I noticed two immediate problems with the graphic on the Bear Tribe Axe. The first is a pixelated square that appears around the handle of the axe at all times. The second is that enchantment effects do not properly show up on the axe.
Edit w/ Details: I encountered these problems after transmuting a Fallen Dragon Greatsword, equipped with a Perfect Vorpal enchantment to the Bear Tribe Axe. I noticed that the vorpal's consistent 'strobe-like' effect is not visible, but the sparkle at the tip of the weapon is sometimes visible. The sound effect of swinging the vorpal seems to work fine.
Here is a picture of the pixelated square:
The vorpal effect seems to be applyied to this square:
When I removed the Vorpal the transmute appeared to have no problems at all.
I hope this helps and I hope this can be fixed soon. This axe is absolutely awesome looking!
Enforce rainbow parties in PvP ---- 10v10 PvP ----
Just 17 more days+18 hours until I stick this transmute on the crafted black ice hammer!
Awesome axe is awesome.
Enforce rainbow parties in PvP ---- 10v10 PvP ----