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Sticky for each class

macaran5123macaran5123 Member Posts: 122 Arc User
Might I suggest, since the official feedback threads allow for class feedback, but only on the topic of what the feedback topic is, there be a thread for each class to give feedback on new bugs and/or recommendations not relevant to a particular topic. The patch seems like it will drastically change each class either directly or indirectly.

Also, if the stickies were kept highly moderated and ONLY allowed for posts for people who have logged onto test and tried something, it would remove the slight randomness of trying to see if someone has reported something in a patch notes thread that is relevant to themselves. A mod could edit each bug report posts with a [Fixed <patch number>] when the bug is fixed in patch notes.

I feel this would be useful to the community, as well as players who are reporting things about their class. Since one could only post in a thread if you've tried something on _that_ class _on_ test, people who play that class can have a civil discussion on problems without other classes hijacking the thread with "hate mail" style flame wars.

I'd actually like to see these stickies for each major patch cycle, just clear all the posts and start over when the next major version hits preview.

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