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New Build Opportunities after recent GF changes?

anarchtoranarchtor Member Posts: 6 Arc User
edited March 2014 in The Militia Barracks
Hey all.

Since the recent PvP patch the Guardian Fighter has had several of its powers tweaked.

My question is: Do these changes open for new and more effective builds for the GF?

- Guard, Mark, Lunging Strike, Enforced Threat and Iron Warrior have all been made better.

These are very helpful tools for tanking, but do they give more opportunities for GFs?

I'm currently running an Iron Vanguard Conqueror build, but wondering if I should try something new?
Is choosing Swordmaster a good option for a Conqueror? Or is the loss of Frontline Surge too high a price?
Can Steel Defense be used effectively as a Conqueror?
Post edited by anarchtor on


  • firstookamikazefirstookamikaze Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2014
    Guard still useless, last tab mark is permanent : good but now you have to refresh it more than before, mean fail rework for that most useless tab habilitie.
    Lunging strike is really good now : our best encounter
    Swordmaster deal more aoe dammages and got more survivability than iron vanguard as always
    Steel defense is fine as a conqueror but not for pure dps style (try it + knight valor rank 1 : great party support and good dammages with sos)
  • anarchtoranarchtor Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Thanks for you reply Firstookamikaze.

    I thought the Steel Defense + Knight's Valor + Supremacy of Steel combo wasn't as good anymore, because as the patch notes say:
    "Supremacy of Steel: Will no longer be triggered by reactive damage sources."

    Also it would be great if you could go into more detail on how Swordmaster does more AoE damage and has more survivability than Iron Vanguard. What combos of powers are good with Swordmaster?
  • firstookamikazefirstookamikaze Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2014
    "Supremacy of Steel: Will no longer be triggered by reactive damage sources." : not a big issues, just a fix for PvP
    The real issues is we no longer got a second activation of Stell defense when we activate the second step of SoS : patch note said nothing about that and dev' said also nothing :(
    Anyway, steel defense is still enough good.

    "how Swordmaster does more AoE damage ?" : with weapon master strike you activate enchantment twice, try it with lightening enchant and enjoy ^^ , weapon master strike also give you bigger area and improve at-will habilities.
    + steel blitz > trample the fallen on constant aoe damages (but yes, if pack are perma cc this will become wrong)

    "how Swordmaster [...] has more survivability ?" : steel defense is a damage immunity, allowing you to survive against most epic situation, you will understand that when you will start using it.

    "What combos of powers are good with Swordmaster ?" :

    - 1x weapon master strike + 3x cleave
    - steel defense + SoS + knight valor
    - weapon master strike + enchant with effects (lifedrinker heal twice, lighenning deal damages twice, and don't know for other but probably stacking 2x faster and some other cool thing)
    - seel defense + guarded attack (great AP generation)
    - i let you find other cool combo :)

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