I love my Angel.
I want the most out of it and am wondering if the Enchantments add to the healing abilities at all.
The Angel only heals or intercepts damage. It does not attack mobs.
The healing is set at 5% per whatever seconds it is (pretty constant).
At the moment I have as runestones Eldritch for a % buff to my character.
Serene to help the Angel heal and in the Offense slot Arcane for recovery.
For its Gear I have tried to go with Armour etc. But most of these slots are Offense.
In the offense slots on my gear I have placed Azure, trying to get critical strikes.
My question is – Does the Angel Crit Heal?
Is it even worth wasting the $$ on the Enchantments??
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So if I were going to use one of these, I'd boost its hit points through the roof, toss in some defense and use blue gear with regen, assuming I could find any. Any crit I could sneak in there would be nice. I don't think they need much. (It has one offensive runeslot.. there's the crit. Could probably find some blue gear with power and regen, or crit and regen.. so whichever you can find, use the other rune.)
Just my opinion. Maybe worthless. Hahaha
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
So Power also increases the Healing????
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