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GFs & Life Steal

thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
edited September 2014 in The Militia Barracks
I finally got my helm from Chartillifax and now have the complete Knight Captain's set. It will replace my Timeless set for dungeon runs.

Now, the problem with the KC set vs the Timeless set is that it robs me of over 6% deflection chance. My two alternatives to recovering it is the Ancient Fugitive or Ancient Slaughterer rings. Fugitive gives me HP, power and deflec while Slaughterer gives me defence, deflec and life steal. With the Slaughterer rings I end up with 458 life steal. Is that even worthwile as a tradeoff against more power (Conqueror spec) or more crit if I slotted the Fugitives? I suppose once I've put 100 more points into my regen artifact I can swop my regen Dread boon for the life steal boon and end up with 1k regen, 700 life steal using the Slaughterers.

Or an even shorter version; do GFs, even Conquerors, benefit from life steal?
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
Post edited by thestaggy on


  • slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    thestaggy wrote: »
    I finally got my helm from Chartillifax and now have the complete Knight Captain's set. It will replace my Timeless set for dungeon runs.

    Now, the problem with the KC set vs the Timeless set is that it robs me of over 6% deflection chance. My two alternatives to recovering it is the Ancient Fugitive or Ancient Slaughterer rings. Fugitive gives me HP, power and deflec while Slaughterer gives me defence, deflec and life steal. With the Slaughterer rings I end up with 458 life steal. Is that even worthwile as a tradeoff against more power (Conqueror spec) or more crit if I slotted the Fugitives? I suppose once I've put 100 more points into my regen artifact I can swop my regen Dread boon for the life steal boon and end up with 1k regen, 700 life steal using the Slaughterers.

    Or an even shorter version; do GFs, even Conquerors, benefit from life steal?

    KC set wins over Timesless by miles. That is the case if everyone in your group is geared. If you pug a lot or are in a non high end PVE guild. Stick with Timeless.

    Lifesteal is kind of meh on GF cause you spend lots of time trying to aggro and tank(kite) mobs. But with the next patch change GF gets some nice dps buff I imagine Lifesteal would be decent.

    Do noted Lifesteal is always good when you can get it with little loss of other stats.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    KC set wins over Timesless by miles. That is the case if everyone in your group is geared. If you pug a lot or are in a non high end PVE guild. Stick with Timeless.

    Lifesteal is kind of meh on GF cause you spend lots of time trying to aggro and tank(kite) mobs. But with the next patch change GF gets some nice dps buff I imagine Lifesteal would be decent.

    Do noted Lifesteal is always good when you can get it with little loss of other stats.

    Is KC the best current set for GFs then? Or are the Tier 2 sets even better for group (not personal DPS)?
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    mconosrep wrote: »
    Is KC the best current set for GFs then? Or are the Tier 2 sets even better for group (not personal DPS)?

    I ran two successive SP runs yesterday, one with full KC, one with full Timeless.

    In the first run the GWFs (2 of them) and CW noticed significant spikes in their power stat and thus damage. The GWFs were my guildies so they knew to expect spikes as I asked them to specifically look out for them. The CW on the other hand was a PUG and he was stunned by the power/damage spikes and asked where they were coming from. I finished the run with 6.5 million damage, 2.5 million behind the CW.

    After that run I switched to my Timeless set and stayed in the same group. I finished with 7.6 million damage and only 800,000 damage behind the CW.


    - KC is the best group set out there by far. In a good group it will push your GWFs & CWs into level 9000 territory. I was buffing the GWFs from 5k to 8k power.

    - Timeless is a ''selfish'' set but in terms of DPS for a GF nothing comes close.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • veramis1veramis1 Banned Users Posts: 191 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Those numbers don't take into consideration that there's always variations in DPS charts, even when using the same exact gear. If a CW decides to use a few more oppressive forces instead of singularity, his own damage will go up by a few hundred thousand while other people's damage go down. 2500 power should give about 10% more DPS.
  • eton3000eton3000 Banned Users Posts: 230 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    thestaggy wrote: »
    I ran two successive SP runs yesterday, one with full KC, one with full Timeless.

    In the first run the GWFs (2 of them) and CW noticed significant spikes in their power stat and thus damage. The GWFs were my guildies so they knew to expect spikes as I asked them to specifically look out for them. The CW on the other hand was a PUG and he was stunned by the power/damage spikes and asked where they were coming from. I finished the run with 6.5 million damage, 2.5 million behind the CW.

    After that run I switched to my Timeless set and stayed in the same group. I finished with 7.6 million damage and only 800,000 damage behind the CW.


    - KC is the best group set out there by far. In a good group it will push your GWFs & CWs into level 9000 territory. I was buffing the GWFs from 5k to 8k power.

    - Timeless is a ''selfish'' set but in terms of DPS for a GF nothing comes close.

    GFs dreaming of DPS should just roll another class
    knight captain or bust.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    eton3000 wrote: »
    GFs dreaming of DPS should just roll another class
    knight captain or bust.

    I should be allowed to play my character as I please. I farmed for and bought the gear that allows me to;

    1) Buff
    2) DPS
    3) Kite
    4) Stand in red for days

    In one run I felt like buffing my party, in another run I felt like doing more personal damage. Both runs were successful.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    veramis1 wrote: »
    Those numbers don't take into consideration that there's always variations in DPS charts, even when using the same exact gear. If a CW decides to use a few more oppressive forces instead of singularity, his own damage will go up by a few hundred thousand while other people's damage go down. 2500 power should give about 10% more DPS.

    From my perspective I can see the difference between KC and Timeless. Crits are far more frequent and damage numbers are higher in Timeless. I've tested both on dummies as well. Knee Breaker can crit and bleed for 11k while the best KC can do is 8.5k. In a dungeon run I can get Anvil of Doom to hit for 30k+ in Timeless while I have not yet seen KC break the 30k mark.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    From what I can tell, GF hit so weak and at less intervals Life Steal seems worthless!

    The KC set is superior for team buffs only, The High General set is +1 better in every capacity to the KC minus the party buff, HG only giving Crit severity.

    From my comparison using KC is a disservice to the GF, it gimps the GF in many areas and really only offers your team the Power bonus.
    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    ^ Pretty much the conclusion I came to during the weekend's dungeon runs. I seemed to get better utility out of regenerating myself after skirmishes.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Just for fun I tried Enduring Warrior running around in Dread Ring and Shardara, I know people said it was useless but as a Conq spec I find I try and keep my guard at full for the 100% bonus power, however doing so I block much less and take a lot of damage... That said EW heals me for 3% after each kill I have so it was awesome just killing things in a more DPS focused build and finishing 100% HP.

    I am not sure in an epic dungeon how it would work probably crappy, but for solo dungeons and questing its great!

    thestaggy wrote: »
    ^ Pretty much the conclusion I came to during the weekend's dungeon runs. I seemed to get better utility out of regenerating myself after skirmishes.
    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
  • aaronlove83aaronlove83 Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2014
    I see a lot of talk about gear sets, but no one has referenced the Grand Regent, which makes me both nervous and excited...either I have found something new, or I have failed epically in my gear choice. Currently I run a full set with Ancient Grand Knight MH and OH. The flat 20% boost to power is nice and has balanced out my DPS/Survival to a good balance (3k power/5k def) with lower tier enchants. I also run Terror and Elven Battle (for the control resist and since everyone else is running PF it seems). So far my threat could use a bit of a kick in the ***, but that was a mistake on Feat Allocation since I went for 3% Crit instead or 15% Threat...horrible idea since I didn't stack crit anywhere else. My ArP is almost hard capped since that is what most of my Enchants are for. All three of my artifacts have Def on them as well, which helps. And for every 100 Def you add to it adds another 20 power.

    I know most people frown on Power for the GF, but I am so far seeing a good gain in ability to hold threat and deal damage while not losing health like a CW in the red.

    I am wondering if posting this build for review would be a good idea, once I correct the Feats of course. Anyone know if this is a common spec, or something I am just missing out on?
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    Lifesteal is good sure but only really if you use powers with aoe affects, since our dmg is weaker than the other classes it means we don't get as much :/ I haven't tried it will small amounts though so maybe buy some weak blue gear to get around 500 and just do a test run, to see how much you heal ?

    I just use regen and since im running the full purified ice gear i get lots of healing abilities. It works great.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    (3k power/5k def)

    It seems good man but I would just say that 5k def is too much. I tested the effectiveness of defense around them numbers and it really stops being good at around 3.5k you don't need it any further than that, it's hard since gf get defense on almost everything but still. Hp is a far better stat to get higher and with regen it means you regen more too.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Arise little thread, go now and attack the city of Neverwinter.
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    Arise little thread, go now and attack the city of Neverwinter.

    lol not sure why this made me laugh so much. :D
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • aaronlove83aaronlove83 Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2014
    crixus8000 wrote: »
    It seems good man but I would just say that 5k def is too much. I tested the effectiveness of defense around them numbers and it really stops being good at around 3.5k you don't need it any further than that, it's hard since gf get defense on almost everything but still. Hp is a far better stat to get higher and with regen it means you regen more too.

    That's a good point, I will play around with my Def slots and see what I can manage as it stands I have very few Def slots for Regen, and very little base regen with the Grand Regent Gear. Maybe I can look at pet active bonuses...?
  • aaronlove83aaronlove83 Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2014
    crixus8000 wrote: »
    Lifesteal is good sure but only really if you use powers with aoe affects, since our dmg is weaker than the other classes it means we don't get as much :/ I haven't tried it will small amounts though so maybe buy some weak blue gear to get around 500 and just do a test run, to see how much you heal ?

    I just use regen and since im running the full purified ice gear i get lots of healing abilities. It works great.

    On this note, I use Fighter's Recovery often and it can easily refill from 10% to 90% in one combo of FLS and EF on a big group, but has limited use in a boss fight. I wonder how effective Lifesteal gets with increased numbers. Has anyone done a check on its diminishing returns/stat point allocation and statistics?
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    That's a good point, I will play around with my Def slots and see what I can manage as it stands I have very few Def slots for Regen, and very little base regen with the Grand Regent Gear. Maybe I can look at pet active bonuses...?

    I get regen from my suit, boons and artifacts and atm I have 2k but even 1.5k is good
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    On this note, I use Fighter's Recovery often and it can easily refill from 10% to 90% in one combo of FLS and EF on a big group, but has limited use in a boss fight. I wonder how effective Lifesteal gets with increased numbers. Has anyone done a check on its diminishing returns/stat point allocation and statistics?

    Yeah I use fighters recovery and even just by using an at-will I can refill my full hp (48k) with just a few hits. If I hit ET in a dungeon I get all my hp back the number usually says 100k healed so its great. Also lifesteal is the same as regen, I would say 2k is well enough.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • aaronlove83aaronlove83 Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2014
    crixus8000 wrote: »
    Yeah I use fighters recovery and even just by using an at-will I can refill my full hp (48k) with just a few hits. If I hit ET in a dungeon I get all my hp back the number usually says 100k healed so its great. Also lifesteal is the same as regen, I would say 2k is well enough.

    Not sure how I can manage to squeeze out 2k LS and Regen, but that sounds like a good idea. Other than sacrificing ArP (which i nearly refuse to do)
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    Not sure how I can manage to squeeze out 2k LS and Regen, but that sounds like a good idea. Other than sacrificing ArP (which i nearly refuse to do)

    You wouldn't need 2k of both unless your a full survival type build. I atm don't have any lifesteal at all and I can survive any dungeon even with using KV and ET so I gain the most aggro and take half my teams dmg.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    KC: before they nerfed it this was my everyday set for running dungeons. Since they nerfed the set it sits in storage.

    Grand Regent: has 2608 defense of which you get 20% back as power so 521 power.

    Timeless: has 1271 power. So If you want power you do not want GR.

    LifeSteal: I keep it about 10% and it has a noticable increase in survivability. When Villians Menace is up the sheild goes down and I am taking and dealing a lot more damage LS evens this out nicely. On a high power high recovery build my uptime is around 50% so yeah I use it.
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    But honestly it comes down to your personal style. The way I always tests out stats is just buying blue gear and getting the numbers I want then going and seeing how noticeable they are. Get some blue items with life steal and some with regen to see the difference and see what fits best for you because I have seen many different build types for high end gf gameplay. Some have just regen, some have just lifesteal and some have a mid amount of both.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • aobviouserroraobviouserror Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Am I the weird one that likes dread legion? Statswise it's a souped up grand regent. I'm tactician reflect pve, and DR allows me to tank and give a lot with feated itf.
    Due to the reflect build I run 1500 life steal and a greater lifedrinker. Keeps me alive :P

    And for personal dps while soloing I use valiant warrior.
  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Here's a build you might be interested in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoaRbgyOSNY
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    Not sure how I can manage to squeeze out 2k LS and Regen, but that sounds like a good idea. Other than sacrificing ArP (which i nearly refuse to do)

    You don't need 2k. I have ~1.3k of each, roughly 10%, and it serves me just fine. The combination of KV, Enforced Threat and Supremacy of Steel is enough to maximise 1 - 1.4k Life Steal. My healing output exceeds that of a DC with those numbers in any dungeon I run. And while I have not yet done CN without a DC, I can run every other dungeon without a DC and keep myself healthy, often times not even needing to use a health pot. VT last fight is about the only time I run into health issues if there is no DC.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Id love to have around 1k LS on my GF to go along with everything I have now but I dont see it happening without reducing another stat. And the only one I can reduce without messing up my build is defence hah. So my alternative is to have 2 sets of gear: PVE with LS and PVP with Regen. Unfortunately I dont have the resources to procure two sets of bis gear.. so in the end its high HP/high regen for me.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
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