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Guardian fighter and pve



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    ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    klangeddin wrote: »
    It wouldn't be a Guardian Fighter anymore if it dual wielded, it would be a Tempest Fighter.

    Then us Tempest Fighter path!
    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
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    damanhur89damanhur89 Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014

    Sorry, you are completely right in everything. As for me, I will continue to play every content of the game with my guildmates and pugs who want to temporarily join me to complete IWD daylies, and enjoy sometime together because MMO means that one should play with others, not alone, not even if one is 16K GS and does not need others to finish IWD encounters. With other GFs, I will try to help the GF community sharing constructive arguments, sharing ideas and create more efficient builds.

    So, do you want to help the GF community with new ideas that might get the attention of the DEVs, or do you just stop writing that GFs are effective in IWD as the other classes?

    I give you good links, go to write something interestig there:




    Good luck!
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    wimpazoidwimpazoid Member Posts: 504 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    damanhur89 wrote: »

    Sorry, you are completely right in everything. As for me, I will continue to play every content of the game with my guildmates and pugs who want to temporarily join me to complete IWD daylies, and enjoy sometime together because MMO means that one should play with others, not alone, not even if one is 16K GS and does not need others to finish IWD encounters. With other GFs, I will try to help the GF community sharing constructive arguments, sharing ideas and create more efficient builds.

    So, do you want to help the GF community with new ideas that might get the attention of the DEVs, or do you just stop writing that GFs are effective in IWD as the other classes?

    I give you good links, go to write something interestig there:




    Good luck!
    The sarcasm I do not need, but to be civil, I will simply say to you to not try and decide how I should play this game. There are those of us who log on when they can, and briefly get through the dailies solo. I still have no idea where you assume I in no way group for content. I simply am not in denial that GFs are currently in a good place compared to the other classes.
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    damanhur89damanhur89 Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    "Surely a GF can try to survive the enemies, but against more than 3 of those tough ones with large hitpoints, its unlikely to take down any of them"
    In this sentence, it seems that you were playing alone. if it was not YOU, then do not ASSUME that SERIOUS GF cannot take down +3 enemies. You underestimate good GFs.

    "IWD clearly demonstrates how the GF has been left way behind the other classes in terms of progression with each new module update"
    If YOUR GF is way behind the other classes, you are doing something wrong. Ok, you decide how to play your GF, but you really should avoid saying that WE ( who really play this class ) are left far behind.

    "There are those of us who log on when they can, and briefly get through the dailies solo. I still have no idea where you assume I in no way group for content"
    US! you use US! so you include yourself. You do solo encouters.

    These are your sentences, mate. i did not assume things, i read them in your posts.

    After this, I will not reply you anymore, unless you have something valuable to write. And, I gave you some good links.


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    wimpazoidwimpazoid Member Posts: 504 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    damanhur89 wrote: »
    "Surely a GF can try to survive the enemies, but against more than 3 of those tough ones with large hitpoints, its unlikely to take down any of them"
    In this sentence, it seems that you were playing alone. if it was not YOU, then do not ASSUME that SERIOUS GF cannot take down +3 enemies. You underestimate good GFs.

    "IWD clearly demonstrates how the GF has been left way behind the other classes in terms of progression with each new module update"
    If YOUR GF is way behind the other classes, you are doing something wrong. Ok, you decide how to play your GF, but you really should avoid saying that WE ( who really play this class ) are left far behind.

    "There are those of us who log on when they can, and briefly get through the dailies solo. I still have no idea where you assume I in no way group for content"
    US! you use US! so you include yourself. You do solo encouters.

    These are your sentences, mate. i did not assume things, i read them in your posts.

    After this, I will not reply you anymore, unless you have something valuable to write. And, I gave you some good links.


    I do not understand your aggressiveness, I stated the scenarios where I compared my GF against my other classes in effective performance. They are what they are, examples.

    You jumped to the conclusion that I do not group for content, and keep attacking me with it.

    Again, with me doing it wrong. Perhaps, but I want to illustrate my experience with the classes with regards to how they perform in HEs. But I am happy with the pve tank build I came up with. While gearing up, I tanked everything during the boss fights of Epic Karrundax with 11k GS without a DC where the other 4 players ranged fro 9k-11k. The 4 of them kept wiping and respawning to kill the hand of magera and it was a long fight, my GF was the only thing preventing the boss' health from resetting and the adds at bay. I can tank, I'm happy with it, doesn't matter if I'm doing it wrong in your eyes. But despite this, by playing with the other classes, I can't help but see a gap needing to be bridged.

    You repeatedly assume everything in absolutes, another could have read it as I meant it, you can't dictate when others are available to group with you according to your schedule. It does not mean I do not group.
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    rado84rado84 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    delete this class from game and replace with a wizzard similar with tons of dmg and CC
    it has no purpose and no use to play im sick of trying to grp for something where ppl only want to play with bugs or only CW

    Just because you're incompetent doesn't mean the Guardian Fighter is useless. Ever since this game started I've been trying to find a class which can proceed after Helm's Hold without dying at each corner and I finally found it - Guardian Fighter. Before GF I tried all other magical classes and they all sucked. The moment I attacked a Devil and I was dead in a matter of seconds. Now, with the GF, I gather together 10 Devils or Wights and slaughter them all in 2 minutes tops. There was even a dungeon boss which was taller than the space on my screen and I couldn't see his HP bar. I thought I wouldn't make it but with the correct sequence of used skills that SOB died so quick that I couldn't believe it.
    So, just because you don't know how to build your character that doesn't mean the class is useless. It takes careful reading of everything in order to build a useful GF. So start reading.

    As for the grouping, I've never had problems of finding a party. It's enough just to say "Tank at [level number] LFP [instance name]" and less than a minute (figuratively speaking) later I'm already in a party. Altough the most of the time I prefer to wait on the queue (too lazy to repeat the same msg in the chat over and over again) and I look for parties only for the quests that require a party. If there's no requirement for a party I go alone and with my cleric companion the whole thing is only fun. :)
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    masterjewstarmasterjewstar Member Posts: 563
    edited May 2014
    dunno about GF being useless its really not sure we dont attack as fast as any other class which is why our dps is less. However, Like an actual tank we are slow moving we have attacks that can smash enemies or even hold that enemy indefinately in a stun or in knockdowns. we are slow to reload encounters that do heavy damage and have the weakest at wills that is what makes GWF have more dps is the fact that they speed up and have more weapon damage by 300 or so.

    GF is not weak not by any stretch of the imagination for instance my full tank gf has more DR (52%)than my GWF (42%) unstoppable makes it have more but thats only if it is unstoppable my GF always has this DR.

    If you dont just stand there like a dope holding your shield up for every attack (weak ones) you can negate a large amount of damage just by paying attention.

    I happen to love my tank and soloing IWD with it is a breeze takes a bit longer than my GWF sure, but they cant hurt me either :)

    if you do not need a tank good for you most people dont mind sitting safely 50 feet away turreting the hell out of things ive aggro'd.

    The tanks job is to reduce the damage others are taking either automatically (Knight Valor) or by smart tanking which the GF is perfectly capable of doing.

    I'll probably be told im wrong but then again i dont really care what others think :)
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