OP character than can solo everything and some other forgotten classes can't even come close? My main is a pve GWF and after mod 2 it came to life and I can do crazy dps and top the charts even with good CWs in the group and I'm still wearing rank 8s. CWs are even more powerful than me doing almost as much dps as I do (with recent gwf nerfs they might do more!) and can control everything. So it only makes sense that power gamers that want to farm efficiently and fast will choose the better classes and ignore everything else. It was fun being OP myself for a while, but it very quickly became sad. Many friends were thinking of quitting the game (oh those poor GFs had to wait a year for actually working changes to their class), and it was not fun seeing a good player being left aside just because the game mechanics were broken. The upcoming changes, right or wrong, have a feeling of fresh air, clearly aimed to finally battle the balance problems (mainly for pve), and that's a very pleasing thought in my head. It's a start. I don't care that I won't be able to tank anymore with unstoppable, as I'm a dps specced character and I couldn't care less. Open up that spot for the GF. Open up that spot for the DC. Bring the dps of the TR and HR up to par with me. Tasty, tasty, tasty.
Finally, about the dooooom of the nerfbat. It's all about perception. So what if they nerfed the CW or the GWF to bring others up to par? What if they boosted everyone else instead? Wouldn't the final outcome be the same? If I can't outdps everyone by far, wouldn't I be instantly less powerful, thus nerfed? It's an illusion. End game content was starting to get too easy too, maybe everyone being toned down is a good thing. A final note about TRs and DCs: Just because you didn't have much changes coming (yet) it doesn't mean your class wasn't actually helped. TR's dps will now be much much better, only because the dominating classes won't be cheesy anymore. DCs will be much more needed now that both GWF and CW survivability is worsened by a lot.
PS: I'm clearly not talking about PvP balance anywhere, I think PvP needs a sensitive and separate approach. The changes to prones is a good start, maybe this diversity in what powers do in pve and pvp could solve alot more problems in the future.
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
I think it's great to see the devs want to balance things around, because endgame PVE is broken right now, critical mesaures were needed, of course that means that many people won't be happy but I think they'll have to learn to adapt.
That doesn't mean that some of the changes might be too much and players should test it and give their honest opinion on it to make things better for everyone.