check this out!
it is currently our leader ranking,
I'm surprised but also not.
- first of all, for all that says healer have no chance, look at that-
- 5 TRs not realy surprising
- 4 HRs also powerful
- 1Gwf / 1 CW regulär
- no Gfs

what do you think about that ?
Premade my ***. That DC know how to play, and know how the leaderboard system work.
It is a new meta for DC to try to put out a bit more DPS in higher end match, the power revamp really boost up the DPS even for a healing spec DC since high power build.
Plz learn the game.
A 91.6% win rate is not possible within PUGs. No doubt the DC is skilled, also no doubt his rating is boosted by a premade setting.
That DC is legit. She knows how to play her class, she's relatively tanky and she knows where to be at what time (ie provide buffs/debuffs/healing to a node then going back to mid).
Communication is key.
well, about guys saying that DC is OP. instead of just looking at the 12 first guys, look at the let's say, 100 first pages. How much DC are there? not many... lookat the last 100pages, how much DC? a more big fraction...
so well, ok you can spec yourself as a tanky pvp DC, u can make a strong build, but how many guys do it and just get rickrolled? a lot!
so let's say there is the skill, to be honest, if one DC is playing with three GWF with 20k+perfect, and a perma fighting node 3, that they play with microphones, etc staying a little behind, i'm sure this DC can almost have the same stat...
to be honest, i found that my survivability as a DC depends almost at 80%-90% on the group, and the way group protect you and you protect them...
so, without being agressive, i just would like to see you as a DC playing PUGs... and then we talk seriously.
on another way, congrats to this DC to be placed on the high tier of the leaderboard, u made a great job!
I feel very much the same way. This also brings up a sad fact about some really good high end pvpers (especially, for some reason, TRs), who come to pugs and can't stay alive due to opponent team being crushingly better geared/skilled. Guess whose guilty for the loss, according to the rogue?
I've even lost respect to some good players because they apparently have lost a grasp of what's a game and what's something that really matters in life.
And for a dc, I usually duoqueue or full premade b/c we have no killing power by ourselves
Okies :cool:
90% of the DC in this game sucks to begin with. Most DC have no idea how to dodge or properly time their own skills, and even few have the knowledge to make proper movement around the map.
DC is weak in this game because most people who play suck so badly. Good DC are always useful, regardless of patch. DC is a pure support class, you would never be able to compete with other class head to head, so yes DC is and always will be WEAK.
No good DC solo queue because they are not stupid like you. So good luck and go solo queue your DC plz.
Sepia do duo or tri queue all the time, if you call that premade then yes everyone in the HAMSTER leaderboard premade 24/7.
And no DC can have enough DPS to clear point, or enough healing to save the horrible pug in a solo queue game that is why they never solo queue.
Such a hostile response.. But yea you're stating a fact about solo-queuing means hell to DC...
4 friendlies are a lot to carry upon one's shoulder alone
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Let's not play dumb here.
A very, very good player alone (especially if it has large tactical value like GWFs or TRs) is almost enough to remedy the mistakes of the rest 4 clueless average PuG players. A duo-premade of two people both experienced and geared upto large/regular premade level matches is more than enough to decisively shift the advantage to the team. PuG matches where almost everyone has little experience, gear, or even courage -- hence the frail egality in balance.
Duo and triple premades are premades just as any other. Let's not weasle out with the argument that it isn't, because it is. The only standing that could really count as "playing PuG" games is by queueing alone. It's total random hell when you are alone. Not so if you have even just one capable friend covering your back.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
That DC (anyone can look up who it is) only runs in a premade. Not to discredit that DC though as he/she is really, really good. And no, the DC's don't do much damage even with the power change. They do have lots of DoTs at their disposal though and can get that last tick kill a lot of times. When I run my DC in PvP I spread them pretty liberally, particularly on TR's to chew up their stealth. It also keeps those applied in constant heal depression. I've actually had a couple matches where I was on top for my team for kills because of this. But truth is I didn't do 95% (likely more) of the damage to get them killed.
Why do they need a buff? First, Icewind Dale. Second, what damage they do do was heavily curtailed by tenacity. Am I talking about a huge buff? No, it is a support class and should remain at the bottom for damage output.
Just for your build- rotation style you deserve a buff . !!! . Not many dcs get the fact that they are anti tr class .
Makes sense -- since the kill count awards a kill to the one who landed the final blow, players with rapid-ticking DoTs tend to scrape up a lot of kills which (frankly speaking) they do not deserve, particularly in many vs. many fights. TRs are pretty much the same, since it is also relatively easy to take kill counts due to Bilethorn. Probably GWFs with deep gash as well.
Of course, I don't know who "that DC" is, so I have no opinion on whether if that kill/death ratio is legit or not.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
I don't know about this. I haven't seen any DCs going DPS. Even if a DC went tank+DPS, we would be less effective than other classes at doing the same thing. Our value-added is heals/rotations/buffs/debuffs/court-vision, etc.
Iyon the Dark
Sorry, i asked some of my pvp guildies and several pvp cleric buddies as well, however i still get no information about this new meta "Dps healer with high power investment". It sounds like this meta doesn't exist at all!!
Now most dc are using MH set with at least over 30k HP (current meta), which is considered as a sent with some passive healing. Lazuree told me he is using MH set with a P.Vorpal, with HW, Ex, AS slotted, so i think those kills are last hitting using Sacred Flame and Punishing Light. The only guy i know who is running high power, high crit, dps/debuff oriented pvp cleric similar to the new meta you said is Lazaroth, a bloodthirsty cleric who disappeared for a while. I really doubt is there a possibility a cleric can give out more dps without giving up team survivability??
Yes i want to learn, can you tell me how to spec pls? I hope you wont give me a pve healing spec with high power investment. Sorry for being nub and thank you for your help. Do not ignore pls!!
while we are the anti tr class sometimes carrying a team requires rotations b/c most of the time, the teams I/my friend and I get do not do enough dps/cannot survive 1v1s/2v2s by themselves b/c the other team outclasses them
I think the entire leader board is useless, managed to calculate some things from it and found out:
1, The more you are a bystander, the more you will survive and get better results, killing a foe is only secondary.
2, Hand on the chest, did you also hate, when you nearly killed a foe, than usually a TR comes along, throws a little knife and he gets all the credit.
3, When the game started many TR were made for PVE mostly, now if you look at their INT value, they arre nearly all perma or semi-perma TRs. Why? Better results in PVP and a solo game in like Castle Never brings in a huge amount of AD, just think on the Ancient stuff.
4, Pre-made chars will always be better, than us normal players.
5, I don't get into the poor GFs, i have one too, pretty useless everywhere... I can do good damage, but when my health is low, i can't flee, game over here. Overall classes aren't meant to be compared in D&D, it was always a teamwork style game, where all longtime players know, that you can't do a comparison. This is not the Devs fault, you simply can't balance two different classes, as i said it wasn't meant to be, It was just implemented in the game for the majority of people, who like PVP.
6, The more you play, the more points you have, us casual players will never reach the leader board tops, but that doesn't mean we aren't good.
7, With so many cheaters, bot players and rich kidies, the entire thing of comparing has nothing to do with skill.
8, Have you guys heard this: Every chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. Now, the best player is nothing without a good team. Casual players, who just come together will never be so high in rankings, like pure PVP guilds.
9, I left the best for last, the entire thing is useless, because every player, who joins the game now or later, will never have any chance to compete against players, who play it for long time.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
mod note: when you post any pvp scoreboard, we will remove it if name@account is showing because pvp is competitive and posting the end results of matches or leaderboards is considered to be pvp drama. kudos to the OP for respecting the forum guidelines.
do not respond to this mod note. instead, send us a PM to discuss it.
If it was a rank based on premade vs premade it would show some skill.or pug vs pug.
Im sure they have some skill,but honestly it takes Zero skill to roll 99% of all pug with a hand picked premade.
Now If they had 2 different queues were premades faced premades and pugs were facing pugs.Then and only then would this leaderboard mean anything.All I see is Pug farmers when i look at top players in leaderboard and that doesnt mean anything to me.
It actually takes more skill to pug and have high scores than farm pug with your hand picked epic premade.
so many idiots in this world....
You have no idea