The modified righteousness class feature isn't working correctly. From what i've seen it applies an invisible Incoming Healing Bonus +70% buff on the
party members, which has 2 unforeseen results:
1. When the DC is not in party with you, you receive reduced healing, just like the DC. I've seen AS heals as low as 100 HP/tick from a 14k+ DC;
2. The +70% bonus applies to the self heals of party members, like lifesteal, regen, soulforged and even chaotic growth. See the images below.
Life stealRegenNormal Soulforged
I believe healing depression only works in PvP. I dont think bajornorbert is giving this example in a pvp match.
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
So anytime you're healed by a DC not in your party you're not receiving the 70% incoming heal buff, which means you'll receive less healing than on Live, and when you're in a party with the DC even your self heals receive the buff, not only the DC's heal, so you'll heal yourself for more with your life steal, regen, and even your soulforged heals you for more than it supposed to.
HD doesn't currently work on the PTR.