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Sword Coast Adventures - an idea

fyranwulffyranwulf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 36
My friends and I all enjoy Sword Coast Adventures, we all lead busy lives so having that no commitment environment is a great way to game between our normal day to day tasks. The one thing we had discussed lately is how much more fun this could be if 2 to 4 friends could send forth their champion and do SCA as a group like the days of yore...

There is no need to change the play style of Sword Coast Adventures, we find it quite fun as is, but yes that would be the icing, if we could group up and enjoy this passive game together.

Thanks for your time!

If anyone else wants to add to this idea feel free


Vanderghast Chambryl
, heir to Zhentish power
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