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Opinions towards this build please. ^^

nahsinahsi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 24 Arc User
edited February 2014 in The Wilds
***Looking for sincere/constructive feedback if any opinions are towards alterations. I'm looking for advice after all, and am willing to take it if great points are made.

So I have been toying with the calculator and test server for quite some time now, trying to come up with a good balance for a PvE/PvP build. Hoping I finally have it nailed tight, but there are a couple still iffy for practicality. Keep in mind please that I am COMBAT spec. All 31 points.

Dungeon PvE: Primarily Ranged focused. (Thorn Ward/Split the Sky + Serpent/Twin-Blade Storm)
Solo PvE: Pure melee. (Clear the Ground + Blade Storm/Twin-Blade Storm)
PvP: Hybrid. (Disruptive Shot/Forest Ghost + Lone Wolf/Stormstep or Serpent)


3/3 Rapid
3/3 Split
3/3 Marauders
1/3 Seismic Shot
1/3 Aspect of the Falcon
3/3 Hindering
3/3 Rain
3/3 Forest Ghost
2/3 Forest Meditation
3/3 Thorns
3/3 Aspect of the Lone Wolf
3/3 Aimed
3/3 Constricting Arrow/Steel Breeze
3/3 Aspect of the Serpent
3/3 Boar
3/3 Split the Sky/Throw Caution
3/3 Blade Storm
3/3 Electric Shot/Clear the Ground
3/3 Disruptive Shot
3/3 Stormstep Action
3/3 Fox's Cunning/Fox Shift
3/3 Twin-Blade Storm


3/3 Weapon Mastery
2/3 Toughness
2/5 Swift Footwork
3/3 Agile Combatant
2/3 Endless Assault
3/3 Lucky Skirmisher
3/3 Scoundrel Training
2/3 Disciple of Dexterity

5/5 Seeker
5/5 Agile Hunter
5/5 Lethal Hunter
5/5 Bleeding Precision
5/5 Elusive Hunter
5/5 Expert Skirmisher
1/1 Master of Combat
Post edited by nahsi on


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    obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Wrt powers do not spec Electric/Clear the Ground. The damage is just that bad on the power. It becomes a marginally acceptable power by slotting Blade Storm, but that isn't an optimal choice either because it only procs in melee stance.

    Being 100% combat spec is also a bad plan; you want 10 points into Ranged for Black Arrow and Bloodthirsty - bloodthirsty in particular. This maximises jumping between Melee and Ranged far better than being 100% Combat will - after all more severity on your ranged crits => more DPS and more damage on your melee encounters also => more dps.

    For example fire Split (boost DPS while you are in melee), Maruader's in with +15% damage from Bloodthirsty...
    Or fire Split then pop Fox's Shift with +15% damage... etc

    As I have seen others point out HR DPS is about a constant assault of damage more than big bursts, so builds that acknowledge the 2 attack modes will just do more DPS over time than ones that are focused on one type of attack over the other.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
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    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
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    elminsterelminster Member Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    As a PvP build this is more than satisfactory and would give you plenty of burst. I'd probably run with Blade Storm instead of lone wolf, but that's my preference. I agree with Crane, lose Electric Shot. It's a bad skill with no beneficial effects and even worse damage. Even with Master of Combat and Blade Storm it just doesn't stack up enough damage to make it a viable skill against any serious targets.

    If you're looking at doing anything PvE you've already shot yourself in the foot. Try adding more hybrid into your build. Pull the points out of Master of Combat, Expert Skirmisher, Elusive Hunter, and a couple points from Bleeding Precision and put them into Black Arrow, Bloodthirsty and Correcting Aim. Then in combat you're going to change between a pure archery build to hybrid depending on the situation: For trash clearing or adds control on bosses stay archer with StS, TW and RoA. For boss burn go hybrid with ME/MR, RoA (don't use Fox Shift, it's too unpredictable for most bosses), and either HS or BR (I like HS because it's a fast strike and the roots help keep the boss under control). If you're tanking the boss use Rapid Strike instead of Aimed, if not use Aimed and try to keep a single stack of the DoT up as much as possible.

    Other than that just try to go with what feels right. Try new ideas and don't be afraid to improvise. And like I always say watch for class synergy, not just in your favor either. StS and GWF, RoA and CW, just to name a couple.
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