Any idea how to effectively stack Regeneration + hp?
HP comes from Radiant Enchantments in Defensive Slots - Greater Ring of Repulsion has defensive slots and would be BiS for a regen / hp build. (Ancient Priests rings are cheaper, PvP rings = Ring of Smiting - but only for the defensive slot)
The old-school belts have HP and some have a defensive slot, I've not found a neck with a defensive slot...
Don't forget, it is ALWAYS more practical to upgrade the enchants in your pants / shirt first.
1500+ regen
25%+ Deflection
2k armor pen (varies upon CON)
Plaguefire or Vorpal (pref.higher)
Tenacity Who? Versus GF Master means nada.
This is the build to be the mentioned gwf that never dies, or the build to counter him?
Probably Emblem, but that's gonna say buh bye in mod 3.
same question as above.
Is this the build to be like the GWF i faced? Or is it to counter him?
I have about 20 CON, where should i cap my arm pen?
Only 2 viable PvP builds right now that I know of, and the difference between the two is very slight so.
But everything is changing in mod 3 so...
Is it me, or is the link broken? Can't seem to access it
The link is mangled, the ":" after "http" is missing in the target. Try this:
Thanks it worked!
Any idea how to effectively stack Regeneration + hp?
HP comes from Radiant Enchantments in Defensive Slots - Greater Ring of Repulsion has defensive slots and would be BiS for a regen / hp build. (Ancient Priests rings are cheaper, PvP rings = Ring of Smiting - but only for the defensive slot)
The old-school belts have HP and some have a defensive slot, I've not found a neck with a defensive slot...
Don't forget, it is ALWAYS more practical to upgrade the enchants in your pants / shirt first.