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Questions about Tenebous and Tranquil Enchantments

jddouglas83jddouglas83 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
edited March 2014 in PvE Discussion
Does Tenebous damage to enemies heal player similar to Lifedrinker or Bloodtheft?

What is the % Chance of Tranquil Activating? Does it increase with quality from Lesser to Normal to Greater?
Post edited by jddouglas83 on


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    evaliraevalira Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Tranquil is broken and tenebrous was nerfed into high heaven
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    jddouglas83jddouglas83 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So Tranquil doesn't work at all. And how does the Tenebrous work and how was it nerfed?
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    evaliraevalira Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Tenebrous damage used to be unmitigated so it would always do 1/2/3% of your HP in necrotic damage - many people thought this was OP. Now it is mitigated and is BROKEN because it doesn't take into account Armor Penetration. Hence why the prices bombed. I paid about 180k for a lesser tenerous, last time I checked they now fetch about 50k.

    I've never had a tranquil but from what I have read they have never worked and don't proc at all.
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    jddouglas83jddouglas83 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Lol brilliant. Last I checked on tene was about 40k. I've had a darn normal tranquil in my belt for ages now thinking being DC into Righteous Feat line would be great combination, now I learn I've been quite simply extremely unobservant and have another space for a rank 7 defense. Oh well, live and learn I suppose. Though would sure be nice if it said something like "currently inoperable" in the tooltip ingame. Soo since both of tran and tene are broken are fey blessing, indomitable, serene, cruel, etcetera all broken as well? Isn't CTA dropping Cruels right now?
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    angrymanagementangrymanagement Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Tranquil worked last time it tried it, but it is garbage. It has an internal cooldown - maybe 60 seconds - don't really remember.
    Also, as I recall it didn't proc the same way Tene's did, in that if you are running multiple Tranquils, and one procs they all go on CD. However more than 1 can proc at once, just unlikely.
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    dhuras1dhuras1 Member Posts: 166 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    I gave my lesser tenebrous to my renegade illusionist, because I was too cheap and lazy to take it off the ring I gave him. I have no idea if he could even use it if it worked.
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    evalira wrote: »
    Tenebrous damage used to be unmitigated so it would always do 1/2/3% of your HP in necrotic damage - many people thought this was OP. Now it is mitigated and is BROKEN because it doesn't take into account Armor Penetration. Hence why the prices bombed. I paid about 180k for a lesser tenerous, last time I checked they now fetch about 50k.

    I've never had a tranquil but from what I have read they have never worked and don't proc at all.

    Forgot to say it stacks, and allowed people to max out their tankiness while gaining huge spike damage at the same time, with tenebrous very high damage added to the damage from their power.
    There you got all high end PvPers running full HP builds with stacked tenebrous. A sentinel tank with full stacked tenes (6-7 of these enchants could be stacked together, if i remember well) right now would be able to go up to 46k HP with maxed CON. CON gives ArP, which would boost tenes 2 times: 1 though ArP if the enchant was not "broken", and 1 through base HP buff. The guy would have his base damage plus 7-8k added damage from tenebrous.

    I think the devs must work hard to bring all the enchants to a level where there is no "BiS gear" and "BiS enchants", but only different setups and enchants for different needs.

    The wrong thing about tenebrous was that it was going through immunities and could not be deflected or dodged, if i remember well. Once it procced, you would not be able to dodge it or negate it in any way, which was very wrong. Now that we have tenacity, may be they could take away the DR since it's necrotic damage, and keep it the way it is for the rest (ability to dodge it, deflect it, and ITC-other immunities working on it).

    With tenacity reducing already the incoming damage by 20%, and considering how tenebrous now is behind other enchants, i think the devs could rethink it a bit/ rework it, and make it go through normal DR, since it's necrotic damage. May be some people would find it useful then.
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    djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Since both luckbox have been discontinued I doubt we will see any changes, ever. Bigger fish to fry.
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    jddouglas83jddouglas83 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Likely djarkaan, though unfortunate and inconsiderate towards players who've been around longer. Also need to consider that many people save lockboxes for extended periods.

    Its rather terrible though when you think about. Considering its a lockbox drop, that essentially making that items a lockbox deadzone for its % chance of dropping from the box. Which in turn over time increases the cost of keys for players. Sure they can be passed of on AH or through trading with other players manually, but then that's simply perpetuating the broken system and being detrimental even further to players who are new and or unaware of currently broken mechanics. May as well be putting white common quality items in Lockboxes and telling players who invest in keys to "Have Fun!" with your chances and good luck on attaining something desirable and useful from this.

    I can understand past problems with Tenebrous as reading what pando83 posted and think a bit about it myself, the way it originally worked would/could/apparently did game break for awhile. Theory v. Reality in Execution. While some things may be able to be foreseen, many simply aren't because of amount of testing required by a large population. Is this case of completely flawed execution, and there being no fixes forthcoming evidently, why not at the least replace these broken inoperable items with ones that do actually work and aren't game breaking. Of equivalent or greater value averaged from their original prices on AH while they did actually work as stated.

    Otherwise its all just poor behavior towards players having caused them to entirely waster time and effort in dealing with said items. Many people have limited time to play, so to be competitive it becomes necessary to Purchase Zen and convert to AD. So while most money made in this game stems from Zen Purchase often going towards Keys and Coals the reason to buy Zen becomes less appealing for players when received items from lockboxes are defunct. While yes, there is a chance of receiving a Coal from the 7 Day Coffer. But I've read several posts on players who have tested the RNG on both the Coffer and the recent "Gift of the Gods" event. Having opened boxes amounting from 100 to 1000 the %'s of receiving the top item from either box ranged from 0.032% to 1.45% of 100%. Older lockboxes have had higher %'s, notably the Nightmare ones. While the most profitable ones have for awhile now been the Feywild boxes. Save to 100-300 Keys, acquire enough Feywild boxes, open 2-4 at a time in 5-10 minute intervals seems to yield the finest results. Then sell off 75% of what's received from the boxes opened.

    Really overall it seems much like a game at a Carnival. Big in your face Prize staring at all interested players as the hook. Have a few hundred players who play 3-7 times who 95% of the time win a prize worth 10% their purchase to play value. All the while 20% of the lowest prizes being neigh "wooden nickels". I do understand F2P needs to make money to both stay alive, improve, and add new content of course.

    And then there's the final consideration. Zen costs 1 USD per 100 Zen which converts to about 42,500 AD high averaged rate of conversion. Yet whenever I'm in PE on any toon, I'm regularly placing multiple accounts on ignore list as there are continually people advertising purchasing AD for prices ranging from 8-13USD per 1m AD which converts to around 2500 Zen at around 400 to 1 rate. So while EULA prohibits external purchasing of any in game currencies via any source other than PWI and its Zen Store, the current state would seem to promote such practices. Really, why are these advertisers not banned from the game? I must have over 200 accounts on my ignore list so I'm not bombarded by those people while in PE and using Zone, Trade, and LFG Channels.
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