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PVE and tanking GWF/GF

snipegunnersnipegunner Member Posts: 6
edited April 2014 in The Militia Barracks
I understand in PVP classes can be overpowered but what im having a real problem with is the Guardian Fighter has almost no place in group dungeon runs as well as the hunter and rogue. 3 GWF and 2 CW is all you need. Every time I run DKC thats all it is. If you try to get into group with any other toon, you will get booted. Now that being said, i always get into a group because im a CW but im still a little miffed at this as a friend of mine is a GF and he gets booted almost every time. The tank is not considered useful in these greed runs nor is any other dps toon. The GWF is playing the role of what should be the GF as well as DPS! This is the first game ive ever played that is this broken in terms of PVE. Now im not quite sure if its like this for all the dungeons but pretty much every one ive done is like this. I originally chose the CW because most other games the sword fighter is usually not that good but in Neverwinter. they are rediculously overpowered in PVP and PVE. And im also getting a little tired of playing with immature GWFs who just discovered pvorpal and their own <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. I would suggest anyone would be player wanting to lead a group. GF is the wrong desicion and reroll GWF in fact everyone should roll GWF why not! All my buddys are! why? because they are not fixing it anytime soon. You know what they say, If you cant beat em, join em.
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  • itstheyokitstheyok Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    GF's can be very useful for dungeons, my friend rolls one, and he is always in high demand for guild runs purely for kiting....quite amusing on a boss seeing all the adds running round in circles after him, while the CW hits them off the edge with a tabbed repel!
    Also a GF sitting in a clerics astral shield can face tank a boss all day long!....Theyre never gonna come top of the paingiver table, infact theyre often behind the cleric!, but they do have theyre uses
  • fgreyspearfgreyspear Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 472 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    The thing with the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, I think you have hit the jackpot there. *lol*

    Seriously though. If some people boot the GF then this is because some players have simply over-tanked their GFs and lack largely in damage. These over-tanked GFs then have met very simple-minded players and it got stuck their heads. So now they hate GFs and only play with glass cannons. In Neverwinter there is in fact not that much use for a pure tank character.

    This is why I went with the Sword Master paragon path on my GF. It lets me tank and pull mobs, while I also can do a bit more damage and most of all debuf entire groups of monsters with Weapon Master's Strike and Terror enchantment. It allows GWFs and CWs to do a lot more damage, and more than they would do if they had just another GWF or CW on their party, that's how strong the debuff is. This of course requires teamwork and some players are not into teamwork.

    If it is too big of a problem then avoid those groups. Find a nice guild with good people in it and forget about the young peckers.
    Stay frosty.
  • str8slayerstr8slayer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 715 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    It's because every dungeon is the same, throw massively numerous mobs at the players and see if they can AOE through it. This design flaw is the reason DPS is so important and utility is meaningless in PVE.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    itstheyok wrote: »
    nfact theyre often behind the cleric!, but they do have theyre uses

    I find it hard to see how on earth a GF can be out-damaged by a Cleric. If they are they are one of those pillow-fisted Protector's with less than 500 crit/arpen and about 3k power.

    My modest Conqueror (16.9k, equivalent of a ''normal'' class' 12 - 13k) can match comparable GWFs and won't be too far behind a comparable CW.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    I find that surprising: what weapon enchant and armour set are you using? And what encounters?

    If I managed to match a comparably-geared GWF, my conclusion would be "that is a terrible GWF" rather than any statement on my own abilities. Either that or a GWF who didn't take deep gash (in which case, see 'terrible GWF', above).

    I usually find I can be of vastly more use boosting team deeps (KC, terror, mark all the things) than I can be by trying to work my way up paingiver.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    morsitans wrote: »
    I find that surprising: what weapon enchant and armour set are you using? And what encounters?

    If I managed to match a comparably-geared GWF, my conclusion would be "that is a terrible GWF" rather than any statement on my own abilities. Either that or a GWF who didn't take deep gash (in which case, see 'terrible GWF', above).

    I usually find I can be of vastly more use boosting team deeps (KC, terror, mark all the things) than I can be by trying to work my way up paingiver.

    Conqueror in full Timeless with Normal Plague Fire.

    8300 power, 1750 crit (before set bonus), 2200 arpen, 1700 recovery

    Lunging Strike + Enforced Threat + Frontline Surge
    Trample the Fallen + feated Combat Superiority
    Plus all the feats that boost at-will and encounter powers and at least 1-point in 3 feats that give me temp HP tied in with the feat that boosts my damage when I have temp HP.

    I do a lot of AOE damage and I'm getting some nice boosts via my class features.

    I lose about 1 - 1.5 million damage when I swop over to Knight Captain.

    If there are 2 CWs and a GWF or 1 CW and 2 GWFs (in my equivalent gear range) in the party I can finish as high as second and never below the DC, and if I am 4th overall I won't be far behind, even in a dungeon such as Frozen Heart and Spellplague where I'll spend the last few minutes running around.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    You can do most dungeons with any class composition. But for times sake, you shouldnt bother with more then one gf, tr or hr for the most part. Two hrs who split the mobs into two different spots away from each other is a nightmare, they then run around , increasing dungeon times.

    Ive had great GF led runs playing on my dc, when Im on my CW, I pretty much ignore everyone else anyways, Dodge, Cast some sort of AOE not on cooldown, dodge, pot, repeat..

    Ive done most T2s with any sort of class set up, even non CW runs. Honestly if someone plays the class in pve ok, without doing stupid things like splitting mob packs, standing in red ect, usually its a matter of a couple mins without certain classes. Whoopie Doo.. Yet for some poeple, they just cant stand those couple extra mins..
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    thestaggy wrote: »
    I lose about 1 - 1.5 million damage when I swop over to Knight Captain.

    Fair enough. I generally reason (as above) that me losing 1.5 million is small beer compared to the KC bonus adding that right back, with interest, to the CWs and GWFs. I realise that the total amount of damage the party can deal in a dungeon is pretty much fixed, but helping the AoE deeps classes deal the lions share of it makes everything faster (and it makes them happy, because: NUMBERZ).

    Plus the defense bonus probably helps those squishy, squishy wizards a little. :)
  • forumnamesarelamforumnamesarelam Member Posts: 126 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    str8slayer wrote: »
    It's because every dungeon is the same, throw massively numerous mobs at the players and see if they can AOE through it. This design flaw is the reason DPS is so important and utility is meaningless in PVE.

    I think you hit it on the head.

    My GWF is pretty squishy when unstoppable isn't up, but the way dungeons and encounters are designed, I can get away with being a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> most of the time and just flailing around with AoE attacks. I hardly pay attention at all and usually end up at #1 or #2 on the damage chart.

    But yeah, I get away with this because of the way encounters are designed in this game. If it wasn't just a race to see how much AOE damage can be put out in a 20 second interval, then the dynamics of the game would change pretty darn dramatically and the GF would be a heck of a lot more useful. As it stands, I don't think they're really all that bad - but their "speciality" (basically face tanking) is rarely needed.
  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    itstheyok wrote: »
    he is always in high demand for guild runs purely for kiting....

    Guild runs are charity acts...
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    morsitans wrote: »
    Fair enough. I generally reason (as above) that me losing 1.5 million is small beer compared to the KC bonus adding that right back, with interest, to the CWs and GWFs. I realise that the total amount of damage the party can deal in a dungeon is pretty much fixed, but helping the AoE deeps classes deal the lions share of it makes everything faster (and it makes them happy, because: NUMBERZ).

    Plus the defense bonus probably helps those squishy, squishy wizards a little. :)

    KC is the more sensible choice but from time to time I like to do moar deepz myself.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
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