Hi guys ....I am writting this post to ask all ppl out there which gear set and armor set is best for a gf .
I have 18k gs with grand regent armor set and ancient gear set.
Although dread ring and fomorian armor set has better stats from the grand regent one,when i equip the 4 parts of grand regent i gain 1100 power (20% defense = power ).i dont know what to do ,keep grand regent or take fomorian or dread ring one ??
I have the same question for gear set,try collecting dread ring or fomorian one gear set.
Thank you for the advise!!!
Armor of the Dread Legion - Recov, Defense, Deflect & Life Steal. Direct upgrade from Grand Regent, swapping Regen for Life Steal.
Dread Legion 4pc bonus - +500 Deflect, +1250 HP (procs often)
Fabled Iliyanbruen Plate - Recov, Defense, Deflect & Regeneration. Direct upgrade from Grand Regent (more points).
Fabled Plate 4pc bonus - +45% block over 5 sec every 60 seconds
Regen is better than Life Steal as GF's do not generate enough DPS to make it worth it... Even with Endless consumption & a Conq GF, it is negligible. So the Fabled set is better than the Dread Legion on points strictly because Regen > Life Steal.
However, the Fabled Plate 4pc bonus is absolutely useless! It's a HAMSTER set. On the other hand, the Dread Legion 4pc bonus actually adds some tankiness that I find useful.
So, take it as you wish... Life Steal is not very useful, nor is the 4pc Fabled set bonus. Take the lesser of 2 turds.
You forgot something however.When y wear full set of grand regent you gain power =20%defense( for me this is 1100 power ).That makes me really unsureif i have to change my grand regent set.In addition i am not sure about the fomorian gear set(sword and shield ) versus the dread legion one gear set.They have almost the same stats.
The PWE Developers have this idea in their heads that every GF wants or needs to be a turtle and all the sets they have released after the game was released have followed this montra.
Here's hoping they eventually realize that their game doesn't want/need any "turtles". Proof of that can easily be expressed by how many players either shelved or deleted their GF's when they nerfed the Stalwart set into uselessness.
I believe that grand regent armor set is the best,although many think of timeless.Many gf's with timeless set have told me that they feel "week" in end game.
Lastly, i think that fomorian gear set maybe a little better that that of dread legion( with gear set i mean sword and shield )
2 pc High General, 2 pc Timeless or Knight Captain
PVE VT, CN, MC and SP:
Knight Captain T1 (Team buff)
PVE Grind & all other Epic DD's:
And yes, I really do run around with 3 sets. I also swap out my Lethal Berserker Belt for a Reinforced Frostpelt Girdle or Ancient Exorcist for Bloodied Frostwolf Pelt neck piece in certain scenarios.
Hope that helps!
One last question: which gear set would y take??Fomorian ,like yours or dread legion ???
Comparisons here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoLRo1M6-ypfdENfQkZQS05mWnFOYS1fcWE0VURzYVE&usp=sharing
The Formian is better because it does NOT have any Life Steal on it.
Reason I do not have the Grand Regent:
To get the most out of Grand Regent you must put everything you can into Defense, which often causes one to not have enough Armor Penetration or Critical Strike. Since I like to do good damage AND tank (hint to developers), I choose not to use any of the new sets and only use sets with Power & Armor Penetration on them.
It seems that both gear sets are quite close but y are right about life steal as we are not dps class.
I may see y in the game