Since every single already OP GWF have started to abuse Roar I thought I would stop be so lazy and submit a report about it.
I am not 100% sure of course since I have no way of telling, but it seems like Roar is not affected by tenacity/control resist. I mean, it can't be since it stuns me as a halfling, 21% tenacity and 22 wisdom for a really long time. It seems to have a really short CD and every single GWF is abusing the HAMSTER out of it in PvP. It's basically a free key to chain proning that can be used often and without fail.
You failed in removing Threatening Rush from GWF even though it is common sense that it doesn't belong with that class. You even made IBS hit harder, as if that was needed. Along with this you nerfed the HAMSTER out of the best HR powers.
This also goes for Icy Rays. It is clearly a control power but it doesn't take control resist into consideration whatsoever. (You are in facto being controlled and HV even gives a stack when using it, hence, control power)
Please look into this. No way it can be working as intended.
I forgot to mention that it goes through dodges and immunities. And with the power working as it is now it even deals more damage. Also, I heard that GWF has a feat that gives it 20% more dmg and 50% less CD. That explains how they can spam this bugged power like they do.
So months after HR comes out and have Stormstep action you then find out from the blue without anyone complaining about it that it needs 50% nerf, but GWF has this feat that gives them 50% off from a bugged power and takedown or whatever that is also a bs power. Lets all fall down from the flick of the wrist from range.
Some dev comments on the logic behind some of these things would be really great, because it doesn't make any sense and people are abusing it like hell.
I hit it often and repeatedly when PvPing with GWF.
I understand your concern.
I don't, however, think I'm abusing anything.
I got this encounter power I can slot. It interrupts my enemy. So I hit it a lot.
I also hit the most effective buttons I can hit on my Ranger, as do you I'm sure.
So ask for the nerf if you want, but try not to be too angry at the GWFs.
They're not abusing anything just playing to the best of their toons ability, as we all do.