Hi everyone, this is something i see becoming a bigger problem the longer i play the game now. There are too many loadscreens and cutscenes in some areas, which destroys or at least interrupts the game flow.
Example: Dread Spire dungeon
You enter the dungeon - loadscreen - you walk 100 tf - loadscreen - only then some uninterrupted playing is possible. At the boss - cutscene - bossfight - exit the dungeon - loadscreen.
This is just one example amongst many others. With this illustration you might understand where i see the problem.
I am fully aware that it is not possible to remove all zone boarders/loadscreens - thats fine. But i honestly think between entering a dungeon/zone and exiting it, there should be as few interruptions as possible.
Request: Please remove some of the unnecessary loadscreens WITHIN a dungeon/zone when this is possible. Also allow us to SKIP cutscenes - which already is possible for a small minority of them, because everyone who has seen it once can live without those.
Please consider these changes. Thx