Basically in mod 3, since deep gash is getting nerfed... WILL vorpal still be the best for GWFs?
I'm thinking of switching to Lightning/Plague fire, but not so sure if it will be better in mod 3.
What will you choose if you're in my shoes?
I would prefer to base this more on PVP rather than PVE.
ps: I know i posted this in "The Barracks", but i would like more feedback.
But would Lightning/Greater PF be better for PvE content as compared to Vorpal?
For PvE, I think Vorpal's still the way to go since there's that Weapon Master Class Feature along with the high Critical Strike rating from gear, unless you wanna boost your party DPS then GPF might be better.
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Why is lightning no-no? Is 20% increase in damage too low?
Yeah, it looks pretty, but idk how will it work out on a GWF though. How is it in PVP?
YUPE, pretty much no one is saying Lightning... Guess the animation isn't everything.
1. That 20% scaling is based on weapon damage and not your actual damage.
2. In PvE it might boost your aggro but also could accidentally affect mobs you just ninja across, a.k.a unintentional aggro to mobs you slipped through since the AoE can be quite big.
3. In PvP, it's redundant unless you wanna "luckily" kill some low HP stealthed TRs in the vicinity, which is so not going to happen.
Thanks for the explanation.
What about GPF vs P Vorp
With the upcoming deep gash nerf,
1. Will Vorp have lower dps overall and only excel in burst damage?
2. "+7.5% Fire damage. Burn for 2.5% damage per second for 3s and reduce def by 15%, can be stacked 3 times" Since GPF is able to reduce def by 45% and have DoT, will it be better compared to a single burst dmg vorpal?