The Tattered Banner is a military-themed roleplaying group based out of Protector's Enclave, formed by ex-military, former milita, and current and past members of the Neverwinter Guard. They are knights and clerics, mercenaries and sellswords, cut-throats and apothecaries, all brought together under one, united banner. Whether you're a well-armed and armored bastion of justice, or a lowly squire who aspires to become so much more, there is a place for you under the forever waving, Tattered Banner.
Formed after the former guild leader left for another game, The Tattered Banner is looking to come back stronger than ever with the help of those willing to stick it out. We're looking for roleplayers, those with a voice server, and those capable of designing a website for what's going to be the next up-and-coming themed roleplaying guild on the server. If any of you are interested or intrigued, please drop a message here, or in-game to
@fadewalkerblack. Looking forward to meeting you all!