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Good Intentions - A List of Opinionated Necessities and Improvements

dealtronautdealtronaut Member Posts: 8 Arc User
edited March 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
Scroll past the opening narrative if you want to see my list of suggestions, improvements, ideas, and mentions.

I’ve been playing this game since the end of last year. I’ve spent the time leveling my GF to 60, gearing him out, grinding instances, and PvPing. I’ve enjoyed myself a good amount in this game. I understand this game is free to play; but, what I am conveying is intended to make this game more playable, engaging, entertaining, rewarding, challenging, and profitable. These issues, when brought up individually in game, have generated much hatred from the community of a game that I enjoy playing. I would like to continue playing this game, but as of right now there is not much incentive for me to continue.

I’ve gotten into many arguments in zone chat, and some of you might recognize the name ‘Avasin’ as an infamous ‘troll’, the hated guild leader of IDDQD, the skilled tank that attempts to be positive, or one of the lone Guardian Fighters who performs well in PvP.

Playing games is a hobby of mine. I have lead or co-lead guilds / clans and exceptionally skilled players across various titles, and I have a natural talent for many types of games. I continue to play this game because I enjoy the skill-based rewards that come from playing Neverwinter. I would like to continue playing Neverwinter, but I do not have high hopes for the future of this game.

Pre-addressing any flames, hate tells, questions of logic, sanity or intelligence – please direct any of your thoughts to me personally in game. On Dragon, you can PM Avasin of IDDQD, or mail me at Avasin@dealtronaut. If there is a specific point in this thread that I mentioned, please feel free to talk to me about it. If you wish to pm me insults and profanity, so be it, but I’ll just ignore you. I am only creating this thread because I feel that since I have paid $0 for this game, I would like to offer what little knowledge and creativity I have to improving a game that I adore. To the many kind-hearted, knowledgeable, and intelligent individuals that I got to run dungeons and PvP matches with – I thank you for ignoring my inane drabble in Zone. I have only been attempting to bring light to issues that most seem to ignore or mock. This post will do more damage than good for me, so please respect what I have to say.

Below is a list of issues, concerns, and mentions that I have tallied while playing this game. Although entirely unnecessary, I did this because there are a select few games of Neverwinter’s type out there to play and choose from. I hope this game will improve over time, because I would love to actually spend the effort to bring IDDQD to power again on a game that to me rewards skill and dedication.

In this thread, I am addressing Dungeons, PvP, glitches and bugs, ideas for class balance and player rewards. I feel these are simply communicated, and I understand that none of these can be implemented (if at all) through the click of a button. If you take the time to read my thread, maybe you will see a small glimpse of what has made Neverwinter a game that I came to enjoy and stick around for.

Also, to all who think I’m just a complaining **** – you’re welcome to 1v1 me. I modestly state that my current build has only lost to a select few players. Of those players that have beaten me, I respect those who beat me fair and square through pure talent and skill, and not through overpowered abilities, higher skill values, or glitches.


Dungeons in general:
Release Heroic / Champion / *insert glorious sounding name here* versions of preexisting dungeons. Make mobs more challenging. Make them have more HP. More Damage. Make tanks and clerics USEFUL in PvE. Reward players who want a challenge with a challenge. T2 dungeons don’t require clerics OR tanks.

Reward class specific abilities and talents with dungeons that require those classes at specific points. Make fights that require party leaders to recruit ranged dps or trickster rogues for the fight. Why have diverse classes if you don’t need them to finish a dungeon? Most instances are easier with three CW’s… that isn’t right.

Give mobs damage resistance to specific elements, and damage resistance reductions to specific elements. Fire elementals in Karru? Make frost based attacks deal more damage, while fire based deal less to nil. Undead mobs? Give Clerics the advantage here.

Remove the vote kick option after the last boss has been defeated. Or disable the option while party members are still dead. I shouldn’t have to explain this.

Castle Never: You can que for the instance and open the chest during DD without doing a thing. People are still exploiting this dungeon. Rework it, find the bugs, or find a way to monitor people who are exploiting it. Something.

Temple of the Spider: This instance has been bugged, exploited, glitched, reworked, and screwed over numerous times. Advertised as an 8k dungeon, this instance cannot be completed by an unsuspecting group of adventurers unless they have abnormally high GS’s for the instance. Either rework the entire boss fight, or figure out how to make this more accessible to players.

Frozen Heart / Icespire’s Heart: Please fix the mob respawning issue after the final boss is killed. The mobs almost respawn indefinitely, causing party members to bicker at one another over whether or not wiping or fighting is the best approach. Rework the boss fight – Should we really be kiting 30-40 mobs during a boss fight? Does that make sense in anyway?

Spellplague Caverns / Call of the Chasm: Same kiting issue as FH… how is kiting an intended mechanic for a boss fight? If it is, so be it.

Caverns of Karrundax / Karru: This is a RED DRAGON. He is unbelievably easy to beat. This fight should have parties trembling. Why is a RED DRAGON so easy to beat? The first boss of the dungeon is more difficult than any of the other bosses…

Malabog’s Castle: Fulminorax has been bugged consistently. Please continue fixing the glitches that allow specific abilities to counter Valindra. As of right now, you can freeze Fulminorax for the entire fight by tanking him in a specific spot. This is a t2.5 final boss, yet he is unbelievably simple and easy to beat.

Valindra’s Tower: First boss is the cut and paste of prior bosses… just slightly more damage and more mobs. Maybe for the ‘hardest’ dungeon in the game, this boss should be more difficult?

MC/VT– Harder boss fights, guaranteed BoP epic drops, revamp t2 shar/dr sets. For being so difficult to obtain (grinding seals / shards) these sets should reflect the skill and dedication required to obtaining them. Make these instances much more difficult, and make guaranteed BoP drops off of the bosses. Give rewards for challenges.


GS Brackets: Make brackets according to gear score. When players at level 60 queue, they will be placed in games according to their GS (Conq GF will have to be looked at specifically)
Example: (7k-9k), (9.1k- 11k) (11.k-13k) (13.1-15k) (15.1-17k) and so on

Diminishing Returns: Continuous application of CC (Crowd Control, Control, Disabling Effects, etc.) should have shorter durations applied. Spamming prone on a single player should shorten the duration of the prone after each rapid succession within (example 5-10seconds). If a player is hit by the same CC type multiple times within a set duration, that player should be granted temporary immunity or resistance. This is a standard in many mmos. This will destroy chain CC, or at least throttle it by a decent amount.

Killing Blows: Make kills be rewarded to the player who dealt the most damage to the target. Not the person who got the killing blow. You’re releasing a PvP leaderboard. Don’t reward ******** who run around the map getting the last strike on targets that somebody spent 1-2 minutes killing.

Modify Scoreboards: You base the scoreboards on Kills, Deaths, and Assists. What about healers? What about tanks tanking damage? Team based PvP isn’t just kills and deaths.

Objective Based Battlegrounds: Release BG’s that are not tower based. CTF, Defend / Attack a base, etc. Reward players SOMEHOW for doing objectives in PvP.

Duel based / Gladiator based Battlegrounds: Release BG’s for 1v1 or 2v2 fights. Remove objectives. Base the winning goal on killing opponents. This will end the supply of “1v1?” challenges in zone chat / say during 5v5 BG matches. Or add a duel option so people can duel in PE. Maybe a small arena somewhere.

Line of Sight Issues: Make abilities cancel out if the target goes behind cover. Currently, you can still hit your target with cast abilities if you cast it before they enter cover. Many CW / HR abilities will hit enemy players through walls if their ability was cast before their target moved into cover. This is called Line of Sight. Players who utilize their environment to their advantage should be rewarded. This is a standard in most MMOs. That, or make certain environment objects block projectiles.

PvP Battlefield-Spawned Potions: Currently, battleground – spawned potions are sometimes bugged. The graphic for the potion is there – making the player suspect that if they run for the potion, they will be granted it. Too many times they will get there and nothing will happen. Please fix this. Or leave it, if that is supposed to be a cruel joke from one of the FR God’s or something. While at it, why not add various types of potions? One that buffs defense, or attack, or CC immunity, etc?

Leaver Penalty: If somebody leaves a PvP battleground before it ends, they should be punished by a debuff that disallows them to reque for a fixed time.

PuGs vs. Premades: A premade group of five players should not be placed in a match against a group of five random players. If a group of five guild members / friends decides to que together, they should be pitted against another group of five. Maybe make an entirely new que for team based queing.

Graveyard Camping: On Hotenow Domination, players can currently glitch the environment to get into the enemy campfire area. Please fix this. Maybe grant players with immunity to enemy damage while they are sitting in the graveyard, along with not allowing them to cast spells while in the campfire area. If somebody is afking in a graveyard for a fixed duration, either kick them or do something similar.

Healing Depression: This was a slap in the face. Reduce the HD % debuff, or make it only affect specific abilities. Maybe have it only affect player-based healing abilities or incoming healing based abilities, or vice versa. Currently, DR and SR healing boons cause HD. This, as well as being hit by an enemy player – there is absolutely no sense in this.

Battle Potions: These are weak and almost nearly useless. They are somewhat useful, but for the cooldown that accompanies them – they should be more powerful.

Objective Buffs: Reward players for fighting on team-controlled points. Make 1/2/3 give specific buffs to the team, or players fighting in their vicinity. In situations where people are defending 2 (the hottest ground in the match) from the enemy team, they should be granted a minor advantage for holding the objective to begin with. This will improve team play, and cause strategy to be more dominant in a battleground titled ‘Domination’.

Regions: Why are players from Europe, Asia, America, Latin America, etc. playing with each other in the same matches? Latency becomes an issue when that happens. PvP, something that is almost always competitive, is throttled when players of high latency fight players of low latency. Have you played an FPS match with players of 50ms (located near the server) fighting against players of 300-500 ms (located away from the server)? It doesn’t go well. Make the matches exclusive to specific regions… or find a workaround of some sort.


Please work closely with the members of the community who take time to improve on the class balancing and usefulness of each specific class.


Melee abilities that hit from range. I understand that the GWF is using a massive 2h sword. Still… I shouldn’t have to explain this one.
This class needs to be reworked, balanced, modified, or given a specific direction. Life steal tank, mDPS, Hybrid? A class that takes 4-5 players to take down, along with being able to charge in and out of battle at will, along with dealing heavy damage and having heavy HP and nearly the same damage resistance as the GF shouldn’t exist. It should be reworked in some way. Either gauge the weaknesses and strengths of the class through the GWF community, or figure out which direction to make the GWF go into. Is it a tank? Is it a damage dealer? Is it a hybrid? Is it a duelist? What the hell is the GWF?


Fix Villain’s Menace – this does not grant 100% immunity in PvP. I already made a thread in the bug report section about this. Please see that for more information: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?633651-Villains-Menace-Doesnt-Grant-CC-Immunity

Fix Anvil of Doom – This ability outright misses in point blank on stationary targets at random.

360 degree block – Take this away… your shield faces one direction. Reward tanks who know how to angle their shield properly.

Lunging Strike – The Cone Damage buff from the previous patch should only apply to Tacticians who specced 5 points into the feat. The feat only grants an interrupt and +% threat. Make this a tactician based ability.

Knight’s Valor – This ability is more harmful than good. Either improve on it somehow, or make it steal threat / damage from one player in the party. (Single target, 50% damage and threat goes to tank)

Into the Fray – Even with 5 feat points specced into it, this ability is nearly useless aside from run speed… which doesn’t warrant using it on your hot bar reducing you to two other abilities. Buff this in some way. Since it’s in the Tactician tree, perhaps improve the buff somehow.

Griffon’s Wrath – I have NEVER seen a GF use this ability in PvP NOR PvE. Do SOMETHING with it. I have no idea what, but make it useful or swap it with an entirely different ability.

Crushing Surge – Not only does HD make this ability useless, but the ‘slow and satisfying’ hits are nearly impossible to get off in PvP against targets that dodge. Either buff the damage or the heal, or give it a different effect that makes the at will somehow useful to slot.

Make this class more useful in dungeons. Somehow. SOMEHOW. The GF is one of the least played and least understood classes in the game. The protector tree is nearly useless compared to conqueror and tactician. This class requires a lot of micromanagement to pull off, but you almost NEVER see people looking for one in LFG for dungeons. It’s the tank class. The sword and board tank class. Somehow, please make this class required as a tank.

Make Stealth becomes more and more see through over time when consistently used within a fixed duration (any individual good at micromanagement can permastealth on a point indefinitely)

Remove graphics that reveal stealthed characters (arrows, daggers, trailing enchantment effects)
The trained eye can spot a rogue in stealth if they have a dagger or arrow stuck in their side. This doesn’t seem right.


Decrease range of standard HR abilities, maybe increase the range for HR’s specced into Archery
Increase damage based on range
Decrease root procs
Increase usefulness of HR buffs

I’ve heard many HR’s complain that they aren’t needed in dungeons. And I’ve never really looked specifically for a HR in a dungeon. They have an entire tree dedicated to team support. Maybe reward players with this play style.


Chill – make this effect diminish as allied players hit the target that is chilled in PvP
Entangling Grasp – this has a chance to go through block, or latency is causing the issue
Make EG shorten as allied players hit the person held by EG
…. Buff Master of Flame. Somehow. So rare to see them.


Buff, or make them more viable in PvP. Healing depression was a f*** you to this underused and underappreciated class.
Give them more damaging options, dots, debuffs, something to make them an essential.

Item Sets

Add more item sets. Base them on the stats specific builds might want. Rework t1/t2 set bonuses. There might be a reason why players are choosing t1 set bonuses over t2 set bonuses.

Add item sets based off of epic drops in dungeons that normally get salvaged and unused.

Rework the new PvP sets – Feat specific item sets should have bonuses that match said sets.
Make a DISTINCT difference between Grim and Profound PvP sets. +15-20 more of each stat on each piece of gear… what is the point in spending time to grind them? Release a fourth PvP set, make it much much much much more difficult to obtain, and reward the players who obtain it. Or rework the current PvP sets. If a set is titled ‘of the Executioner’ or ‘of the Conqueror’ or ‘of the Tactician’ or ‘of the Saboteur’… then make the set bonuses reflect the play style of those specs.

Add more item sets based off of Crafting skills. Reward players who spend time leveling craft skills by giving them gear sets they can create and sell.


Make gold more useful than it already is. You caused Astral Diamonds to be the main form of currency in this game, which players can obtain large sums of through spending $$ on the game. If this is entirely intended, so be it, you need to make money. I’m not judging. But make Gold, the currency that drops off NPCs (and has long been one of the most highly prized and priced materials in civilization throughout history), useful to obtain. As of now… it’s just useful for potions, kits, and socketing.


The cost on this should be reduced. Add more dye and clothing customization options. I understand you want to make money off of the Zen Market, so maybe design your transmuting process around that. But dye – people LOVE to customize their armor in MMOs. Dye should be available through an easier means… and make more of them! Maybe let the community somehow design new items or clothing options! Let this game reward creativity!

Make more items have a free transmute. All of those Redcap blue item drops off of MC bosses? Why not make those free transmute?


Maybe rework the standard companions so that they are more useful. The ones that you can gain at low levels (often referred to as trash companions) die in PvE more often than anything. The healing companion, although great for the heal, dies before it can do much. Maybe allow players to customize their companions, give them more gear options (even if just for looks) or release more that can be purchased through gold in game. You want to make money? Give players vanity options. People LOVE to customize their character’s looks, and they love to customize their companions. Add creative options to the game… and companions can reflect a player’s inner originality.

Random Mentions

Madness (Dread Ring t5 Boon)– this procs more than stated in the boon description. I have attempted to figure out the pattern the stacks proc off of, but I can’t find it.

I would welcome a $15 subscription fee for this game and a $60 price tag if it was shut down and re-released like Final Fantasy XIV. If the game was worth the money.

*Reserved for more*

- Avasin :cool:
Post edited by dealtronaut on


  • dealtronautdealtronaut Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This post reserved.
  • ratjamratjam Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Oh look, another frustrated gf posted a useless wot asking for buffs. Didn't read lol.
  • vteasyvteasy Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    actually some really good suggestions
  • alvadimarcoalvadimarco Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Signing in specifically to say that OP has some very good ideas in that list.
  • forever16bitsforever16bits Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hope you don't mind if I add couple of my ideas how to make dungeons more interesting :)


    Traps are unnoticeable, my character shouldn't be able to take damage from mobs AND walk over two traps in a row. TR can disable traps, why don't add unpassable traps in dungeons? Or traps that stun/prone/slow whoever triggers them? What if TR could rearm traps to activate on mobs?

    Need something more than go from A to B and kill C. There's no tactics and strategy involved in dungeon running whatsoever (unless aggroing mobs group by group in Idriss can be called strategy). Have part of the team distract gatekeepers while one team member opens access to another part of the dungeon. Some mobs could try to break off and inform boss about pending attack (+5-10% mini boss or main boss difficulty if not caught, less adds if caught), while others should try to sabotage team (spell or poison disabling potions for 2-3 mins making DC a must).

    Redcaps in Arcane Reservuar already process script to light explosives at the beginning of the encounter, some of dungeon mobs should be able to perform scripted tasks instead of aggroing our heroes on sight. Even sounding an alarm would be welcomed break from the mould.

    There should be moments where it's advantageous to hide from patrol and sneak around them, instead charging head on. What if opponents held important NPC hostage and mission success depended on passing certain areas unnoticed?

    I'd like to see randomly placed secret areas accessible only by specific classes, for example some deity statues can glow for DC while using divine power, rangers could shot otherwise inaccessible target high on the wall to trigger hidden door mechanism.

    Would love to see hidden passages leading to areas giving combat advantage or allowing to trick-shot enemy (CW using repel on weakened wall to crash it on unsuspecting mobs). What if some areas where only accessible if CW used Icy Terrain on body of water blocking access.

    And most importantly, not all outcomes of wandering off the trail into secret area should be positive for a team. They could lead into a lair with overwhelming forces, which could "kill" companions (no dismiss, can't summon other companions) until next mini boss is slain, etc.

    I guess, what I'm trying to say is, that there should be more incentives to go off sparkly trail during dungeons. It should be risky, but rewarding, sometimes not even with money. I'd like to see some new dungeon-generic lore on bookshelves scattered around. Low spawn rate of lore would guarantee that collecting all of new entries is spread over time. Make it Lord Neverember's journal from before the eruption, Knox's letters from battlefield, historian accounts of eruption or clues for other dungeons. Sky is the limit

    Ehh... one can only dream.
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Excellent points @dealtronaut and @forever16bits. The OP and @forever have obviously thought about this a lot and took the time to post about it. I agree with the ideas presented here. As for @ratjam's response, please ignore. He probably doesn't play a GF and is just trolling. Only someone that posts their opposing opinions should be considered. Too many elitists complain about others listing well-reasoned suggestions. Not all of us have Orange artifacts, all purples with rank 10 enchantments and can run MC/CT/CN solo.

    Those of us that play HR/GF can appreciate everything listed above. I think the game just needs some tweaks to make it much better for ALL players, not just the CW.

    Thanks for the post. Well done.
    I aim to misbehave
  • saini50990saini50990 Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    excellent suggestion , hats off.
    +1 on all
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Some good points here. Now some clarifications:

    - entangling NEVER goes through block; it's latency
    - you need Healing Depression because of Tenacity damage nerf; the last thing I want is for my opponents to regen through my greatly decreased DPS cause of PvP gear/Tenacity. Take away Tenacity, and you can rollback HD as well then, I'd like that.
    - GWF does not take 4 players to put down; and it will get some nerfs in Mod 3
    - CW already has nerfed CC cause of Tenacity. EG last close to nothing. How much more you wanna nerf it? Any deflect will significantly decrease CC duration as well. CW chill is a necessary defensive mechanic that we need to survive. Did you try playing a CW? The class needs very good kiting mechanics, which are not there as of now. Frozen targets will defreeze if they take damage, however, Frozen lasts a split second. Even this is too much?!?
  • exiledtyrantexiledtyrant Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I can't agree with the diminishing returns on CC. As a GWF prone is the only tool I have to secure some type of up time on my target. Our utility and soft CC skills do not allow us to mount up a decent chunk of damage. I would love for slows like Not So Fast or pulls like Come and Get It to be viable tools to use in PvP too keep on people but they aren't. Battle fury is a nice AP gen / damage buff but melee up time is no where near where it should be to justify it taking a direct damage slot much like the rest of our utilities.This game is overloaded with dodges and disengages. At-wills also root us in place. As boring as it is cycling 2 prones and a heavy hit is the only way to get any type of damage off.

    If we weren't rooted down every time we tried to attack someone so they can just walk away, or if wasn't so easy to constantly disengage to the point where it's a Benny Hill show then I think hard CC could be justified in getting toned down. Then soft CC and utility could be brought up to par.
  • puucpuuc Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I use Griffon's Wrath on my GF in both pve and pvp. it is good for interrupting and has a brief stun. It could be improved but it is far from useless.
  • hmdq#4491 hmdq Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    excellent thread with some good suggestions incluse I had commented a few points in the forum! remains whether Cryptic takes into account these suggestions! congratulations!
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Entangling Grasp – this has a chance to go through block, or latency is causing the issue

    Well, yeah. Physical shields don't block magic spells. They can block objects that CWs cast to throw at you (Magic Missiles, Chill Strike) but they can't block a spell cast *on* you.
  • serenlaelyseserenlaelyse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Great post! Great ideas!

  • friartfriart Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Can't agree with you abut GS for PvP 'cos what that will do is drive away all less skilled players from enjoying PvP. Why should less skilled players have their a**es kicked every time?

    For example I am a 15K GS, I know my skills reasonably well I believe but mostly I enjoy and prefer PvE. That said I do have a PvP build too that I switch to along with different skills and I enjoy a few PVP rounds from time to time. However, I realise I will never be a top PvPer regardless of my build and how well I know my skills simply because my reactions are slower than other players. My 17 year old son is simply faster at mashing the keyboard than me so all things been equal he will always be better than me at PvP. Even with people the same age there will be good reasons for differing skill levels but all should be able to have fun, this is a MMO not a FPS.
  • forever16bitsforever16bits Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    friart wrote: »
    For example I am a 15K GS, I know my skills reasonably well I believe but mostly I enjoy and prefer PvE. That said I do have a PvP build too that I switch to along with different skills and I enjoy a few PVP rounds from time to time. However, I realise I will never be a top PvPer regardless of my build and how well I know my skills simply because my reactions are slower than other players. My 17 year old son is simply faster at mashing the keyboard than me so all things been equal he will always be better than me at PvP. Even with people the same age there will be good reasons for differing skill levels but all should be able to have fun, this is a MMO not a FPS.

    But we all started somewhere, in a place where we were fuzzy about powers and maybe with feats all over the place. What made me learn, was loosing again and again. I adapted, swapped powers, took notice and slowly started getting. Still it was long road before I could call myself Paingiver. Even now, one thing is sure. If I play domination blue-specced (10k GS HR, rank 5s, no weapon/armour enchants) to be on level with fresh lvl 60 guild mates, whatever I do, I won't stand a chance against 14-15k GS players. And believe me, after winning streak and landing in top 5 players couple times, ELO did pit us against Grim-geared, weapon-enchanted teams. With GS brackets, only thing that counts is skill, and I'm OK with that. I'd rather die fair and square outmanoeuvred or if I miscalculated opponent's rotation, then because his soulforged proc'd at the end of battle, just when I thought I won by sliver of life.

    In short, I don't want to win because I have gear score advantage. GS brackets ensure level playing field, where only differentiator is skill and forethought put into rotation and feat/power planning.

    And if your son mashes buttons faster, you should bind some of the powers to extra mouse buttons :) Heck, you can move all encounter powers to mouse-wheel (assuming yours have click) and mash back at him ambidextrously :) Where's the will... yada yada...
  • friartfriart Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    But we all started somewhere, in a place where we were fuzzy about powers and maybe with feats all over the place. What made me learn, was loosing again and again. I adapted, swapped powers, took notice and slowly started getting. Still it was long road before I could call myself Paingiver. Even now, one thing is sure. If I play domination blue-specced (10k GS HR, rank 5s, no weapon/armour enchants) to be on level with fresh lvl 60 guild mates, whatever I do, I won't stand a chance against 14-15k GS players. And believe me, after winning streak and landing in top 5 players couple times, ELO did pit us against Grim-geared, weapon-enchanted teams. With GS brackets, only thing that counts is skill, and I'm OK with that. I'd rather die fair and square outmanoeuvred or if I miscalculated opponent's rotation, then because his soulforged proc'd at the end of battle, just when I thought I won by sliver of life.

    In short, I don't want to win because I have gear score advantage. GS brackets ensure level playing field, where only differentiator is skill and forethought put into rotation and feat/power planning.
    I can see your view and if it was a pure PvP game, I might agree but then I probably wouldn't play it. All GS scoring will do is drive all the less skilled and less PvP oriented players away, no one wants to lose all the time, which if there are still enough people left would suit you perfectly, but not the majority. I think it should be fun for all, not just for those who make specialist PvP builds. You can work on your gear like the rest of us and when you get up to 15K plus it will be much more about the build and pure skill. Playing in a guild with similarly minded players will also make it more fun for you. That said, I do think skill should be recognised in the game, I hope Cryptic add in league tables that for example in PvP might have the top 100 players by class within certain GS ranges.
    And if your son mashes buttons faster, you should bind some of the powers to extra mouse buttons :) Heck, you can move all encounter powers to mouse-wheel (assuming yours have click) and mash back at him ambidextrously :) Where's the will... yada yada...
    I do indeed, I use up / down + button on wheel + 2 side buttons.
  • snappa0126snappa0126 Member Posts: 90
    edited March 2014


    Fix Villain’s Menace – this does not grant 100% immunity in PvP. I already made a thread in the bug report section about this. Please see that for more information: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?633651-Villains-Menace-Doesnt-Grant-CC-Immunity

    Fix Anvil of Doom – This ability outright misses in point blank on stationary targets at random.

    360 degree block – Take this away… your shield faces one direction. Reward tanks who know how to angle their shield properly.

    Lunging Strike – The Cone Damage buff from the previous patch should only apply to Tacticians who specced 5 points into the feat. The feat only grants an interrupt and +% threat. Make this a tactician based ability.

    Knight’s Valor – This ability is more harmful than good. Either improve on it somehow, or make it steal threat / damage from one player in the party. (Single target, 50% damage and threat goes to tank)

    Into the Fray – Even with 5 feat points specced into it, this ability is nearly useless aside from run speed… which doesn’t warrant using it on your hot bar reducing you to two other abilities. Buff this in some way. Since it’s in the Tactician tree, perhaps improve the buff somehow.

    Griffon’s Wrath – I have NEVER seen a GF use this ability in PvP NOR PvE. Do SOMETHING with it. I have no idea what, but make it useful or swap it with an entirely different ability.

    Crushing Surge – Not only does HD make this ability useless, but the ‘slow and satisfying’ hits are nearly impossible to get off in PvP against targets that dodge. Either buff the damage or the heal, or give it a different effect that makes the at will somehow useful to slot.

    Make this class more useful in dungeons. Somehow. SOMEHOW. The GF is one of the least played and least understood classes in the game. The protector tree is nearly useless compared to conqueror and tactician. This class requires a lot of micromanagement to pull off, but you almost NEVER see people looking for one in LFG for dungeons. It’s the tank class. The sword and board tank class. Somehow, please make this class required as a tank.

    - Avasin :cool:

    1.) You forgot our useless tab key...every other class can spam buttons away and have a useful tab key. GF's basically have 3 buttons to mash and if we are lucky we generate a fourth button to mash (daily)

    2) GF encounters should be reduced in time (Anvil of Doom, Griffon's Wrath, etc). Every other class can spam buttons, GF's cannot because of the timers. We get to cleave away until an encounter resets...Sometimes going 10 seconds without doing anything but cleave.

    3) Enforced Threat. This needs to do more damage to make it useful for aoe purposes. I would love for it to be useful in pvp. Perhaps add a 1 second daze or some type of debuff (lower attack power on enemies). Hell, make it useful, somehow for pvp.

    4) Tide of Iron and Threatening Rush should be combined into one At-Will.

    5) Mark....If you mark a TR or HR and they go stealth you should still be able to see them. Only the GF who marked the target, nobody else.

    6)Aggravating Strike... Buff it, it is fn worthless to use your shield and attempt to use aggravating strike. This needs to be increased dramatically to make it less than the joke it currently is.

    7) Fighter's Recovery. This is a serious fn joke. This is the only way a GF can heal. The GF regains a portion of hitpoints back from the damage they do!! WTF?? Is this a joke or what? Change it!!!! GF's should regain hitpoints by the amount of damage they are receiving from others!!!!!! GF's don't do damage. This is fn stupid.

    8) Knee Breaker, combine it with lunging strike so it is useful...adds a dot effect to lunging strike

    9) Anvil of Doom, make it like Shocking Execution. Why do TR's get all the love? This is our finisher which takes entirely too fn long to refresh (16 seconds). Seriously, reduce the timer in this to at least 10 seconds.

    10) Ferocious Reaction. 5 minute timer!! WTF?? Drop that to 1 minute and it would be halfway usable.

    11) Supremacy of Steel. It needs buffed a very tiny amount. Give us a fn chance against rogues and hr's.

    12) Indomitable Strength. First the name is stupid as it doesn't reflect what it does. Seconds, increase the **** range of it. If a GWF can hit me from 13 feet away with a sword at least let me kick a TR in the *** from 10 feet away.

    13) Guardian Fighters should be able to suck up dmg so give us more armor class. Right now, a Guardian Fighter with his shield up still gets mowed down like nobody's business. When have you ever heard "NERF GUARDIAN FIGHTERS!"????? Never!! Why do you think we are the 2nd least played class in the game? FIX US Already!!!!!!!!!

    14) Deflection....Increase the usefulness of deflection.
    HAMSTER, level 60 GF, "Bloodthirsty" since Mod 2
    Anarchist, level 60 CW
    level 60 TR
    Pluck Yew, level 60 HR
    level 60 DC
  • forever16bitsforever16bits Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    friart wrote: »
    All GS scoring will do is drive all the less skilled and less PvP oriented players away, no one wants to lose all the time(...)

    I see where, you're coming from. I didn't took into account that people would gear specifically to 9999GS to gank fresh lvl 60 players. I think I got solution for the problem. Instead of brackets, it should be in 1k GS range of queueing player. That way whenever your GS increases, pvp difficulty increases in similar increments. Won't solve problem of people downgearing specifically for pvp, but queue system we have now does pit up 10k vs 15k GS players from time to time anyway. Ideally system should keep record of player's gs history and take skill (kill/death ratio or some other metric) into account, but it seems that slightly complicating queue system leads to ridiculous waiting times.
    friart wrote: »
    (...) which if there are still enough people left would suit you perfectly, but not the majority.

    I'm 90% pve, 10% pvp. Heck I don't even change gear for pvp. I like it, don't dominate it, although I usually end in top bracket (or high-ish result if my team is loosing), I'm more concerned with pve viability of my toon.

    friart wrote: »
    I think it should be fun for all, not just for those who make specialist PvP builds. You can work on your gear like the rest of us and when you get up to 15K plus it will be much more about the build and pure skill. Playing in a guild with similarly minded players will also make it more fun for you.

    +1 on every count.
    friart wrote: »
    That said, I do think skill should be recognised in the game, I hope Cryptic add in league tables that for example in PvP might have the top 100 players by class within certain GS ranges.

    Leaderboards are comming with mod3. I spent some time on preview, but haven't got opportunity to test it out yet. Truth be told, HRs are so nerfed there, it's like my toon suddenly got sick. When promised balancing buff to secondary powers will go live, will spend more time testing :)

    friart wrote: »
    I do indeed, I use up / down + button on wheel + 2 side buttons.

    Great minds think alike :) I moved my dailies to Q and E respectively, just to have powers spread evenly between hands. De gustibus non est disputandum, as they were fond of saying in Asterix ;)
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If you've never seen Griffins' Wrath in PvP, then you never played against my GF. It's one of the best PvP skills for locking down that pesky CW, HR, or TR and pounding them into a smear on the flagstones. And it always comes as such a surprise when the "Useless" class squishes one of the "Uber" classes. The damage is good, the speed is fast, it recharges relatively quickly, it can attack three times in a row, and it Stuns. What's not to like? What with Anvil of Doom's crazy long cooldown and habit of just flat out missing all the time, I will take Griffins' over it any day.

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • cmpinpointerrorcmpinpointerror Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Cryptic Developers, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Founder's Pack Users Posts: 646
    edited March 2014
    All great feedback! I'll forward this along.
  • dealtronautdealtronaut Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Thank you everyone for your feedback and for taking the time to read my post.

    I just want to mention that these ideas are not 100% perfect, and that I encourage anyone with an open mind to offer suggestions to this thread. If you feel I am wrong in a specific area in this thread, please contact me in game and we can discuss our points of view. My overall approach through this thread is to add content to the game, improve playability, and solidify the foundations of this game for PvE and PvP players.

    I understand that some people want to queue for PvP to simply have fun. However, in any MMO - PvP will draw the attention of competitive players. FPS, RTS, MMO - no matter the game type.

    Gear score brackets would improve the balance of matches. Having 15k players face off against 9k players isn't challenging for anyone, and rather unfun for the 9k player trying to enjoy themselves. Having 15k players face off against 15k players is more even. The only differences that would come into play would be armor and weapon enchants.

    There can be different options for PvP ques. Have a gear-score ranked bracket, and have a bracket that is unranked where the results don't register to the global stats for the upcoming leader board addition. Friends can kick back and relax by queuing for unranked matches. If they want to get into a competitive mindset and attempt to climb the leaderboards, they can queue for the ranked matches.
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