Welcome to my guide!! I am Elf, a nub, poor, inexperienced pvp healer who have just reached 13k gs. I just want to share my experience and playstyle of healing in pvp post healing depression nerf. Here is my items and stats allocation.

For those who want some clear sheet of cleric's skill usage, you may visit my another post:
Elf's Analysis of DC Skills and Powers. I recommend every cleric pass by and read that post. Well, lets straight to the point.
Gear Set:
1. Black Ice <Purified>
2. Grim / Profound / Miracle Healer
3. High Prophet (optional)
I actually recommend to use grim/profound pvp sets for extra divinity. Divinity is the core of my healing build. However, MH set is good for sent clerics with hp higher than 30k, with 20 con a cleric can reach 35k+ hp, boosting MH set effect to a higher point. Black Ice set is the BIS for pvp clerics, but the point is how hard you have to farm black ice and black ice gear before you can wear it in pvp. It is very time consuming so i recommend to use these pvp sets or MH set first in the mean time.
Heroic Feats:
As shown in above pic, i have 5/5 Bountiful Fortune. Don't say 0 cleanse is bad, i may subject to a change if i need my cleanse back. 3/3 cleanse 2/5 BF or 1/3 cleanse 4/5 BF doesn't matter much. Other feats are the standard feat for clerics, nothing big to discuss.
Paragon feats:
I pick righteous for surviving purpose. Divine Advantage basically reduce your damage intake by 10% when you are striked with combat advantage. Ethereal boon must be maxed to get its maximum effect, not only regenerate Divinity after casting encounters but also guarantee a 90% uptime Divinity cycle. This is the core of healing, kiting and surviving of my cleric. Astral Seal is the only at will that heals, feated version makes it even better. Don't underestimate its tiny heals, it can save tons of allies and trigger many feats in battle. Finally, Healing Step is the best feat of pvp cleric. It helps you to dodge here and there, having a short term of immunity which is also the core of surviving and tactical playing. You can do kiting, tanking, escaping and even close gapping for healing with it. It is a awesome feat !! Last is its capstone feat. Nothing special, you can pick not to have it and put into rising hope.
The Game Starts
I propose a way for most effective healing in pvp: Imagine you have a good 10% hp GWF tanking 3 enemies (one GWF one CW one HR) at the edge of a node. How you are going to do to cap that node (2v3) and how do you keep your GWF alive?
There goes our 3 rules of healing clerics:
1. Reduce damage taken for your allies and damage output of your enemies.
2. Take the Hits for your allies.
3. Heal back and out heal your enemies damage.How to follow these 3 rules in pvp?1. Reduce damage taken for your allies and damage output of your enemies.
a) Increase their DR by buffs. (Exaltation, BoB)
b) Decrease enemy's damage by debuffs. (Feated ASeal, Feytouched)
c) Interrupt their attacks for a couple of seconds. (Div. Sunburst)
d) Provide temporary immunity to allies. (Div. Exaltation)
2. Take the Hits for your allies.
a) Some skills requires Line of Sight to hit the correct target, while auto scrolling will target the closest target from the mid cursor, so by staying close to your allies, you will take some unintended hits from your enemies. This feeling is as same as we clerics healing the wrong person standing beside our target with Healing Word, very irritating...
b) Your enemies will focus you if they are irritated by your heals.
c) You have lower hp and are easier to kill (in their perspective).
d) Buy them some time to use artifact, encounters, dodge/blocking and potions, which may grant them a life.
3. Heal back and out heal your enemies damage.
a) Short cd burst healing before allies take damage. (Sunburst, Exaltation, Div. Healing Word)
b) Potential HoT on target to slowly regen in meantime. (Healing Word)
c) Utilizing Divinity Cycle to keep up encounter chain and slap your Divine Armor on your allies.
Core of the build:1. Sunburst
a) With Divine Fortune slotted, every cast of Sunburst grants you more than 80% of a divinity bar with correct items and feats.
b) Its pushing effect is good to prevent damage intake for a couple of seconds.
c) Can be used to push enemies off platform (@ Hotenow 1 & 3).
d) Fastest cooldown and great burst heal when crit.
e) Generate divinity in Divine Mode when have divine Fortune slotted, the extra divinity is from sunburst healing part.
e) The main divinity generator when out of divinity.
2. Exaltation
a) Immunity is the core of this skill.
b) Dual-Buffs your target and provide some burst healing, a little regen more in DM.
c) Gives great amount of divinity and AP.
d) Fastest casting animation of all cleric skills.
3. Healing Word
a) Core of the divinity cycle, generate good divinity per cast and after cast with ethereal boon.
b) Do both burst healing and HoT.
c) Has a cd of 3 sec and 11-12 sec recharge time.
d) Always cast a divine HW when your divinity pool is full or more than 250%.
4. Divine Fortune
a) Grants 20% more divinity when using healing encounters.
5. Anointed Armor
a) Buff up your DR and deflect, dead cleric cant heal anyone.
6. Hallowed Ground
a) Big Dual-Buff AoE which can turn the tide of battle.
b) Slower casting animation.
7. Divine Armor
a) Despite temp hp is nerfed, still provide good DR buff and sufficient temp hp for allies.
b) Recommended to use when there are allies below 80% hp.
c) Faster casting animation than HG.
8. Astral Seal
a) -5% damage debuff when feated.
b) Provide clutch heals to allies.
c) Trigger many feats with its healing. (Divine Advantage, Enduring Relief)
d) Burning Guidance ticks once per target sealed every second.
9. Blessing of Battle
a) 6% DR buff to a small circle around you.
b) Buff is applied before animation ends. This is working as intended and not an exploit or bug. As the tooltip says: "As you
prepare to strike your target, you bless nearby allies and yourself...." so feel free to utilize this and cancel animation if the situation is crucial. BoB + dodge or BoB + encounter will do.
Optional skills:
1. Astral Shield
2. Forgemaster's Flame
3. Divine Glow
4. Chains of Blazing Light
(These skills shine in particular situations, where team fights frequently happened in a small area.)
The Divinity Cycle Healer
You must generate divinity to effectively heal your allies. Remember, your divinity mainly comes from encounter and not from at-wills. Once you reach 2.5 bar or more divinity, cast a divine HW. Use sunburst to generate lots of divinity and strategically push enemies away in DM. Always cast a HW and leave 2 or less HW charge, 3/3 HW is a waste, it must always in cd. Always cast Div. Exaltation 99.999999% of the times. When you do this cycle, your AP will fill dramatically fast, then depend on the situation whether you got time and is suitable to cast a HG or not, or else slap Divine Armor on allies. The entire loop repeats for 2 to 3 times and you will suddenly realize all your enemies are dead while your allies are still standing along with you.Weapon Enchantment and Armor Enchantment:
The only 2 solid weapon enchantment for healing cleric is Vorpal and Feytouched. Vorpal requires crits and SB/Ex/HW/ASeal provide even more healing when crited. Feytouched siphons damage from enemies with sunburst so our allies take lesser damage (visit rule #1). Holy Avenger is too unstable to use in pvp. You cant determine when and where its effect will take place, therefore i don't recommend to take it.
I had used Frost, Bilethorn and PlagueFire for testing. Frost is introduced by kolbe, good in pve but in pvp only reduce recovery. This means that we got extra encounter cooldown for less than 1 sec even if it is Perfect Frost every 20 sec, if and only if your enemy keep hitting you non-stop with a frost enchant to trigger its effect. Bilethorn is introduced by todesfaelle to counter perma rogues. Since our Punishing Light is bugged, we cannot use this enchant effectively, and even we knock them out of stealth, what can we do abt them?? We cant kill them.... However this, along with Plaguefire can be used as utility weapon enchant in pvp, which means its rank mean nothing and its effect is the same in different rank (prevent mounting/dismounting/knock out from stealth).
Note: Bilethorn/Plaguefire now works with Punishing Light in M3. DPS pvp cleric can try bilethorn in pvp especially by spamming bars of divinity and see long bilethorn ticks dish out 10%-20% of enemy's hp.
For Armor Enchantment? Lesser Soulforged or BarkShield. Briatwine may also be considered cuz it triggers ASeal when reflecting damage. More tiny heals proc more feats and Cleanse.
(Burning Guidance will not proc from Briatwine + ASeal combo)Conclusion:
The main aim of this build is to keep your allies alive. A team with a good healing cleric can ruin the opponent even though they are nice organised premade. I hope my guide help you in pvp, it is user friendly and any pve cleric should have no problem using this loadout. As a side note, every healing cleric with different stats and ability rolls can use this guide, gs and stats doesn't matter much.
Happy pugging!!
#1 Elf <Diabolic>
#2 Kaelac <Order of the Raven>
and to all other no-name clerics and other classes' elites who gave their constructive feedbacks to me.
Thank you for your help and effort. Thank you very much.
*In May and June 2014, after M3 is introduced, the main stream of top elite cleric is using P.vorpal + MH set for burst healing which bypass HD. Their setup is HW/Ex/AS, HG/DA, SF/ASeal.
IMO, this setup is better than SB/Ex/HW, ASeal/BoB from above if you got a good team who will stick and stand in your circle. However, if you got a lot of range attackers like HR and CW, it is better not to use Astral Shield unless you want to do the tanking. I am using this HW/Ex/AS setup too as i recently solo backcap alot. Since i dropped Feytouched and swapped to Plague Fire, i had discarded my sunburst for AS. You are advised to use seperate setups depending what you are going to do and the class composition of your team. Don't follow anyone's build directly.
I don't think vorpal will work (I am not sure its even effect crit healing), vorpal might work nice with divine glow (DG works great in pvp, most ppl don't dodge it)
I took same set since its the most similar there is to miracle healer and I don't feel like changing all my enchanting and accessory for now
i recently try elven, soulforged is great for 1/1 but really bad if gang attack you, so far i cant see major difference with elven (i got lesser)
if my new set will prove useful in PVE i might upgrade my armor stone
beside encounters i find need for fast at will, now i use sacred flame but i really think of getting lance of faith
cleanse proc a lot in PVE, i wouldn't give it away. your set and heals + divine fortune should give you lot of divine
I will update my feat soon, and lets pvp!! Clerics can 1v2,1v3 for a short period of time with this loadout, and your team got number advantage if you do so.
But then again, most PuG parties dont know how important it is to appreciate the circle thrown down by clerics, making this encounter not gaining the maximum effects. Even when it's thrown right by their feet, they'd still kite outside the circle provided for them.. which is sad, really.
I myself like to have AS, even with 2 clerics in a party.. This can still be proven useful. There are particularly 2 choices :
1. is to throw down AS continuously, one after the other, should the fight last longer
2. is to throw down AS simultaneously, if the enemies are strong that we need high % survivability. Usually I observe first what kind of AS the other cleric throw down.. If it's blue, then I'll throw yellow one.. and vice versa.. as the effect stacks quite nicely. Same colour AS dont give as much benefit as I believe they dont stack, unless it's cast on different area to cover more people.. esp to cover those outside the platform and inside. (i preferably cast AS a bit of outside the platform, to give benefit to our teammate outside, whilst able to stand inside the platform myself)
I usually opt for the second one, as it is a strong tool to show how "tanky" we are, therefore dropping enemies morale. Won't be as efficient on premades tho, since they usually already know the tricks up our sleeves.. and are usually prone-fest party. Slamming us out of the circle and **** us there... But with improved dodges the righteous path have, might be able to counter that a bit more.
Including a lot of DCs ... = /
I still get the old "blue or not at all" bs thrown at me from dcs ... as if the piddly little heal is the important bit ... as if we have an encounter that is just a decorative circle if isn't blue ...
Anyhoo, imo
1. Cleanse
2. I'd tentatively say Elven out of those (I am currently trying it) but Bark is nice too, especially if you move around the map a lot. So a little damage will remove it but that's a little damage you're not taking, giving you breathing space/room to manoeuvre, especially if you're the kiting type. It's good at preventing dismounts against you too. But yea, it's not a tanky enchant.
3. Since you use SB, Fey could be good. Otherwise I'd say just stick with your vorpal and gradually upgrade it.
DoT enchants (flaming/pf) are worth a look since they proc all your stuff from seals (including healing step if it's a crit seal) without having to follow up with another at will (and you can get dismounts a lot easier with them). For heal/support builds I've used Vorpal, Holy Avenger, Terror and Flaming and out of those, for your build, I'd go with Vorpal or Flaming (or PF) cos both of those will make good use of your crit.
You have a lot of ability scores.
For a Tanking DC you would like to use pBarkshield instead of those that you have mentioned, although it's related to your own survivability without it; meaning that if you are already very hard to kill then it's going to be your best investment but if you are usually killed in a couple of seconds it won't help you and SF would be a better option.
2-Elven would probably be the best but it seems to be bugged and only randomly works sometimes. There really aren't that many great defensive enchants for boosting survivability. Barkshield is pertty decent but becomes usless against some classes or in bigger fights, which a DC tends to be involved in. Most people run Soulforged for one simple reason SHOCKING EXECUTION!!!. Unless you want to be sent to spawn any time a TR has their daily come up then Soulforged is simply the best option. I've had some people tell me interesting things about bloodtheft too. I'd like to get my hands on one and try it out myself
3-As far as I can tell a GPF is actually the best thing for a cleric, at least for team play. Othe than that It kinda just comes down to personal preferance I supose. I use a Vorp, crit HW's are still great.
My other observations are it appears you're specced for PVP with your feats and all so I wonde why you don't have your points in Con/Dex, or at maybe Con/Str. Also, why oh why have you put 2 points in rising hope and 3 in divine advantage and not taken prestigious exaltation? I'd also suggest trying out MH in pvp, assuming you have the set. Assuming you won't get an emblem fill the third artifact slot with an aurora's catalogue, at least it ads deflect
As i mentioned, Barkshield is easily removed by tr/cw/hr by fast at-wills. Because i have no problem facing other class except cw (sometimes hr) so i am thinking abt Elven.
1. When i mean more divinity, i will go 5/5 in BF. So i need some feedbacks abt the most crucial and detrimental debuff from other classes.
2. Since kiting is part of my playstyle, i will keep SF, but i really hate being rooted to death!! TR SE plainly double kill you if they get another killing blow on you and it is annoying.
3. GPF cannot stack if the team got 2 with it, and with slow at-will casting you cannot mantain 3/3 of its stack on everyone.
I rolled my character as a sun-elf, during midsummer festival and since i rarely pve i have no extra AD to reroll a better geared cleric than my Elf (although you may saw my alts, Elfv2, Elfv3 before but they are just my theorycrafting materials). I do admit the best stat allocation for a hybrid healer tank is Str/Con, with a slightly high Dex as investing in Dex are not as valuable as in beta.
2/5 in Rising Hope can guarantee the 100% uptime and 3 points in Divine Advantage synergy with my Enduring Relief which is also 3 sec uptime. Prestigious Exaltation is a trap, ignore the 10% more heals and adding 0.9 sec to the buff and 200 more heals is bad for puting 5 points in it. I am saving the last slot of artifact for defender banner or GF class artifact (if regen isn't good anymore) and although Iyon from Synergy (if you know who is him) told me by using MH set can boost personal survivability better but i just can't give up the extra divinity gain and spamming HW in entire match.
1. Not sold on the idea of Elven Battle Enchantment. I admit that I haven't extensively tested its effects, but I have to question in what way it would prove superior to SF or BS. Personally I don't find root effects to be long-lasting enough to make it worth slotting the enchantment. If it shortened Prone duration so as to break CC chains, I could see some value in it, but I don't think it works that way (according to description it only works on roots and slows, and I've never noticed a difference on my alt with this enchantment).
2. Prestigious Exaltation's 10% heal bonus is on all outgoing healing for the duration of the Exaltation buff. It's one of the better healing feats considering that you have significant uptime on Exaltation in most matches.
3. With sufficient Tenacity from accessories, I'd probably go back to MH, too. I honestly couldn't tell much of a difference in Divinity gain with the PvP sets, so I wouldn't be likely to miss it. MH also hugely increases the value of HW since it procs on each expended charge.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
This is so wrong, they will remove the charges ofc but they won't touch your HP and after a few seconds you have another charge, it's like free temp hp, when the enemy is going to start their skill rotation you are still with almost full hp and not lower or while you are being attacked and a charge is up it might reduce the dmg done by a daily, encounter w/e which is very important since you are supposed to stay alive as much as possible with your DC. Why do you ask for an opinion if you are going answer like "I don't need that, I have no problem facing others" then fight naked lol.
The thing I don't like about Barkshield is that rapid At-Wills and minor DoTs from weapon enchantments and feats counter it hard. I still agree that it's one of the best armor enchantments; it really shines when unobservant players start rotations on auto-pilot and waste a lot of their burst on Bark charges.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
For weapon enchant, i don't know how other feel when i apply frost on them, but it doesn't make big difference to the game play, however i will continue to use it for more experimental results.
@lazaroth, whats your BrkS rank? Perfect?? and do a lesser version has nearly the same effect with perfect in battle??
1- Don't go 5/5, keep a point in cleanse. There's no reason to have 3 points in cleanse but might as well have one. It procs every 8s or whatever so it's still useful, primarily at removing dot dmg, slows, etc.
2-Back to the whole Barkshield/Soulforged debate. What rank are you planning on using? Barkshield becomes even worse compared to soulforged the lesser the rank.
3-I don't know any other classes that use plaguefire in PVP so overlapping buffs isn't really a problem. Even if somebody else is running one it's not the end of the world since as a cleric you're always moving from point to point in order to support your teammates, you won't always be grouped up with the other guy who has a plaguefire. There's no reason to need to have 3/3 stacks up constantly, it's just free DR to aid your allies, everything counts.
Respeccing your char is only about 150k AD, nothing outrageous. I'd suggest doing it if you intend to keep pvping, it'll be more beneficial for your char than say spending 150k AD refining an enchantment.
What do you need rising hope for in pvp? You have next to no power so that part of the buff is minimal and since you're using a set with Recovery on it you shouldn't have any issues with the amount of recovery needed. I did some testing with divine advantage previously, it sounds like a great feat but it's practically usless in PVP, it's actually much more of a PVE feat. I don't know him personally but I know Synergy of course, although they've really dropped off recently, not sure if some of their top players left or what happened. Yes, MH should up your survivability quite a bit, which is key in PVP. I get pretty decent divinity gain using MH and HW/AS/Exalt with Divine Fortune, the added divinity gain for the pvp set is nice but utimately I wasn't as useful using it as I was with my MH set. I don't see why this would prevent you from spaming HW, honestly it should make HW spam even better since it will proc Seeker's Beacon on each cast
1. Cleanse if only 1 point is invested will it be difficult to remove a painful dot?
2. I will stick with my soulforged. Elven looks bad when i use it, nothing helpful enough against cws. Barkshield... maybe a lesser version isn't as superior as lesser soulforged, i am too poor to get the perfect version.
3. I was using plaguefire and used to its dismounting effect, however i will not consider it now. I am confused whether to use a normal feytouched or a normal frost atm and take in mind feytouched is the cheapest weapon enchantment!! (excluding bronzewood, the worst weapon enchant which we can classify it as a upgraded version of dark enchantment that eats a weapon enchant slot)
By the way, what is seeker beacon? And i will stop pvping and start to learn grinding dungeons, at least get my own MH set first and clear all my T2 dungeons daily. I NEED AD!!! MANY!!!!
Also, looking forward to hearing about your dungeon-running experiences! :P
1-there's no good mechanic for cleansing debuffs/dots, etc in this game, on top of the fact you can't choose what you want to cleanse either. with that said though it's still nice to cleanse stuff from time to time. The CD isn't that long and it procs reliable just from healing people so it's a little extra help here and there, especially on yourself. If you had serious DP problems I'd probably say go 5/5 in bountiful, but you shouldn't have any issues so keep at least one point in cleanse, it does provide some value.
2-The nice thing about Soulforged in PVP currently is that there isn't a drastic diference between having a Perfect and Lesser.
Yeah, sorry, seaker's beacon is the name of the ability that procs from the MH set. You should be able to grind a MH set pretty fast if you want to, thanks to the DD chest letting you pick which set you want your piece of armor from. Unfortunately grinding T2's doesn't make much money. IMO the only places you can really farm for AD are CN and DV and neither of them are that great anymore
Actually I think Bronzewood is in fact just a straightforward flat 16% damage increase (at perfect). So while still debatably useless for a dc, my cw rather likes it.
Also, on the subject of MH set since I see a lot of "high end" dcs rocking this atm. In pms with a good group perhaps it is currently the best choice since it's heal is hp based and therefore immune to certain heal "nerfs". However, you need to be casting for it to work. This could also be said of other set bonuses including the pvp one but at least that can give 10% more dr and some deflect (or hp or whatever) which work whether your being dazed/proned/punted around the arena or not (.. yea right)
Soulforged: ok, tr SE's you, u die, sf revives you, you're immediatley set upon again and die 3 secs later.
There are pros and cons to all this stuff. You need to consider your playstyle and what kind of groups you normally play with. Keep experimenting. I've beed DC since open beta and I'm still always chopping, changing, respeccing etc etc I've tried all paths, both paragons, many different gear set ups blah de blah
IMO you're crit based build - stick with vorpal. You move around the map a lot supporting here supporting there - save up for greater barkshield or stick with sf. Premade a lot? Fine, grind your MH set and see how it works for you but every dc I've seen using that in pvp right now has also had legendary emblem (lol - gl) - if you mainly pug just keep your tenacity and build around it.
15% extra healing vs recovery/rising hope. 15% of **** is still ****. Exaltation 0.2 secs sooner is about even if you ask me (if you wanna be the tanky type anyway). RH allows you to remove some offensive sockets and get more defensive attributes while still keeping cds nice and low and don't forget it's AP gain too (since you use heals but don't use healing action). Of course if you have 2 x recovery artifacts and socket silvery over cruel then maybe it's overkill. Again look at what you need.
You use both DP feats in righteous and pvp set. If you need more dp gen than that, you're going wrong somewhere. There are many debuffs flying around the arena and that 8s cd on cleanse is per target - it's not one cleanse total every 8 secs. 30% chance is very noticable over 10%. Again try it for yourself. As someone else said here - use your AD for respeccing for the time being ... unless you can get a good party going on preview to thoroughly try out new specs there.
It's not that you can't make money. There are some items you can get from drops that sell very well. Some of the T2 armor pieces, A couple malabog fragmets, some of the DV and CN weps, and the artifacts. that's really pretty much about it. It's just not very much and the only ones you can farm reliably are DV and CN. Most of the time T2 bosses don't even drop T2 armor pieces, and if they do they're usually the crappy sets that sell for 50k a piece. On top of all that you either have to run with a group you know for split runs or it's just luck on the roll and hoping you win.
1. Rampaging Madness vs Burning Guidance, both with Briatwine and Plaguefire slotted ,which one helps you to perform better??
A buff of 80% uptime or some constant tiny damage against perma?
2. Miracle Healer vs Profound vs New Purified Black Ice, which is better?
No comment here.
3. Anyone want to invest high power, crit/severity or high RSI for better healing in pvp?
Anyone still insist to do healing more than buffing like me?? and i am thinking to put points into int and cha and overstack my recovery for shortest divinity Exaltation cast in pvp. It is really a lifesaver, both for you and your team.
4. BoB + ASeal vs SF + ASeal, which is better?
I found out dodging here and there is good for surviving but when i stop for cast a BoB, i am dead... Its animation too long for me...
5. Emblem, Black Ice Accessory Set and Righteousness??
Is these thing become better on cleric as we got our healing to others buffed up??
6. Artifact choice of your cleric??
I am leveling a GF for its class artifact. And whats about you?
*Edit: GF class artifact has 3 defense stats, and its active power isn't too bad against snipers and tanks, perma excluded. Increase survivability of any cleric.
1-I'm not sure it makes that big a diference. I have Rampaging which isn't bad. Procs reliably, since you can get more than one stack per second. More power is always nice although not amazing, and the added Regen is pretty good. Burning Guidance really doesn't do much dmg but it's something, keeps healing depression up on people too, but I've never viewed that to be much of an issue, maybe it is more so if you're by yoursefl but then burning guidance won't really help you since you have to heal others for it to proc. Burning Guidance is much more useful on the PVE side though
2-I would think that black ice gear because of all that stats that it gives you, plus the fact that there's no healing depression in open world pvp so maybe we can sorta keep ourselves alive via healing, but then again maybe not...MH>Profound without a doubt unless you just insta dieing which means you don't have enough tenacity and HP probably, in that case I'd say grim/profound set, but that will only delay the inevitable I guess.
3-My power isn't that high in my PVP gear, I did stack crit to the extant I could though, it's still useful for repurpouse soul, righteous rage, etc and I use a P.Vorp. Not really the best, I'd say GPF is much better but it's what I use, not too bad.
4-BoB + ASeal. SF doesn't do much for you in PVP because you don't have time to stand there linking the casts together to take advantage of the faster cast animation and temp HP. Sure BoB has a slower cast animation but you only need to cast it once every 9s or so for the DR buff and if you do have time to stand around and attack at least BoB hit's decently hard.
5-Emblem is already broken in PVP, although it's getting a nef. Can only activate one per second although it should still be powerful for the Mod 3 open world PVP because no healing depression and no nerf on the duration (full 15s uptime). I wouldn't spend over 6M AD on one atm though.
6-Waters, Ravenskull, Aurora's Catalog. I'd use an emblem instead of the Catalog obviously if I had one. In mod 3 I'm sure I'll replace the Catalog with one of those battle standards or maybe class artifact, atlhough the DC one seems so so to me. I'm not sure how leveling a GF is relevant...or did you just mean so you'll have access to the class artifact quest?
its not bad build for pve as well
I who'd give one point to rising hope and keep linked spirit at 4/5
and with all the temp point I who'd chose deepstone blessing instead of enduring relief
again for pve with all the divinity, anointed holy symbol who'd be great as well and will provide extra temp hit points
Also, usually against good organized premade.. we will be the main target (or after CW). and with many prones directed at us, it's much harder to survive. What's your strategy when being focus fired?
Anyways, thanks for answering in advance
Anyways, thanks for answering in advance
EDIT1: Sorry, I accidentally posted the same message twice and I don't know how to remove it, I'm sorry ):
1: Burning Guidance is HAMSTER. I'm amazed so many DCs take it tbh. I used to take Rampaging Madness, it's decent for the power and regen. Now I just take Thayan Bastion.
2: No experience of BI gear but MH vs Profound is about even. You will have to work a bit harder with MH is all. Having said that, depending on your Wis or Race you may find the extra control resist from tenacity trumps MH bonuses. Last I checked, MH set was amazingly cheap for some reason, so no reason not to try it yourself rly. For me it's preferrable to turning pvp into a grind on yet another character.
3: Don't put points in int/char. By all means socket recov but I don't recommend overstacking. If you can get your CD down to 15-15.2 secs, you're good imo and this is easily achievable with the right gear/artifacts without having to socket it.
4: No reason not to use BoB as AC and Seal is just too good with PF/dot enchant + certain feats.
5: No experience with emblem but I did read that it's getting nerfed. A cooldown is being added to the heal on hit.
6: I'm not gonna grind away on a class I don't wanna play just for an artifact. On general principle tbh. Since this BS about "supporting alts" is just that, B ... S... but the GF one does look good and looks like it will work exceedingly well (translation: op) with good deflect %.
Why a pvp dc would not take any points in cleanse when a boon like shadowtouched exists is beyond me but each to their own. It also gets rid of roots (icy rays, stuff like that), slows, .. all sorts of stuff and of course weapon enchant debuffs (pf etc). I really don't get how you need 5/5 in bountiful when you use the pvp set, divine fortune and HW.
Also, if you use HW, do yourself a favour and put a point in healing action.