Hey there, I'm rather new at this. I've recently published a couple of Foundry Quests (Fox's Den, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, author
@kevaar), and I haven't gotten any reviews on them. I'm also having trouble finding them when I search for them myself in the Foundry catalog ingame.
Is this normal? Is there anything special I need to do to get these out to the public after clicking publish? I've got more I'd like to add to this campaign, but I wanted to see if I'm off to the right start first. That's rather difficult without them reviews.
1. Post in the review trade thread above. You'll get in depth reviews from experienced authors. The couple line reviews in the game aren't that helpful.
2. Have you made sure your quests can be completed? If there is something locking out players they can't finish and can't review it.
3. The new module has been catching most of the attention for the moment.
(Un)Academic Field Work Foundry Campaign: NWS-DAPZB2CTZ
New foundries fresh from publish are under the Reviews tab in the foundry list. You have to apply to review foundries to see them. There it gives you the information on your foundry after typing in the name and hitting Search. Get the short code and then post it in the Foundry session of the forum. It is best when you offer (and complete) a few reviews for reviews. You have to give a little to get a little in this case, but it is worth it and you might find another author's foundry to be very enjoyable. We all work really hard on our stories and everyone wants a review so just keep that in mind when searching for players. Give me your short code and I'll play them through and then you can review mine.
A D&D take on some classic fables. It is short (about 6 minutes) but I am hoping to add to it soon.
P/S- That is a basic outline of your quest. The name, shortcode, and what it's about. You can also include the amount of combat, difficulties, and images of the foundry if you desired.
This too
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
The code for the campaign is NWS-DTKJ8JDOK. The first two quests are NW-DNV7PAHLI and NW-DOMXTVLB2 respectively. Fox's Den is the name.
I found the review request for your foundry and added a reply to it, @celticgamer. I hope it didn't sound too critical. :S I like what you've got there so far.