Hi, I just bought 1
Lesser Briartwine (Reflect 2% of damage back at attacker) and tested it, I'm a GF so I compared it with my
Guarded Assault Class Feature (While Guarding, reflect 1% of incoming damage to your attacker, 3% if you have it in Rank 3) so here was what I got.

The total attack was 1677, but due to DR I would be recieving 672, which was absorbed by my Guard.
Now, my Guarded Assault reflected 53, this is ~3.2%, which is near the % it says that it does (3%), but looking at what Briartwine did... it was 13, which is ~0.8%, why it does so little damage?
Oh, so it's 2% of the Damage Dealt?, when I thought it couldn't be worse
Yea, they should rework some enchantments.
I wear a Perfect Briartwine most of the time, which reflects 4%. In Sharandar it doesn't reflect that much back because nothing there hits all that hard. If I'm out in Dwarven Valley, though, and get whacked for 10k, it bounces 400 back to my attacker. Now we're taking about real damage.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
But at the end, the biggest amount of damage I recived in a T2 Dungeon was 1.8M (I mean from start to end, no with 1 Hit xD), so 4% of that is 72K, and that's withouth counting our Damage Resistance (because in the Inmovable chart I earn Damage even if I blocked it), so at the end it's just like 35K of Damage that Briartwine would deal in the entire Dungeon... with my HR I've done +75K in one hit... They should rework these enchantments, just 2 from weapon and 2 from armor are worthy... While the others are not even the Half of what they are...
However Guarded Assault looks like it is reflecting 3.5% of the damage pre-reductions.
IMO relfect damage should be consistent either reducing damage pre- reductions or post-reductions. No matter what though your Guarded Assault damage is not adding up, though. Moved to Bug Reports.