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The secret to beating the Battle for the Bridge Skirmish Quickly

desolator777desolator777 Member Posts: 58
edited April 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
I just found a great new method for beating the Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms event skirmish! Most people don't know this. So what you do is at the 2nd boss, pull up the console and type in the cheat code "wings of cannith" and hit enter. Then in like 5 seconds, you'll see the House Cannith steam-powered F22 lightning striker bomb the boss.

Mega spoiler pics:

Does anyone have a good strategy for beating the final boss though?

Post edited by desolator777 on


  • zoiks100zoiks100 Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Whoever has agro should try to stay out of melee range of that last boss, his stomp spawns more adds, and he only does the stomp when in melee range. It's a bad design, but it's the way it is.

    Beyond that everything else is standard, stay out of red, and burn down adds when they spawn since they're more dangerous than the boss himself.
    Don't Panic.
    Okay, Panic.
  • desolator777desolator777 Member Posts: 58
    edited April 2014
    I heard that the last boss has an unnatural dislike of apples so you'll want to throw those at him as much as possible. You can draw aggro if you have any nikujaga though because he looooves that.

    Totally unrelated question: does your browser support pictures? lol
  • iamannoyingdeviliamannoyingdevil Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Wow ,is that Maelstrom of Chaos I see slotted in your dailies , that's even rarer than a F 22 in Neverwinter.
  • desolator777desolator777 Member Posts: 58
    edited April 2014
    It's slotted for 6 very important reasons.
    1. it's less disruptive to other people's attacks than singularity because the entire time, the enemies remain targetable
    2. it groups up enemies for close quarters AoE attacks
    3. It gets enemies away from me
    4. It allows me to tank everything for several seconds with like a 90% damage reduction and control immunity
    5. it does more damage than singularity
    6. it's freaking hiliarious to send enemies flying across the battlefield
  • iamannoyingdeviliamannoyingdevil Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    lol dude I wasn't having a go at you ,its actually refreshing to see a CW slot something other than AS and OF.
  • joocycuzzzzzzjoocycuzzzzzz Member Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Wow ,is that Maelstrom of Chaos I see slotted in your dailies , that's even rarer than a F 22 in Neverwinter.

    This might be surprising but Maelstrom was seriously my favorite daily. But after they "Fixed" it. I immediately unslotted it. It's worthless now. I loved Maelstorm because:

    1) The thunder casting animation is ****ing <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>

    2) It USED TO pass through Impossible to Catch and Unstoppable. This was such a fine piece in PVP. Stun/Interrupt control immune targets then CC them to death. It was kinda easily avoidable (For ranged classes), but if you timed it right, it was amazing.

    3) The awesome moment when you didn't even target a target, and it still flies away like a ragdoll after the Thunder comes down. Loved those moments.

    4) The CC and Damage reduction is very useful in some situations but it's not enough to slot it anymore.

    RIP Old Maelstorm of Chaos. I will always miss you.
    Beta player

    One of the many Control Wizards that misses Shard Of The Endless Avalanche. RIP Shard (Beta-Mod3)
  • desolator777desolator777 Member Posts: 58
    edited April 2014
    I've found that the best attacks to prep, at least on the testing server at the moment, are Monkey Mob and Hot Dog Cannon

  • fgreyspearfgreyspear Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 472 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    The skirmish as well as the CTA teaches the same lesson: in some fights is it important to fight boss and mobs separately.

    The worst that can happen on the bridge is that one gets surrounded by minions while a boss hits you with its cone-shaped attack (either a stun by the first boss or a pull by the third boss).

    Not only controlling the aggro of the bosses and mobs but also their direction in which they face is one of the secrets here, and the bridge is a good way to learn and train this.

    I apologize in advance if I seem to be trying to make this into a serious discussion.
    Stay frosty.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    this strategy may work better than a world moose daily.
  • desolator777desolator777 Member Posts: 58
    edited April 2014
    We had better luck doing it like Temple of the Spider. We had 2 wizards with AoE control spells bunching everything onto the boss with singularity and fiery scorching mega tornado or doom or whatever. Then you cycle through stuns one after the other and after 2 people worth of time steal, boulder, and chill strike (on mastery), they're dead and the boss takes all the damage too. That keeps the mobs off the rangers even if they would normally have gotten aggro from damage. The adds basically can't even move or get up before getting hit again.

    You do have to back up out of range when you hear the F22 coming though.
  • yarknarfyarknarf Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Thanks OP. :)
    Love the tip.

    Seriously, though...

    The way to win Battle for the bridge:

    - Don't count on your teammates at the start, they will die.
    - Make your move at the end.
    - In the final battle wait for an ADD to spawn and charge you.
    - Move forward a bit and hang in the little hallway and tank there.
    - Force the one or two ADDs engaging you to fight there the whole battle.
    - Count on half the mobs to be way back, out of the battle, picking up the distraction copper coins your party dropped.
    - Smash the couple of mobs who are actually fighting you and have your teammates swarm one person over and over again.
    - The rest of the ADDs will just start to run around confused and start to die/re-spawn.
    - Continue like this, eventually they will give up.
    - Keep your chest as reward.
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm disappointed. What, no Five-Finger Death Punch?
  • desolator777desolator777 Member Posts: 58
    edited April 2014
    I have a simpler strategy.

    1. party up ahead of time with actual level 60's
    2. that's it
  • fgreyspearfgreyspear Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 472 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    We had better luck doing it like Temple of the Spider. We had 2 wizards with AoE control spells bunching everything onto the boss with singularity and fiery scorching mega tornado or doom or whatever. Then you cycle through stuns one after the other and after 2 people worth of time steal, boulder, and chill strike (on mastery), they're dead and the boss takes all the damage too. That keeps the mobs off the rangers even if they would normally have gotten aggro from damage. The adds basically can't even move or get up before getting hit again.

    You do have to back up out of range when you hear the F22 coming though.
    There are a couple things one can notice on the bridge to make this work even with open parties.

    - The first boss needs to be pulled closer so that he stands in about the middle of the first bridge segment. This allows to hold the boss together with the spawning minions in one place. CWs or GFs can pull them into a pile and everyone can hit more targets simultaneously and do more damage. If the one who pulls the boss also moves to the side then the cone-shaped stun attack by the first boss will go off to the side as well and fewer party members get stunned.

    - This works with the second boss, too. He needs to be pulled close as well, almost all the way back to the arch so that the spawning minions can again be grouped more easily. CWs or GFs can again pile them up more easily and everyone deals more damage.

    Not only does one run the CTA faster, but this also helps in protecting the ranged classes from taking damage, and even when somebody falls are they not half way across the bridge.

    - The third boss spawns his minions on every second "stomp" attack (a big red circle around the boss). This needs a little bit of practise but one can pull the minions of the last boss also onto a pile and thereby keep them away from the ranged classes. Again, the one who aggros the third boss should stay on the side of the bridge so that the cone-shaped "pull" attack gets turned to the side of the bridge and thereby hits less party members.

    Of course, the best time to run the CTA is during the Skirmish Event hour, because then one gets 1000 raw AD bonus each time. :cool:
    Stay frosty.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    This was a thread to put over OP's joke.

    This CTA takes my group less than 2-3 minutes to clear. A big part of that are the cutscenes too
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