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PVP Que suggestion

zolronzolron Member Posts: 30 Arc User
edited March 2014 in PvE Discussion
I don't think anyone here who pvp'd alot would argue that pre-patch, the leavers was a huge problem. The point of this point isn't to discuss this, or the reasons the problems was so widespread. ELO matchmaking should hopefully address this eventually. Before the patch, people would leave, then more would leave....next thing you know, it was 5 vs 3/2/1/0. This was mainly due to one group getting ROFL stomped, and as such, game probably wouldnt last long ( opposite team had all 3 nodes). Joining mid-match made little sense here as most would probably just leave also once they realized they were added to the loosing side of a 800-100 match .

I have very little experience with the "new" pvp, but the few matches I've had were lasting quite abit longer, as no one would leave. As time goes on, the ELO matchmaking system should make much more even matches commonplace.
So then.....why not allow mid-match joining? the games should be lasting longer and more balanced, and the MAIN reason you join mid-match is someone had a real life thing come up and didnt care about the 30 min penallty..I for one would rather join a 500-400 game, then wait 30+min to play at all..
This should shorten the que's at least a bit..
Just food for thought...............
p.s I am sure there are reasons I am not thinking of, so be gentle :)
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