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TR - Whirlwind of blades IGNORE Tenacity & Damage Resistance

lcwwpyjhjslcwwpyjhjs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2014 in Bug Reports (PC)
As stated in title, currently whirlwind of blade (Trickster Rogue daily) ignore Tenacity & Damage Resistance.
This is the tooltip.


And this is the test on players taken today (8/6/2014)



And as for the second bug, u could see i eat Potion of power in between. This is the tooltip for the potion.


This potion is useable in open pvp (tested), same as mount concept. During combat this potion cannot be use. However, after u leave the combat for like 7-8 second (while still been flagged pvp), it is useable & without a cooldown. So basically, I run away from opponent, spam 4x bottle straight, my daily is ready. Repeat = unlimited daily with just pot spam.

Can we get a FIX? Thank you.

P.S. - And i know a lot TR's will hate me for this :x
Post edited by lcwwpyjhjs on


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    midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    ...Its always ignored resistance since (to my knowledge) module 1. The only reason anyone is saying anything about it now is because SE got nerfed. I am now positive of this: it doesn't matter what you do to a class, people will still cry for the nerf hammer.

    Although, you have a point with the potions.
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    lcwwpyjhjslcwwpyjhjs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Any answer?
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    rustlordrustlord Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Can you post your critical severity, target class, target's gear and tenacity to complete the math? Because your 10K Whilrwind of Blades is far average compared to my 20K Whirlwunds. Not to brag or anything, but I have noticed the same behavior as you. I'm poised to defend this daily for the sake of TR not being nerfed to the UNDERground, but there is a point in honesty that I take very seriously.
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    lcwwpyjhjslcwwpyjhjs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    rustlord wrote: »
    Can you post your critical severity, target class, target's gear and tenacity to complete the math? Because your 10K Whilrwind of Blades is far average compared to my 20K Whirlwunds. Not to brag or anything, but I have noticed the same behavior as you. I'm poised to defend this daily for the sake of TR not being nerfed to the UNDERground, but there is a point in honesty that I take very seriously.

    Frankly, u dont need mine nor opponent stat to make the judgement. As you u can in that screenshot, there is other attack such as elven ferocity & shadowtouched.
    Every attack in this game will include a bracket, which is first, our final hit after deducting Damage Resistance & Tenacity and the hit we suppose to do in the bracket. Tooltip never said it will ignore Damage resistance, which even they let it be now, I'm ok with it. At least add into the tooltip like SE. But an attack that ignore Tenacity? then what is the point of introducing Tenacity into the game? And just a friendly reminder, even a person is at 0 Tenacity, it start with 10% for it.
    (And i can be like 80% sure that whirlwind wont deflect also)

    Just to fill in ur curiosity, my TR is around 15k GS, tested direct with daily (means no feat/stealth active) with no weapon enchantment. And tested on a well.. i guess a 16-17k GS GWF, then another GWF came and killed me. And again, as u can see in that screenshot.
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    jasonbhoy7jasonbhoy7 Member Posts: 53
    edited June 2014
    It's the only daily tr's have left thats worth using, it should hit hard, all tr dailys should as they are a supposed to be a single target damage class, but everything has been nerfed so much, rogues have turned into a damage over time class that need to rely on an at-will and one damaging encounter(path of the blade).

    A GWF's IBS can hit harder than whirlwind of blades and is up about 5 times in the space 1 whirlwind is up.
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    fcnirimfcnirim Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I think the OP made a TR char in hopes of bringing another nerf hammer on TRs, that's the reason why his daily hit so low in the screenshots. No fully geared TR would do such low damage with that specific daily. And I've tested too, it actually is affected by the enemy's tenacity/armor. I'll do 20k+ to any PvE geared toon but not to a fully PvP geared GWF, GF or a DC. I think you should go back to your main and work on your def abilities, no offense.
    On the other hand, those potions should only be used in PvE, not PvP and it's not only useful for TRs, I'd not like to see other classes spamming dailies on my head.
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    lcwwpyjhjslcwwpyjhjs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    fcnirim wrote: »
    I think the OP made a TR char in hopes of bringing another nerf hammer on TRs, that's the reason why his daily hit so low in the screenshots. No fully geared TR would do such low damage with that specific daily. And I've tested too, it actually is affected by the enemy's tenacity/armor. I'll do 20k+ to any PvE geared toon but not to a fully PvP geared GWF, GF or a DC. I think you should go back to your main and work on your def abilities, no offense.
    On the other hand, those potions should only be used in PvE, not PvP and it's not only useful for TRs, I'd not like to see other classes spamming dailies on my head.

    Like i said earlier, My TR wasn't equip with any weapon enchantment, only rank 5, And not using any feat features as in adding critical severity included Damaging in stealth bonus.
    To satisfied your need, here's my TR.


    Then again, like i mention earlier. Every attack came with bracket next to it. The 1st one is after deduction of everything (Tenacity/Damage Reduction/Reflect) And the second one, the damage in bracket is the damage we suppose to deal. In this case, Whirlwind of blade only came with 1 log, without bracket. Which means, it got no deduction from anything.

    Notice the yellow and green differences?

    To add into the story, I get a random 22k Whirlwind of blade on my gwf (Yes.. a gwf, I knw we got alot haters..) from A I dono who in GG. And again the same question will repeat, so here's the screenshot for my gwf. (And i couldn't get the screen during gg. Log been overwrite too fast)


    P.S. - Just to stop the bashing, I do play every class (excluding dc) in this game.
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    lcwwpyjhjslcwwpyjhjs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    fcnirim wrote: »
    I think the OP made a TR char in hopes of bringing another nerf hammer on TRs, that's the reason why his daily hit so low in the screenshots. No fully geared TR would do such low damage with that specific daily. And I've tested too, it actually is affected by the enemy's tenacity/armor. I'll do 20k+ to any PvE geared toon but not to a fully PvP geared GWF, GF or a DC. I think you should go back to your main and work on your def abilities, no offense.
    On the other hand, those potions should only be used in PvE, not PvP and it's not only useful for TRs, I'd not like to see other classes spamming dailies on my head.

    Like i said earlier, I don't mind it hit hard or ignoring DR, but at least add into the tooltip like shocking execution. As for Tenacity, Whirlwind of blade ignores it. If so, whats the point of introducing tenacity into the game?
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    journalist989journalist989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    [QUOTE=Then again, like i mention earlier. Every attack came with bracket next to it. The 1st one is after deduction of everything (Tenacity/Damage Reduction/Reflect) And the second one, the damage in bracket is the damage we suppose to deal. In this case, Whirlwind of blade only came with 1 log, without bracket. Which means, it got no deduction from anything.

    Notice the yellow and green differences?

    Can a PWE staff comfirm this? :confused:
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    mmm1001mmm1001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Potions of power are so difficult to produce so it should not be an issue. Imagine doing profession tasks for several hours just to refill your AP for 1 daily - not worth the effort.
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    hamletswordshamletswords Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,320 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    It does ignore all defense, however without SE, TR needs a hard hitting daily.

    Personally even though it's AOE I like it a lot better than the insta-gib old SE.

    I think they should keep it as is and just update the tooltip.
    My Harem: Dawn HR, Erin CW, Piper TR, Zoe GWF
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    lcwwpyjhjslcwwpyjhjs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    jasonbhoy7 wrote: »
    It's the only daily tr's have left thats worth using, it should hit hard, all tr dailys should as they are a supposed to be a single target damage class, but everything has been nerfed so much, rogues have turned into a damage over time class that need to rely on an at-will and one damaging encounter(path of the blade).

    A GWF's IBS can hit harder than whirlwind of blades and is up about 5 times in the space 1 whirlwind is up.


    you say? guess where's the kill came from. Yes, from a daily that ignore tenacity & damage resistance. Like I mentioned earlier, i don't mind if it gonna change into ignore defense OR even buffing the damage, but NOT without ignoring tenacity.
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    daftmoos3daftmoos3 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    ^ are you claiming all those kills come from using the daily? cmon now...
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I m quite use ibs hit harder once every 11 sec.... hell i m quite sure takedown hits harder every 5 sec
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    hamletswordshamletswords Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,320 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    I'm pretty sure this thing hit me while fox-shiftting today.

    I'm fine with it ignoring DR and Tenacity but not damage immunity.
    My Harem: Dawn HR, Erin CW, Piper TR, Zoe GWF
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    tornnomartornnomar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    LOL. OP is just using the same tactic that the Nerf Shocking Execution Crew used. That is to completely manufacture a situation in which to make the Devs believe a TR skill is in need of yet another Nerf.
    Branch Lead
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    hamletswordshamletswords Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,320 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    I don't think TRs need a nerf but no skill should go through damage immunity. I read a DC saying it goes through their bubble, too.
    My Harem: Dawn HR, Erin CW, Piper TR, Zoe GWF
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    izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited June 2014
    It would be nice if this thread was closed so these whiners can stop their whining.
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    cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    leave TRs alone they had enough already.
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    izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited June 2014
    Every time the TR gets a nerf and is forced to change powers the whiners run to the forums and start crying a well of tears to nerf even more, it's really disgusting. Try to get better and stop destroying the class, if anything needs adjustments it's the GWF class.
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    cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    izidius wrote: »
    Every time the TR gets a nerf and is forced to change powers the whiners run to the forums and start crying a well of tears to nerf even more, it's really disgusting. Try to get better and stop destroying the class, if anything needs adjustments it's the GWF class.
    once they put HD on gwf t1 pvp set,unstoppable recovery and fix the roar, GWF ill be more balanced
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    naicalusnaicalus Member Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Oh Corellon's sacred blood, not another 'BAWW TR CAN DO DAMAGE NERF IT NOW' thread. Just... Stop. Seriously. Whirlwind is the only real daily we have LEFT. Especially in PvE, Lurker's is nigh worthless and has so little visual effect anymore I can't tell when it's up since mod1 came out.

    And TR takes a while to get to their Daily. It's not like CWs getting one every two rotations or more.

    Oh, and GWF does more damage with IBS and that's an encounter. I have a GWF and a TR. My TR is PvE specced so he actually does damage - But my GWF, who has a far worse enchant and worse gear, does more with her IBS than my TR does with his WoB. Lesser Plague Fire versus Greater Vorpal. Less APen even with GWF's native resistance ignore. But nope I can spam IBS every few seconds, whereas I'll get off maybe 3-4 Whirlwinds in a full 30 minute GG PvP match, and that's if I'm lucky and fighting a lot.

    You know how those TRs got up there? THEIR PLAYERS ARE GOOD AND HAVE GOOD GEAR. That's ALL. Stop. Bloody. Crying.
    Largely inactive, playing Skyforge as Nai Calus.
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    journalist989journalist989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    whirlwind of blade cannot be deflect too..
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    froszztfroszzt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 284 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    I got hit by a 39k Whirlwind last night in Dwarven pvp. :)

    In regular domination it's common to get hit by 15-20k. Being an undodgable AoE power I really find this to be OP as all fk.

    Sup with the undodgable bs anyway? I've seen TR's get triple kills so many times from this "I WIN" attack
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    rustlordrustlord Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Open Beta: John Doe: Please nerf Shocking Execution its iWIN.
    Module 1: Jane Doe: Please nerf Lurkers Assault its iWIN.
    Module 2: Jimmy Doe: Please nerf Shocking Exeuction again its still iWIN.
    Module 3: froszzt: Please nerf Whirlwind of Blades its iWIN.
    Module 4: Future John Doe: Please nerf Courage Breaker its OP.
    Module 5: Old John Doe: Please nerf Bloodbath it gives immunity.
    Module 6: Granpa Doe: Please nerf Hateful Knives daily coz TR is now actually playing WK!
    Module 7: Dead Doe: Oh wait...no more dailies. Thank you Cryptic!
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    midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    rustlord wrote: »
    Open Beta: John Doe: Please nerf Shocking Execution its iWIN.
    Module 1: Jane Doe: Please nerf Lurkers Assault its iWIN.
    Module 2: Jimmy Doe: Please nerf Shocking Exeuction again its still iWIN.
    Module 3: froszzt: Please nerf Whirlwind of Blades its iWIN.
    Module 4: Future John Doe: Please nerf Courage Breaker its OP.
    Module 5: Old John Doe: Please nerf Bloodbath it gives immunity.
    Module 6: Granpa Doe: Please nerf Hateful Knives daily coz TR is now actually playing WK!
    Module 7: Dead Doe: Oh wait...no more dailies. Thank you Cryptic!

    What's funny is Courage Breaker is probably next. After all, it bypasses immunity to apply its slowdown and -90% damage (from what I heard, haven't actually had time to test it).
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    froszztfroszzt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 284 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    rustlord wrote: »
    Open Beta: John Doe: Please nerf Shocking Execution its iWIN.
    Module 1: Jane Doe: Please nerf Lurkers Assault its iWIN.
    Module 2: Jimmy Doe: Please nerf Shocking Exeuction again its still iWIN.
    Module 3: froszzt: Please nerf Whirlwind of Blades its iWIN.
    Module 4: Future John Doe: Please nerf Courage Breaker its OP.
    Module 5: Old John Doe: Please nerf Bloodbath it gives immunity.
    Module 6: Granpa Doe: Please nerf Hateful Knives daily coz TR is now actually playing WK!
    Module 7: Dead Doe: Oh wait...no more dailies. Thank you Cryptic!

    I have no clue what you aimed to accomplish with that comment.

    "I Win" is right. From the simple push of a button you can instantly kill a whole team. No matter how well protected or immune they are. How that is not bull**** I dunno, you tell me.
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    izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited June 2014
    froszzt wrote: »
    I have no clue what you aimed to accomplish with that comment.

    "I Win" is right. From the simple push of a button you can instantly kill a whole team. No matter how well protected or immune they are. How that is not bull**** I dunno, you tell me.

    What he aimed to accomplish by that comment is people like you are responsible for the continuous nerfs to the TR class - soon to be rendered useless and dead all because you got hit for 39k in an open pvp area.

    If I were you I'd beef up my ranger/cw some more as it seems you get hit for a lot of damage constantly. Figure out another solution instead of coming here and blaming a class because of your own shortcomings - it's getting real old real quick.
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    journalist989journalist989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Before that, get it right between FIX and NERF

    Every skill in this game do what the tooltip said.

    Shocking execution ignore tenacity ? FIX.
    HR profound set bonus ignore HD? FIX
    GWF Roar rooting player for 2 second and ignore immunity? FIX
    GWF Unstoppable recovery feat ignore HD? FIX

    Nerfing is : The skill do exactly what the tooltip said yet the game designer feel the need to change/degrade the whole skill in either damage or effect with the tooltip together as its overpowered.

    Whirlwind of blades never stated in tooltip that it ignore damage resistance/tenacity/cannot be deflect. So u tell me, its that a FIX or NERF? Its a FIX.
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