Floating Eye / Floating Magnifying Glass - So it can be setup as interactable for foundry builders to give room descriptions or allow the player to search for items
Floating Ear - Would also be a interactable but allow foundry builders to give a description to the player on what is being heard. Perhaps they can put it at a door to listen in.
Floating Skull from the Artifact Quest - Beacuse its a floating skull that laughs how cool is that
A closed chest - currently there is a super chest, and a open chest.
Im sure other builders may have a few suggestions, but i think these would allow the quests to be more detailed and bring more of the PnP feel.
Thorin Oakenshield - 60 DC | Floki Longarm - 60 TR | Tiny Tank - 60 GWF
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Stand your Ground NW-DNBHK74ML